"This place really fits the style of the Nether Palace gang."

to the place.

Zhang Chen got off the car and looked at the huge mountain.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This is one of the cemeteries in Koto City.


Zhang Chen went to this kind of place early in the morning.

Others bring beautiful girls.

Not to go shopping in upscale commercial plazas.

It is to take it to the scenic spot to cultivate sentiment.

But Zhang Chen was unique and brought them to the cemetery.

When entering the cemetery area.

The gatekeeper just looked up.

He didn't stop him, let alone ask.

Because it's not Ching Ming season.

The cemetery looked deserted.

And the temperature is much lower than outside.

"Brother Chen, it feels so strange here."

Ye Yiyi looked at the cemetery, but there was no one there.

Just a few staff members are doing routine maintenance.

Said something in a low voice.

"Oh? What's strange?"

Zhang Chen asked with a smile.

Ye Yiyi thought for a while, then pointed to the few staff not far away: "They look so strange."

It would be impolite to say this in person.

And it's empty all around.

No one was there either.

Although Ye Yiyi's voice was soft, it still reached the ears of those cemetery workers.


The other party raised his head, frowning with bad eyesight.

On the contrary, it was Xing Lingyun and Xia Ruyun, and the ghost in wedding dress looked normal.

Today, the wedding dress female ghost also changed her clothes.

After all, her bright red wedding dress was too conspicuous.

At this moment, I also changed into Hanfu.

This is also Zhang Chen's request, in his eyes.

The female ghost in wedding dress wears this kind of ancient costume, which has a special taste.

He found that every woman around him had his own unique dress.

For example, Xing Lingyun usually takes the image of a capable and strong woman.

Often dressed in an OL royal sister outfit.

And Xia Ruyun seems to be very fond of cheongsams, the wardrobe is full of these clothes.

As for Ye Yiyi.

This girl likes to wear JK series.

In addition, the female ghost in wedding dress loves ancient Han clothing.

Zhang Chen found that he had good eyesight every day.

"You little girl, how do you talk?"

The tone of the cemetery staff was not very good, obviously offended.

"Yes, sorry!"

Ye Yiyi quickly apologized, her little face flushed slightly.

She also realized that it was not polite to speak of others behind their backs just now.

But Zhang Chen touched her little head.

Then he smiled and said, "Yiyi, you are right, there is no need to apologize."

"Huh? Brother Chen? But just now I..."

"He's really weird."

Zhang Chen said with a smile, while the cemetery worker's expression was obviously mixed with anger.

"Young man, why are you so rude?"

"Is it impolite?"

Hearing the other party's questioning, Zhang Chen smiled.

Then suddenly there was a sword in his hand.

Taking a closer look, it is the exquisite mahogany sword that was obtained in the previous system lottery.

Then he raised the object in his hand, "This kind of thing shouldn't feel anything when it touches a person, right?"

After speaking, the face of the cemetery worker changed drastically!

Look surprised!

It was the thing in Zhang Chen's hand that he saw.

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he shook his hand and threw the mahogany sword in his hand.

In an instant!

Directly nail the cemetery worker to a certain tombstone.

"Brother Chen! That person!"

Ye Yiyi exclaimed.

Because she thought she would see the other party bleeding, and screamed out.

But I didn't expect to be nailed to the tombstone by a mahogany sword.

The other party did not scream, but suddenly burned up all over.

Just for a second or two.

reduced to ashes.

"Look, Yiyi, what you just said is right, this person is really strange."

Zhang Chen smiled and touched Ye Yiyi's little head again.

at this time.

Even children can find problems.

How could a living person burn if stabbed by a mahogany sword?

···Seeking flowers 0··

And at the moment of burning, Ye Yiyi saw with sharp eyes that the person was like a paper doll.

"Just, that person just now?"

Ye Yiyi realized something, her little face was a little nervous.

"A kind of puppet technique that many ghost masters can use."

Zhang Chen said while throwing away casually.

Immediately, more than a dozen high-quality mahogany swords flew out.

This is not some sword control technique, but simple muscle strength.

For an instant.

The dozen or so cemetery workers around them were turned into paper dummies and burned to ashes.

"Of course, many evil cultivators like to play this kind of ghost trick the most."

Zhang Chen seemed to have done such a trivial thing.

At the same time earnestly teach.

And this time.

Originally sunny weather.

Sudden sudden change!

The dark clouds directly made the sky dark.

The weather forecast before going out was sunny.

But now, the whole cemetery is blowing.

Howling and howling.

It's exactly like arriving at a mass grave.

"Where did the little devil come from, dare to come here to play wild!"

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