It is impossible for them to meet.


Zhang Chen sat in the car, waiting quietly.

Except for him.

Xia Yanshuang was right in front of him.

Ever since the Lin family was almost wiped out.

The huge Lin family property is nominally controlled by Lin Xi, the only orphan of the Lin family.

Xia Yanshuang also naturally gained more power.

It can be said that Lin's group now has hundreds of billions of assets.

Everything is under the control of this woman lying in front of Zhang Chen.

In Jiangdong City.

Xia Yanshuang has already become a well-known business woman.

Frequent appearances on television media.

Beauty, wisdom, and status under various auras.

I don't know how to become the goddess that many men can't dream of.

How many people think they are handsome and rich, or rich and powerful.

Everyone wants to kiss Fangze.

However, they had no chance, and some even had the guts to make some small moves.

But it disappeared the next day, as if the world had evaporated.

And this Jiangdong City, and even the most influential business woman in the eastern coastal area.

At this moment, Zhang Chen was allowed to make various demands.

at this time.

The door is opened.

Zhang Chen didn't respond at all, as if he already knew who got into the car.

But Xia Yanshuang paused.

He didn't even look up, just glanced at him.


Zhang Chen closed his eyes and asked.

It was Lin Xi who opened the car door and came up.

She blushed slightly, although there were some things she couldn't accept at first.

But that's how people are.

Very adaptable.

After one or two times, I slowly accepted it.

like now.

She averted her gaze, presumably to ease her embarrassment.

Nodding slightly, "I see."

"Zhang Chen, can I kill him?"

After Lin Xi finished speaking, she suddenly asked.

Probably because after the corpse became a zombie, Lin Xi's personality also changed subtly.

It may also be influenced by Zhang Chen.

It was absolutely impossible for the former Lin Xi to say such a thing.

but now.

She could be so confident, and asked Zhang Chen lightly if he could kill someone.

"Yes, as long as you can."

Zhang Chen didn't intend to stop him.

Although Lin Xi's reaction surprised him, it aroused his interest instead.

Zhang Chen nodded in agreement.

A smile suddenly appeared on Lin Xi's face, and she seemed to be looking forward to it.

Like a child waiting for a reward from his parents.

Lowering his head, pinching the hem of his clothes, he asked cautiously: "Then, if I can kill that person, can I help you?"


Is this still the proud and aloof Bai Fumei senior belle?

Those who didn't know thought that Lin Xi was possessed by Ye Yi.

It can only be said that it is subtle and habitual.

Really works.

In fact, Zhang Chen was not too harsh on Lin Xi.

He didn't treat her badly.

But Lin Xi is not stupid.

The women around Zhang Chen followed one another, and the difference could be seen from Zhang Chen's attitude towards them.

Lin Xi is a very strong girl with high self-esteem.

So she swore secretly that she must find a chance to prove herself.

Now is the chance.

Who is Zhang Chen?

He naturally saw that Lin Xi's mentality had changed, and he didn't refuse.

Nodding with a smile, "If you can really kill Xiao Han, set a date and we will hold a wedding."

Host a wedding!

If this sentence was more than a month ago.

The reaction Lin Xi heard must have been an angry answer: Impossible!

Even if she was killed, she would not marry Zhang Chen.

but now.

But like the best encouragement in the world.

Lin Xi was a little excited, and his face became more and more red.

"I, I will definitely succeed!"

My mentality has changed.

Don't know when to start.

Lin Xi's mentality has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the past, she hated Zhang Chen, even spurned him.

But with more and more contact time, all kinds of enigmatic charms on Zhang Chen made Lin Xi fall completely.

She couldn't tell the difference.

The reason why I fell in love with Zhang Chen now.

In the end it was because of Zhang Chen's overbearing, tough and despicable.

Or because I saw Zhang Chen's excellence in all aspects.


It is often so contradictory.

Zhang Chen rarely showed a gentle expression, and stretched out his hand to pull Lin Xi over.

The latter also bowed his head and snuggled up very obediently.

The family will live in harmony.

Zhang Chen also wanted to promote the relationship between Xia Yanshuang and Lin Xi, mother and daughter.

Even if they are not mothers and daughters, they are worse than raising them.

Xia Yanshuang really had nothing to say to Lin Xi, her niece.

Zhang Chen also hopes that they can have a harmonious relationship and become his right-hand man together, right?

like now.

"I didn't expect Lin Xi's temper to be here today."

Zhang Chen closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth (promised) raised.

His tenderness is not fake.

But the heart is calmer than ever.

"Stockholm Syndrome? Interesting."

The changes in Lin Xi are actually a good thing for her.

After all, this is the only way to strive to stay by Zhang Chen's side.

Otherwise, Zhang Chen has been thinking about it several times.

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