
Zhang Chen watched with relish.

Xiao Han's reaction was within his expectation.

"Sure enough, honey is confident. At this time, what I want is not to run, but to be hard steel."

"Oh, you have accumulated quite a lot during this time? There are actually two deadly ghosts?"

"Courage is commendable, but courage alone is not enough."

He not only watched with relish.

And also comment from time to time.

Such a famous scene.

But quite rare.

Just as he expected.

Because Zhang Chen made an early move, the soul-calling ceremony that should have taken more time to complete ended early.

The evil cultivator of Nether Palace successfully merged the three ghost kings together.

As such.

The balance of power is broken.

Even this gap is in the eyes of others.

Not even the slightest miracle will happen.

How strong is Xiao Han?

Even as a child of luck, his strength has improved rapidly.

But it's only been less than a month.

Riding the rocket is not so fast that he can compete with the peak ghost king?

"At this level, simply comparing strength, is it stronger than Yun'er?"

Zhang Chen's judgment on the strength of monsters is also much stronger than before the crossing.

like now.

The same is the ghost king.

The ugly monster in front of him was forcibly fused with three ghost kings!

The power is naturally different.

Far above ordinary ghost kings.

The girls around Zhang Chen looked at them from his point of view.

Probably only Xing Lingyun and Palace Master Nether can win steadily.

Xia Ruyun was a little short, and the wedding dress female ghost should be between brothers.

of course.

This is only temporary.

The daughter of luck is the daughter of luck after all.

The ceiling of strength is much higher than that of ordinary ghost kings and monsters.

Just like the monster in front of me, it has reached its limit.

But the girls around Zhang Chen are far from their potential limit.

The future is expected.

for a short time.

The battle situation is quite fierce, Xiao Han's resilience and shit luck.

It's really amazing.

"Is this luck protection?"

Zhang Chen saw with his own eyes the evil cultivator of the Nether Palace manipulating the ugly ghost king.

With a slap, Xiao Han was sent flying.

And the ghost zombies controlled by Xiao Han.

It can't even show the slightest effect in front of the ghost king.

Either torn to shreds or pinched to burst.

Anyone who saw it believed that Xiao Han must die.

Even You Ruo felt strange, "That kid, it's a bit strange."



Being beaten into the air by the ghost king, ordinary people would have already been smashed to pieces.

No matter how bad it is, it will be eroded by the powerful demonic energy of the ghost king.

Like Xiao Han, he got up without saying a word.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he looked like a normal person.

But even so.

He was still grabbed by the neck by the ghost king and lifted into the air.

As usual.

At this time, he directly killed a hundred people.

But the aura of reducing wisdom of the son of luck began to activate.

"The villain died of too much talk."

Zhang Chen shook his head.

In front of him just now, he was a clever and decisive evil cultivator of the Nether Palace.

In front of Xiao Han, when the winning ticket is in his hands.

Become a chatterbox.

That corny villain line.

Zhang Chen was tired of hearing it, it was the same over and over again.

It seems that in various film and television dramas and novels and comics, there is always a villain.

Always show off your superiority and pride on such occasions.


as predicted!

An accident happened.


"¨々jiejiejie! Kid, with your three-legged cat ability, you want to fight this old man?"

What does it mean for a villain to die from talking too much?

Dignified level 8 overhaul.

One of the elders of Nether Palace.

Guitu verified this with his own experience.

Obviously he could kill someone immediately, but he wanted to say a few more words.


A red light flashed in front of my eyes!

An extremely strong evil breath pierced Guitu's forehead instantly.

Take a closer look.

Xiao Han was clearly grabbed by the neck of the ghost king and lifted in the air.

But just at that moment!

The red rope on his wrist suddenly turned into a red light.

Followed by.

With such a level 8 overhaul, Gui Tu died suddenly on the spot.

It verified Zhang Chen's previous guess.

Before the luck was completely exhausted, Xiao Han, the son of luck, was indeed at a critical juncture.

There will be means of overturning beyond logic.


Xiao Han fell to the ground, as if his whole body was exhausted.

"It's okay! I have this amulet left by my parents!"

"If it weren't for this, I would die here today!"

After the catastrophe, I secretly rejoiced for the rest of my life.

Xiao Han touched the red rope in his hand.

At this moment, it has become dim, and the original bright red has turned into a dark red.

(promise well)

But the danger is not over yet.

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