Even she didn't understand.

Why should I be afraid?

He even blurted out: "Yes, I'm sorry..."

But then reacted.

With a sudden expression of embarrassment, "You! What do you mean?"

"Elder? Why didn't I know you were my elder?!"

Gong Wanwan's temperament is actually not delicate and capricious.

It was just that he was irritated by Zhang Chen's tone just now, plus some other reasons.

It made her a little angry all of a sudden.

It's a pity that Zhang Chen completely ignored her.

Instead, he passed Gong Wanwan, looked at Xing Lingyun and asked, "Did you tell her?"

"not yet."

Xing Lingyun shook her head.

She knew what Zhang Chen meant.

But still a little hesitant, some concerns.

Zhang Chen is different.

"Since you didn't say it, let me say it."

After finishing speaking, he looked directly at the girl in front of him, "I am your sister's man, that is, your brother-in-law!"


TodayChapter 3

Try to hit the impact again and update more than [-] words a day!

Ask for flowers!monthly pass!Review vote! .

Chapter 126


Hear Zhang Chen's explanation.

Gong Wanwan was dumbfounded.

She tried countless possibilities.

Zhang Chen didn't know the process of reuniting with sister Xing Lingyun this time.

But I can guess it.

Look at this beyond recognition, as if swept away by a typhoon of level [-].

Just guess it.

But Gong Wanwan would never think of it.

Zhang Chen actually claimed to be her brother-in-law?

"Well, good."

Zhang Chen nodded lightly, "Elder sister is like a mother, so my brother-in-law can also be regarded as your elder."

"Remember to be more polite next time, your sister loves you, but I won't!"

A series of shocks.

Let Gong Wanwan remain in a dazed state.

"Next time if you are still so rude, the family law will serve you!"

Zhang Chen made a final decision and finalized the matter like this.


Family law?

Of course it was Zhang Chen's original method.

And this time.

Gong Wanwan finally came to her senses.

"You! You are weak!"

She's not a three-year-old girl, doesn't she realize that Zhang Chen is taking advantage of her?

While angry.

Gong Wanwan suddenly realized something.

His expression changed suddenly, "Zhang Chen, are you crazy?!"

"She is no longer human! She is a demon! She is a monster!"

"You actually said peace, with her?"

His face was full of disbelief, anger, doubt and other emotions intertwined on his face.

Gong Wanwan really couldn't believe that there are people in this world who are with monsters?

"She's a monster! You're a human!"

This sentence.

Gong Wanwan yelled out almost exhausted her strength!

Love is deeply hateful.

This sentence is most suitable for her.

And how lethal are these words?


Zhang Chen saw a trace of sadness on Xing Lingyun's face.

For her, Gong Wanwan is her most cherished sister.

Not real sisters but better than real sisters.

If there is no Zhang Chen.

Gong Wanwan is Xing Lingyun's only spiritual sustenance, and it is also after her demonization and degeneration.

The reason why he can still maintain his humanity and has not been corroded by the evil instinct of demons.


Zhang Chen's face turned cold, "Slap me!"

He was never a nice guy.

Not even a saint.

Zhang Chen only lives for himself, but he will never tolerate anyone harming those around him.

Even if!

This person is very beautiful and can be regarded as his target prey.

But the same will not be lighthearted!

So there was a touch of coldness in Zhang Chen's eyes!

It has even faintly begun to change towards killing intent.


The crisp and loud applause echoed directly in the silent hotel lobby.

"Are you awake?"

Zhang Chen's voice was as cold as the twelfth lunar month.

Even colder than demons and ghosts.

He didn't make a move.

But let the Nether Palace take the initiative.

And this time.

The Lord of the Nether Palace also looked angry and helpless.

She couldn't refuse Zhang Chen's request at all.

Let her go up and slap her mouth, and she really can't help going up and doing it.

Of course, this slap goes up.

The Lord of the Nether Palace didn't spare any strength.

Anyway, it can't be killed.


Gong Wanwan's originally beautiful half of her face was swollen.

"You, you hit me?"

She raised her head in disbelief, but after thinking about it carefully, she was wrong.

The person who did it was not Zhang Chen, but this innocent little beauty in front of him.

Then suddenly realized the identity of the other party.

Before that, the two women had fought!

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