This little girl is obviously under Zhang Chen's step-by-step guidance.

It has gradually developed in the direction Zhang Chen wanted.


Now this "brother-in-law" shout is so intimate.

How natural?

"Sure enough, getting used to it becomes natural, which is a good trend."

The smile on Zhang Chen's face became wider, thinking that he had a young girl in his family.

This little sister-in-law is also a big girl.

"Huh? Who is she?"

It took Gong Wanwan a while to calm down.

Although the secrets Zhang Chen told her were amazing.

But when she calmed down and recalled carefully, she indeed remembered a lot of doubts.

In addition, unconsciously, his attitude towards Zhang Chen changed.

Gong Wanwan naturally believed Zhang Chen's words.


Zhang Chenren was gone.

This startled Gong Wanwan.

Then there was a rush to find someone.

I searched the entire villa, but I didn't see Zhang Chen's figure.

Take a look now.

Good guy!

It wasn't long after seeing Zhang Chen, and there was a big beauty beside him.

The key is to look carefully.

Still a big blonde beauty.

Gong Wanwan was furious.

There is still a little soreness in my heart.

"Stinky brother-in-law! Hundan! I just acted like someone else, so I turned around and went to find the vixen!"

"Still a foreign fox!"

"You are weak!"

My heart is bitter, Gong Wanwan is not a little girl.

He has long understood that Zhang Chen has unruly intentions towards him.

But she has actually acquiesced.

That's why I'm jealous now.

"Come, let's get to know each other."

Zhang Chen naturally didn't take it seriously, and introduced it to the blonde beauty beside him with a smile.

"This girl is my sister-in-law. She is not young, but she has a big temper."


Suddenly someone was unhappy.

"Stinky brother-in-law! What nonsense are you talking about?! When did people lose their temper?!"

Gong Wanwan was furious.

Zhang Chen smiled and did not refute, but the blond beauty beside him.

In fact, there was still a faint trace of strangeness in his expression.

"Is she your woman too?"

Good guy!

Sure enough, direct enough!

One sentence made Gong Wanwan, who was on the verge of breaking out, blush.

Almost didn't find a crack in the ground to get in.

Only Zhang Chen was noncommittal.

Do not admit, do not reject, do not take the initiative.

The standard of a good man.

"Hi, my name is Catherine."

The blond beauty was very polite, and even had the demeanor of a medieval European aristocrat.

The so-called stretch out your hand does not hit the smiling face.

Although Gong Wanwan is a little pepper, she is not a willful and arrogant person.

Facing the overtures of the blond beauty in front of him.

She murmured: "Old Shippy! It's not enough to have my sister and me, so I found another one!"

That's an understatement.

But who is Zhang Chen?

Naturally heard clearly.

Catherine's Chinese is very good.

So after hearing this, he couldn't help but smile, and at the same time looked at Zhang Chen with a strange expression.


on the way back.

Zhang Chen has one in his left hand and one in his right hand.

Although squeezed in the middle space is very small.

But this kind of crime naturally needs to be borne by him alone.

Gong Wanwan looked at Catherine the whole time.

From time to time, he looked at her, and then at himself.

Finally drooped his little head.


Lost badly!

"Sister's, it seems that it can't compare?"

What made Gong Wanwan even more helpless was.

She found that even her sister Xing Lingyun seemed to be in a certain way.

Also lost.

"Soul light! Old astringent skin!"

In the end, Gong Wanwan could only curse secretly, but completely forgot about Zhang Chen getting into the car.

Hands have no rules.

Get used to it.

Some things, slowly get used to it.

And halfway.

Zhang Chen's cell phone rang.

one look.

It was Director Wei, who had been away from Jiangdong City for a few days, calling.


Today's 2D Guarantee is updated to add Chapter [-].

Chapter 176

"I want to congratulate Brother Wei on his promotion, right?"

The call just came through.

Zhang Chen said with a smile.

And on the other end of the phone.

Director Wei's hearty laughter was also heard.

"Haha, it's all thanks to you, Brother Zhang!"

This is true.

Both sides are well aware.

Many things about Zhang Chen are handled by Director Wei.

Director Wei also knows that he can go one step further now.

It all depends on Zhang Chen's help.

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