All of a sudden blocked the mouth of Yoyo.


When the episode happened in the hotel lobby.

In fact, Zhang Chen has already arrived here.

He even saw Gong Wanwan's aggressive style through the monitoring.

It was exactly as he imagined.

"It really is a little pepper."

Zhang Chen is very interested.

He traveled to the present day.

There are all types of women I come into contact with.

But little pepper has not met.

and so.

I want to enter the top of the canyon double row game with her.

It must be a different feeling.

"Mr. Zhang, what do you think of this way?"

The general manager of the hotel stood aside with a smile.

As a senior gold collar with an annual salary of one million.

He really cares about his job.

I learned that Zhang Chen, the boss, came to the hotel in person.

Get up from the rest room in the general manager's office immediately.

Regardless of the secretary's resentful eyes. 907

Come to Zhang Chen at the fastest speed.

Then, I happened to see this episode in the hotel lobby.

It almost didn't scare him to death.

I was really afraid that Zhang Chen, the boss in front of me, would be dissatisfied and fire him directly.

"Well handled."

Zhang Chen naturally saw the nervousness of the general manager of the hotel.

He even knew that this guy just got up from the woman.

But he doesn't care about the life style of the employees below.

As long as you can do things, do good things.

That's talent.

"Mr. Zhang praised it absurdly. This is what it should be! It should be!"

The general manager of the hotel wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

From the very beginning, he lowered his head halfway.

He didn't dare to look up at all.

Because Zhang Chen was accompanied by an extremely beautiful female companion.

He knew that at this time, he tried his best to keep his eyes fixed on the ground in front of him.

is the most appropriate way to deal with it.

As an old fritter who has worked hard in the workplace for more than ten years.

Knowing that many times, a casual little thing.

It is enough to lose his golden job.

"Go, arrange for someone to put these things away."

He directly pointed to several boxes not far away.

The general manager of the hotel was puzzled, but did not ask further questions.

Arrangements for hotel security and other personnel were quickly made to start the work.

And it is the fastest speed!

No reason needed.

What the boss ordered, the people below only need to do it.


Think about your own job first.



Can't write anymore

Updated [-] words yesterday

Today's five chapters are almost [-] words

I can't hold it with my fingers.

Chapter 119

"I collected a wave of contribution points before, but there is room for use."

What did Zhang Chen put in those boxes?

All are dao talismans.

And they are all high-level dao talismans.

One requires 10 contribution points!

Even if he has money, he can krypton gold.

Normally, I can't bear such a waste.

But who made the previous Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, he earned tens of thousands of contribution points?

So rich and powerful, don't care at all.

Bought several boxes at the system store in one go.

that's it.

It took less than [-] contribution points.


Zhang Chen could see it, after the system was upgraded.

In reality, money and wealth have become less and less valuable.

It's not as good as killing some demons and ghost hunters.

"Does this count as the system encouraging me to take the path of killing?"

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

Whether it is or not.

It is impossible for him to be led by the nose.

Even the system can't decide what he should do and what he shouldn't do.

Stick to your heart and do whatever you want.

"If you can't act according to your own mood when you are a villain, what is the difference between you and the child of luck?"

Zhang Chen recognized this point.

He's just an old jerk.

They are followers of Prime Minister Cao.

Anyway, he's not tired of poaching.

When did you get bored.

Then consider changing the style.


The efficiency of the hotel is indeed fast.

It took less than half an hour.

They put the Dao Talismans that Zhang Chen gave them around the entire hotel.

No matter how many questions there are, they also know that work is important.

The key is Zhang Chen.

Doing things has always been more atmospheric.

All the people who helped him get a bonus of 1 yuan afterwards.

Don't underestimate 1 yuan.

For many hotel workers.

That's the equivalent of two months' salary!

The key is also tax-free!

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