There was a smile on the girl's face, and the two of them looked like a couple with a very good relationship.

Zhang Chen even saw the girl approaching him.

come before him.

And unceremoniously took the opponent's weak and boneless little hand.

"Are you satisfied with my arrangement this time?"

Zhang Chen did not deny at all that he was the mastermind behind the scenes.

even asked with a smile.

The girl covered her mouth and chuckled, not even resisting Zhang Chen taking advantage of her.

Instead, she took the initiative to snuggle up, leaned on Zhang Chen's chest and said, "Can you tell me the reason?"

"of course……"

Zhang Chen moved closer to the girl's ear.

Since the other party is so active, he will naturally not be polite.

He even embraced the other party domineeringly.

In the end, he said lightly, "To get you!"

The girl smiled, and the smile was beautiful.

Very voluptuous.

Those eyes are mesmerizing.

In sharp contrast to her appearance.

"That concubine is really flattered!"

The two sides did not seem to have the slightest sword in hand.

But at this time.

In the depths of the girl's eyes, there was a strange light.

But right now.

Zhang Chen blew against her earlobe.

"Don't worry, I will never dislike you for being too old."

I wanted to kill Zhang Chen at close range.

Then leave the hotel.

Who would have thought of Zhang Chen's words.

Let the girl's face turn green!


Women are most taboo about others talking about her age!

Especially older women....

How do you say this?

The lethality is not strong, but the insult is extremely high!


Still such a pretty girl.

Did you say she was old?

Don't you dislike her for being old?


That moment.

The girl changed her mind.


That soft and waxy voice was matched with the girl's coquettish and shy expression.

"I'm not as old as you said, little brother!"

It can make the bones of any man in the world crisp.

Even if the will is re-identified.

At least for a moment, in a trance?

But she happened to meet the special case of Zhang Chen.

Looking at this beautiful, youthful and beautiful person in front of me.

And a very charming girl.

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

He enjoyed the process of teasing each other.

The girl didn't know this, and even had a plan in her heart at this moment.

"Dare to say that my mother is old? If you don't dig out this brat's heart and squeeze out the juice, I will take his surname!"

How many years!

She was the only one who teased or even teased others.

No one dared to do this to her?

Even if she hides her identity this time, no one knows who she is.

But still so angry!

She was so angry that she was about to vomit blood, on the surface the girl still looked shy.

It is indeed a master.

Zhang Chen grabbed the opponent's little hand that wanted to hammer his chest, and then pushed it directly against the corner.


"Little brother, you are really bad, you are the only one!"

The girl pursed her lips, her pink cherry lips were particularly mouth-watering.

and so.

Zhang Chen was not polite.

Bullied directly.

Cherry 0.2 flavor?

Unexpectedly sweet?

"It's still 80, I don't care."

Zhang Chen raised his head and thought about it a little bit.

The girl who looked directly at the smile almost couldn't hold back.

The essential!

She was raped?

Came back to realize what happened.

The girl suddenly flew into a rage!

I never want to play such boring games with Zhang Chen again.

The expression on his face instantly became gloomy and cold.

"you wanna die!"


A powerful aura bloomed from the girl's body.

The demonic energy unique to the ghost slayer is even more undisguised.

Obviously, Zhang Chen's actions completely angered the girl.

If it wasn't for Zhang Chen's sudden arrival, then all of a sudden.

The girl is really interested in getting to know Zhang Chen better.

but now.

The girl changed her mind.

She wanted to kill the hateful man in front of her who dared to take advantage of her and take away her first kiss!


Today's fourth change

I can't write at night, maybe I haven't had enough sleep in the past two days, let me rest

In addition, the book has a new cover, which is very beautiful.

Chapter 123


Just about to start.

Suddenly, a golden beam of light fell from the sky!

Directly disperse the huge devilish energy on the girl.

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