But when he turned the corner.

The picture that came into view directly made Xiao Han stupid.

In front of him.

A few meters away.

A beautiful, pure and innocent girl.

He opened his mouth and bit the snow-white neck of another girl.

Scarlet blood is flowing.

Xiao Han couldn't believe that scene.

Because that one bite on the girl's neck.

A pure and beautiful woman who is swallowing the opponent's blood.

no one else.

It was Lin Xi, the campus flower of Jiangdong University!


Seventh more.

Chapter 148

Who would have thought.

The campus belle of Kodong University who looks pure, beautiful and aloof.

Could it be a zombie?

Xiao Han definitely couldn't think of it.

I never thought about it in that direction.

It's not that he's stupid, and it's not that he's stupid.

Instead, he was blinded by Lin Xi's beautiful appearance.

Humanity is like that.

Can't blame anyone.

And this time.

Xiao Han was completely stunned.

Just looking at him just now in the same classroom as him.

Even after class, the girl who talked a few words in the corridor of the teaching building.

Being sucked blood by a beautiful woman.

The picture was not so much eerie.

Rather, it is full of a strange beauty!

Xiao Han discovered this secret by mistake.

But he would never think of it.

The so-called blundering was actually a game!

And the person who set up the game was not Lin Xi, but Zhang Chen!

In a brief silence.

Xiao Han stared at the scene in front of his eyes in a daze.

Watching several young and beautiful girls being sucked blood.

Even he saw.

before he comes.

Lin Xi, the school belle of countless Jiangdong University boys who are regarded as the goddess of coldness.

He has already sucked the blood of more than one person!


The girl she was pressing against the wall at this moment was the last one.

Beside Lin Xi, there were a few girls with distracted eyes.

He looked like he was drunk and hungover, and he was in a daze.

Xiao Han finally woke up.

Even if it is the son of luck, after all, it is a young man who has just turned 20 years old.

Claimed to have lived two lives.

But Xiao Han received a box lunch at the age of 21 in his last life.

The sudden change really made him not know what to do for a while.

Wait for a response.

Immediately tentatively asked a family.

"Lin, classmate Lin!?"

That is the question.

Let Lin Xi let go of the round-faced girl and raise her head.

What kind of eyes are those?

Blood red, cold, addicted and greedy.

It doesn't look like a human being at all!

Except for that beautiful face, Xiao Han still moved his heart as always.

"what are you doing?!"

Xiao Han was still wondering if he had misunderstood the wrong person.

Now I finally understand.


That's right!

Lin Xi didn't answer, but let go of her hand.

Let the round-faced girl stand there in a daze.

Just like the other little sisters around.

The round-faced girl was also dizzy, as if drunk and hungover.


Lin Xi gracefully scraped the blood from the corner of her lips into her mouth.

The smell of blood fascinated her.

After all, he was a zombie, so he couldn't resist that impulse at all.

of course.

Lin Xi is also very picky, even if she has to drink blood.

They all choose pure girls, as for the others?

She finds it dirty.

"Student Lin, who are you?!"

What a standard prologue?

Xiao Han's face was serious, but he looked at Lin Xi with complicated eyes.

It is impossible for any man to be indifferent to this beautiful school belle in front of him.

He Xiao Han is also a man, he used to feel inferior and dare not imagine.

Now he has power over ordinary people.

Let him have more confidence, even desire.

"They are your classmates, aren't you friends?!"

Xiao Han has already recognized the identities of the girls whose blood was sucked by Lin Xi.

It was just a few good girlfriends who had a good relationship with Lin Xi not long ago.

Who would have thought!

"You! You actually attacked them? Don't you have any humanity?!"

Standing on the moral high ground?

Most of the moves used by the son of luck.

Xiao Han said these words naturally.

Even his reactions are different from ordinary people.

Lin Xi looked at Xiao Han and didn't even bother to explain.

On the contrary, the eyes became more and more dangerous, "Ms. Ben was still thinking about how to kill you."

"I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself!"

You heard that right.

This is Lin Xi's tone.

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