Their bodies, flesh and blood including souls.

They were all swallowed by the summoning banner.

The old man stretched out his hand to grab it, and saw a crystal more beautiful than a ruby ​​falling into his hand.

Originally this thing.

It's on the ring of the owner of the manor.

at this time.

The figure of Xiaoguo patrolling appeared outside.

And many people came.

At least hundreds of heavily armed small countries are patrolling.

It was probably the distress signal sent by the owner of the manor before, so that the imperial court of the small country sent people to rescue.

But a pity.

5 minute later.

It was calm again.

The old man left directly.

from start to finish.

Just him.


Not long after the old man left the manor, he saw someone appearing in front of him.

The attitude of the other party is very respectful.

"What's the matter?"

"The master ordered that all the blood spar be sent to a company in Jiangdong City, Huaxia Kingdom."


There was a hint of surprise on the old man's originally expressionless face.

In his hand, there is a blood spar.

It was obtained from the owner of the manor just now.

In addition, he has more than one blood spar on his body.

"Palace master's order?"

The old man hesitated, but the person who appeared in front of him nodded, "The Palace Master's Nether Order appears."

"Huaxia Kingdom? Jiangdong City?"

The old man frowned.

He is the biggest villain organization, one of the elders of Nether Palace.

He is a powerful level 8 evil cultivator!

The soul-calling banner just now is a magic weapon for his cultivation.

There are at least 10 monsters and ghosts in it.

The most powerful one is a terrifying ghost king!

Of course it's just the weakest kind of ghost king.

But it is also enough for him to have the power to protect himself in front of a level 9 overhaul.

Such a person, after hearing the name of the Lord of the Nether Palace.

Immediately showed a look of awe.


Or Southeast Asia.

Another no man's land.

The sky suddenly became dark.

Immediately afterwards, dark clouds were seen, and then turned into a terrible grimace.

The grimace gradually turned into a figure.

"The palace master actually personally issued the Nether Order?"

Out of the dark clouds, a person came out.

In front of him was a small town.

But it was already empty.

The small town with a population of over a thousand had long since been killed by him.

The whole town was outraged.

But for an evil cultivator like him, it is the best nourishment.

"Huaxia Kingdom? Jie Jie Jie! I want to go back a long time ago! How can this kind of shitty place have as many resources as Huaxia Kingdom?"

Similar scenario.

Occurs in numerous areas of Southeast Asia.

How many evil cultivators are there in the Nether Palace?

Even they themselves don't know.

But without exception.

No one dared to disobey the orders of the Lord of the Nether Palace.

Whether it's ordinary evil cultivators, or those powerful evil cultivators above level 7.

The Lord of the Nether Palace is like a mountain, pressing down on them.

Leave them breathless.

Someone once wanted to rely on his own strength to challenge the authority of the Lord of the Nether Palace.

In the end, there are no exceptions.

Dead body.

Among them, a terrifying veteran overhaul at level 9 was included.

Rumor has it that he has controlled three ghost kings and has lived for more than 100 years!

Absolutely old fashioned.

But it ended badly.

the next day.

The evil cultivators of the Nether Palace headed towards the Huaxia Kingdom one after another.

All kinds of flights, ocean liners.

Although the legal status has been done before going.

But so many evil cultivators suddenly ran to the territory of Huaxia.

Will it really not be noticed?


In fact.

The intelligence network of the Demon Killing Division is very powerful!

It is even more overwhelming than the special yamen in the name of Huaxia Kingdom.


Magic Slayer noticed something strange.

After finding out that many entry identities are suspicious, check and confirm the identity.

those in charge of the investigation.

Just stupid!

They immediately sent the news back to the Magic Slayer Division headquarters.

Among them, the Jiangdong Branch was even more nervous!

Because they discovered that all the evil cultivators who entered the country.

All of them are heading towards Jiangdong City.

"Crazy! Do those people want to provoke a full-scale conflict between good and evil?"

Regardless of the people in the Jiangdong branch.

It's still the headquarters of the Demon Killing Department in the imperial capital.

After hearing the news.

There is only one response.

"Are these people in the Nether Palace crazy?"

However, there is no solution to this matter.

Another sudden news.

Some people in the Demon Slayer Division were caught off guard.


Xiao Han opened his eyes.

All night.

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