Second more two.

Chapter 172

Zhang Chen knew this.

So today I intentionally brought Gong Wanwan out alone.

And he chose the villa in front of him.

Of course, there are other reasons for choosing this place.

The second Blood Moon is coming soon.

At that time, there will be a complete resurgence of terror all over the world.

Adhere to the stability and concealment for 20 years.

It will also be broken.

And the most direct manifestation of the horror coming.

that is!

Demonic energy emerges!

But the emergence of magic energy is not generated in all places.

It is only noticeable in special places.

It is similar to the revival of aura in the plane of cultivating immortals.

However, the rejuvenation and reiki are usually in the deep mountains and old forests, in places of interest.

Even some geomantic treasures are different.

The emergence of magic energy is irregular, it may be in the city, or it may be in the wilderness.

The reason why Zhang Chen bought the villa in front of him.

It is in this place, the place where Jiangdong City's devilish energy emerges!

  Wait for that time.

For ordinary people, the emergence of magic energy means death!


Hundred Ghosts Night Walk!

is the root of fear.

But for demons and ghost slayers, the emergence of demonic energy is more like a heavenly fortune!

It's an opportunity!

That's why Zhang Chen took this opportunity to move his family here.

Of course, this kind of thing will not be mentioned for the time being.

What he has to do now is to reveal some secrets about Demon Slayer.

Let Gong Wanwan know.

Zhang Chen smiled and said nothing, obviously he raised his head.

But deliberately to tantalize.

"Oh! You said it! I'm so anxious!"

Seeing that Zhang Chen opened his head, he didn't speak.

Gong Wanwan stomped her feet angrily.

She had never seen such a shameless man, and she had already given in.

And it was taken advantage of a lot.

"It's a long story."

Zhang Chen felt emotional on purpose, but didn't say anything.

At the same time, he looked at his sister-in-law with a half-smile.


Gong Wanwan gritted her white teeth lightly, as if she had made up her mind.

Then, blushing, she took the initiative to pull Zhang Chen's hand over and pressed it against her chest.

"That's all right!"

It's not easy, this little pepper seems to really want to know the truth.

How could Zhang Chen be polite.

Of course, he didn't cross the river and demolish the bridge, after whetting his appetite.

Finally, he opened his mouth to tell the secret that was unknown back then.

"I do know who framed your sister, and even why he did it."

Could he not know?

It's all set by him.

Gong Wanwan blushed, and she didn't care that Zhang Chen, a shy old man, was not polite at all.

It hurt her to scratch.

Excitedly asked: "Who is it?! Who is it! Let me know, I must make him pay the price!"

This is not the wailing of an ignorant little girl.

Gong Wanwan's character is the type that dares to love and hate.

And somewhat impulsive.

"But you sure you want to know?"

Zhang Chen whetted his appetite again, and his expression was quite weird.

Immediately rush Gong Wanwan!

I can't wait to pounce on this shameless man in front of me and bite him to death.

But she still suppressed her anger and nodded fiercely.

"Tell me! No matter who he is, I will make him pay the price!"

The reason why the reaction was so strong was also because of the deep love between Gong Wanwan and Xing Lingyun.

They were in the orphanage together back then, and were later elected to the Demon Slayer Division.

Not real sisters, better than real sisters.

Originally, the two sisters had already made their mark in the Demon Slayer Division.

Let countless people envy.

But the sudden bad news.

Xing Lingyun turned her back on the Demon Slayer and degenerated into a demon!

How much suffering and strange eyes Gong Wanwan faced directly.

She still remembers it vividly.

The most important point!

Her sister Xing Lingyun was framed!

"It's not necessarily a good thing if you know the truth."

Zhang Chen smiled strangely, "Didn't your sister tell you?"

Does Xing Lingyun know who hurt her?

I must know it well, even if there is no evidence!

But there are also suspects.

This is also the answer that Xing Lingyun has been looking for in the original plot.

Of course now.

In fact, Zhang Chen can fulfill this wish for her.

By the way, I can also accept my sister-in-law Gong Wanwan.

"tell me!"

Gong Wanwan's expression was extremely serious, and she was even afraid that Zhang Chen would not want to tell her.

He was about to pull Zhang Chen's hand and go down.

and many more!

Is he, Zhang Chen, the kind of person who takes advantage of others' dangers and seeks to repay him?

What do you take him for?

Zhang Chen frowned: "Do you think I will tell you this?"

While speaking, there is no objection at all.

Just let this little girl, Gong Wanwan, mess around.

Anyway, he didn't take the initiative, so why let him refuse?

"who is it!"

Gong Wanwan blushed, but more of it was anger!

It's hate!

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