"Three level 8 evil cultivators!"

He also has no idea.

Both Yang Baoguo and Gong Wanwan are level 8 judges and inspectors.

It is no problem to deal with any evil cultivator in the Nether Palace.

How many to deal with, or at the same time?

This is difficult for some strong people.


All every move.

All under Zhang Chen's gaze.

Including the whereabouts of people in the Nether Palace.

There is also the move by the Demon Slayer.

and so.

"You really are a hot-blooded girl, you can do everything according to your own temperament?"

Zhang Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

He actually knew Gong Wanwan's character.

But the characters in the pen have a different feeling from meeting them in reality.

"But that's good too, it makes things easier."

From the very beginning, Zhang Chen never let go of Xing Lingyun's little hand.

Never get tired of playing.

"You don't want my sister and the people from the Nether Palace to do it, do you?"

Seeing Zhang Chen's thoughts, Xing Lingyun couldn't help showing a worried look...

In fact.

Zhang Chen really had this plan.

So I didn't hide it.

He nodded and said, "Your sister's personality also needs to make her suffer."

"Otherwise, do you really think that everything in this world can be solved with a passion for blood?"

Xing Lingyun found that she couldn't refute.

But the worry is still real, so he said softly: "I, I'm afraid that something will happen to her."

What is the Netherworld.

Does Xing Lingyun know?

At the beginning, she had a lot of dealings with the evil cultivators of the Nether Palace.

Zhang Chen couldn't help feeling that the restoration of the world line was really powerful.

It can naturally perfectly integrate the world of the second main line and the world of the first main line.

Just like it is now.

Xing Lingyun naturally had a lot of memories in her mind.

The same goes for the Demon Slayer.

It seems that they are born to be opposed to the Nether Palace.

It never occurred to me that the original two world lines did not merge with each other.

They will never be together for eight lifetimes.

"Don't worry, she is your sister, how could I be willing to let her have an accident?"

Zhang Chen said with a smile, it was a relief.

It's also true.


There are other purposes too.

Xing Lingyun seems to have guessed Zhang Chen's little thought.

Can't help but give someone a blank look.



She didn't think about it at all.

Isn't it good to follow Zhang Chen?

When you are an older sister, you must also think about your younger sister!

Not real sisters but better than real sisters.

Xing Lingyun also has a sense of crisis, after Xia Ruyun and the female ghost in wedding dress appeared again.

This is a real big challenge!

In Jiangdong City.

No one can avoid Zhang Chen's eyeliner.

The Demon Slayer can't do it, and the Nether Palace can't do it either.

So where the group of people in the Nether Palace stayed.

He arrived in front of Zhang Chen immediately. 0.2

But look at that location.

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose slightly.

Because this group of people ended up in a five-star hotel under his name.


Or on purpose?

Zhang Chen didn't care, anyway, he was knowing about that flight.

After that girl.

He knew his plan was successful.

Suddenly two prey came.

Let him, the hunter, start to get excited.

The key is now these two fat prey.

There is going to be a face-to-face collision.

"It should be very exciting, right?"

Zhang Chen took Xing Lingyun alone.

Ye Yiyi, Xia Ruyun and the wedding gown ghost all stood still.

After all, this is just a greeting in the past, not a military meeting.


What if you scare people away?

Finally, he attracted the two prey into the trap he dug.

Can't let them run away.


The fourth change, complete the daily [-]D update

Try to update a chapter before going to bed.

Chapter 118

In Jiangdong City, a five-star hotel.

Among the crowds coming and going.

A beautiful figure has attracted the attention of many people.

Seventeen or eighteen years old.

The appearance is excellent, the temperament is dusty.

Plus that pair of pure and flawless beautiful eyes.

It made many old naughty skins eager to move.

"What a beautiful girl!"

"So beautiful, is she a star?"

"What star, this is much more beautiful than a star!"

"I don't know who is lucky enough to be her boyfriend."

There are all kinds of voices around.

The girl had disappeared from their sight.

After all, Jiangdong City is an international metropolis with a population of more than 2000 million.

Therefore, there will be no such bloody plots where bums come out to do evil.

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