As he spoke, he pointed upwards, which clearly hinted at the direction of the imperial capital.


The fourth is more clear.

Chapter 110

China, the imperial capital.

As long as you understand everything.

Director Wei can be regarded as having been vaccinated in advance.

After all, when I think of some hobbies of that young master.

He had a terrible headache.

"I hope there will be no big trouble, otherwise it will not end well."

Director Wei found that he was doing all kinds of things for Zhang Chen to deal with the aftermath.

The person in charge of the Jiangdong branch of the dignified Demon Slayer Division.

Equivalent to local officials.

On identity, on status.

It is not much worse than the Jiangdong City Parents Officer, the great border official.

But he happened to meet Zhang Chen.

Then there are all kinds of help to deal with the aftermath.

My heart is bitter!

"Jiangdong Zhang Family?"

Gong Wanwan didn't realize anything for a moment.

But then after talking about it silently a few times.

I finally understand.

"The Jiangdong Zhang family?"

Her expression changed somewhat.

But it is different from the awe of Director Wei and Han Bai.

I don't know if it's the arrogance of being a major repairer.

Or other reasons.

Speaking of top giants like the Jiangdong Zhang family.

Surprised, but more dismissive in his tone.

Director Wei nodded, "It's the Jiangdong Zhang family."

"Brother Zhang helped me last night because of his personal relationship with me."

This is the art of speaking.

Director Wei also has selfish intentions, that's why he said this.

As for whether the inspector in front of me can understand.

it is not important!


What he needs is to let the people above know, and then it will play a decisive role in whether he can go further in the future.

Gong Wanwan really doesn't understand these tricks.

Hearing the words, there was not much emotional fluctuation.

He just frowned slightly and said, "Isn't the Jiangdong Zhang family an official family?"

This sentence means why Gong Wanwan is not like Director Wei and Han Bai.

Mention Jiangdong Zhang's family, full of awe.

Because she didn't think of herself as an ordinary person at all!

of course.

As a major repairer, she has already transcended her status!

Director Wei and Han Bai are even ghost slayers.

But one day can't become a level 7 judge, become a major repair!

Then they will always be ordinary people.

"That's true, but brother Zhang's situation is somewhat special."

Director Wei didn't know how to explain it either.

On the surface, Zhang Jiaming of Jiangdong is a top wealthy family.

He didn't have much contact with them, the demon slayers, the demon slayers, and even the demons slayer.

But who makes Zhang Chen special?

Gong Wanwan was even more puzzled, "Special? As far as I know, although the old man of the Zhang family is in the imperial capital, there has never been a ghost slayer in the family."

"You said he was the one who helped out last night. How did you do it?"

Horror ghost king!

Even Gong Wanwan herself was not fully sure.

able to kill it.

At most try to force back.

Protect the safety of more than 2000 million people in Jiangdong City.

How to do it?

Director Wei and Han Bai looked at each other.

I didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Is it difficult?

They want to say that Young Master Zhang has a special hobby?

Do you like raising monsters in your own home?

And if you want to raise it, just raise a ghost king level existence?

Say it.

Who would believe it?

"what happened?"

Gong Wanwan noticed a difference in Director Wei's and Han Bai's expressions.

She keenly noticed that the atmosphere was a bit weird, but she didn't understand what was going on.

After all, he wasn't someone like Director Wei who often had both ways.

Gong Wanwan still focuses more on cultivation.

Except for training.

It is to find powerful monsters and kill them!

Keep the public safe.

She is good at dealing with monsters.

In other respects, she is a very naive 20-year-old girl.

Director Wei coughed lightly, and then motioned for Han Bai to answer for him.

In fact, I couldn't think of a better rhetoric for a while.

He can't tell the whole story, tell the truth, can he?

"Master Inspector, Young Master Zhang is also a ghost hunter."

In many cases, young people have more flexible brains.

When Director Wei heard this, he gave Han Bai a look of admiration for your cleverness.

The latter is also understanding.

After hearing this, Gong Wanwan understood, "Is he a ghost hunter?"

Don't know why.

She always felt that Director Wei and Han Bai were hiding something from her.

But this feeling is very mysterious, and she is not easy to ask.

"Yes, Young Master Zhang is a ghost slayer. Last night, Young Master Zhang and his companion demon (cdac) prevented a disaster and prevented tens of millions of people from dying in Jiangdong City."

Han Bai's face didn't turn red, and his heart didn't beat.

He almost believed it himself.

This means that if you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself.

And think about it.

There's nothing wrong with what he said.

Gong Wanwan nodded when she heard the words, "If that's the case, then call him and I'll ask him in person."

"Master Inspector, I'm afraid there is something wrong with this matter."

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