Doubt life.

Even if she has already begun to have doubts about the dark side behind Demon Killing Division.

But one size fits all.

···Seeking flowers 0··

"Doesn't that mean that no one can touch you except the chief inspector and the chief inspector?"

Although Gong Wanwan was not convinced.

But soon he thought of the benefits of Zhang Chen's obtaining this status.

"Move me? Do they dare?"

Zhang Chen smiled.

And this answer left Gong Wanwan speechless.



"Even without this identity, they dare not offend me."

Zhang Chen's self-confidence is not blind conceit.

Gong Wanwan found that she really couldn't refute.

"Even if you have an unusual status, but the Demon Slayer is independent, you really want to do it..."

"Do you think they don't know the secret of your sister being by my side?"


"Still a stupid girl, many secrets are not secrets at all."

Zhang Chen meant something.

Zhan Mosi has long known that Xing Lingyun is by Zhang Chen's side.

There is no need to inquire and investigate at all.

......... 0

But why so far, no action?

Gong Wanwan is not stupid, so she immediately understood.

"Are they afraid of you?"

"Afraid? You can think so."

Zhang Chen nodded with a smile, "Of course I think it's more appropriate to explain it with benefits."


There is no need to explain later.

Why did the Demon Slayer start to turn a blind eye to the existence of Xing Lingyun?

Because of Zhang Chen.

Why take the initiative to show favor now?

Even arrange such a high-profile identity?

Still because of Zhang Chen.

The reason behind this is besides Zhang Chen's special status.

More naturally, he was afraid of Zhang Chen's strength.

Then the interests come first, so that the senior management of the Demon Killing Division can distinguish clearly.

Become an enemy with Zhang Chen, and take the initiative to show friendship to get closer.

Which is more beneficial.

"Unfortunately, they don't know that the Lord of the Nether Palace has become my woman."

Zhang Chen sneered in his heart.

He can guess the thoughts of the group of people in the capital of the Demon Slayer.

But they would never have thought that Zhang Chen would start from the beginning.

He didn't regard Zhan Mosi as his own.

Everything is profit.

Zhang Chen is using them.

"Hey, who made me such an old jerk?"

Demon Killing Division and Netherworld Palace are actually the same.

But the Lord of the Nether Palace is a peerless beauty.

Age doesn't matter, what matters is that people are beautiful.

But what about Demon Killer?

The two most beautiful are now living in his home.

The rest.

Either a bad old man or an old woman.

In short, there is no place that can attract Zhang Chen's love.

That being the case, it can only be used as a pawn.

He is Zhang Chen.

Just such a simple and unpretentious person.


The 7th update that broke out today!

If you say you want to strive for [-] characters per day, try your best to do it!two.

Chapter 177

imperial capital.

Headquarters of the Demon Killing Division.

It's that conference room.

But this time.

Only three people showed up.

It can even be seen.

These three people were not present in person, more like some kind of special means.

appear here.

"Someone is looking for archives from that year."

The person who spoke had a hoarse figure.

The whole body is shrouded in black mist.

Can't see clearly.

This statement came out.

The expressions of the other two became a little serious.

One of them.

It was the Chief Inspector of the Demon Slayer Division, with a gray beard and gray hair.

Rumor has it that he has lived to be over a hundred years old.

"It was you who came forward to let him survive back then, but once some things are done, there is no room for redemption."

The chief inspector said a word.

Let the third person in the darkness fall into silence.

"Qing Ya, if you let him know what we did back then, you will know what the consequences will be."

The shadow shrouded in black mist that spoke at first spoke again.

And the tone was already very impolite.

The Chief Inspector of the Demon Slayer Division quickly became a peacemaker.

He persuaded: "It's still not sure whether it's a coincidence or not. According to the old man, it's better to make a plan early."

It sounds like persuasion.

But the third figure clearly understood.

"Since I was the one who came forward to save him back then, I will naturally handle this matter now."

"Hmph! Qingya, do you think anyone will believe what you say? If it wasn't for you back then, it would be impossible for you to leave this evil seed behind!"

"I said, I will deal with it!"

Two extremely huge auras almost tore the entire meeting room apart.

Fortunately, they are all built with the highest strength composite superalloy here.


The consequences could be disastrous.

Even the Chief Inspector makes such a level 9 overhaul.

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