Xia Yanshuang.

Different from Lin Youwei and Lin Shoucheng.

She was obviously not so restrained in front of Mr. Lin.

Even Mr. Lin looked amiable when he saw Xia Yanshuang.

"Xiao Shuang, I can still hold back this matter now, but I can't hold it in for too long."

Mr. Lin's voice revealed helplessness.

Xia Yanshuang also understood, "I know, I will find out the matter as soon as possible."

"In addition, there will be additional manpower in the laboratory."

"Can it be saved?"

"The opportunity is great. It has reached a critical moment of research and development. If there are no accidents, clinical trials will start soon."

The Lin family is indeed developing new drugs.

But it is definitely not the kind of special medicine that Ye Fan imagined, which can save his sister Ye Yiyi!

Even few members of the Lin family knew exactly what the new medicine was used for.

Only Mr. Lin, Xia Yanshuang and a few others know the secret.

Once that new drug is developed.

It is not as simple as tens of billions or hundreds of billions of profits.

It is an opportunity to take the Lin family to the next level and truly become the most powerful and powerful family in China!

"Okay, I'm at ease with you about the company."

Mr. Lin was a little relieved.

Xia Yanshuang's identity is only known to him in the Lin family.

As for the purpose of Lin Youwei and Lin Shoucheng's arrival just now.

In fact, it was the rumor that Zhang Chen deliberately revealed last night.

as predicted.

The Lin family also got the news.

"By the way, that wind noise outside?"

"It's definitely not Xiao Xi who did it!"

Xia Yanshuang was decisive.

Although it is not her own daughter, she has raised her for ten years, which is equivalent to her daughter.

"Oh, that girl really doesn't seem like the kind of person who would do that kind of thing."

Mr. Lin nodded, but then his face turned livid: "However, the laboratory has been vandalized several times. Who is it that eats inside and out!?"

This is related to the decline of the Lin family.

It is still the key to jumping into the top giants.

Why is Mr. Lin in no hurry?Not angry?

at this time.

Suddenly, Mr. Lin's phone rang.

Seeing that number, Mr. Lin's eyes changed a little.

But he didn't avoid Xia Yanshuang, but answered her voice.

The call took less than ten seconds.

But Mr. Lin's expression was even uglier than before.

There was a touch of disbelief in his eyes.

Xia Yanshuang immediately noticed the problem.

Don't wait for her to speak.

She also got a call.

It's her confidant female assistant.

There is only one call content.

"Mr. Xia! Miss just arranged for someone to enter the laboratory."

One after the other.

Two phone calls.

Elder Lin and Xia Yanshuang felt their hearts skip a beat at the same time.

And Lin Youwei and Lin Shoucheng who just left the villa not long ago.

Also received the message!


Fourth more.

Chapter 24

"Third brother, you should have received the news, right?"

On the way, Lin Shoucheng turned on the Bluetooth headset while driving and dialed Lin Youwei's number.


There was a voice on the other end of the phone.

"I see! Do you really think we are fools?!"

Lin Youwei was also driving and slapped the steering wheel hard.

"Don't get angry, it's not like you don't know that the old man has been protecting that side."

"Hmph! This time, the old man can't protect himself if he wants to!"

"That's the reason, it should be the turn of the two of us."

"Second brother, what's your idea?"

Lin Youwei is indeed an idiot.

Let him eat, drink and have fun. He is good at it.

But otherwise.

Sorry, he's just an imbecile.

Lin Shoucheng was better than Lin Youwei, he sneered.

"We will notify the other directors of the company. No matter how face-saving the old man is, he won't be able to keep Lin Xi, this stinky girl!"

"Okay! I'll listen to you!"

"Don't worry, when the pharmaceutical company's laboratory has problems, it's time for us to attack!"

"I know, hey!"


Will the company suffer losses?

What does it have to do with them?

In the past ten years, Xia Yanshuang has controlled the Lin Group.

Let the two brothers almost marginalize.

One holds the title of vice president, and the other is just a non-executive director.

It was completely empty.

If you want to lose, it's not their money!


Now they can't wait for problems in their company's laboratory!

Only in this way can they have the opportunity to regain power and obtain more distribution of benefits.

I have to say that the human heart is so ugly.

Even if it is a family, it is difficult to be of one mind.


Zhang Chen has always been secretly controlling everything.

He also found out now.

As the descendant and grandson of the Zhang family in Jiangdong.

How much energy do you have in your hands?

You can almost say.

Except for supernatural phenomena like demons, there is nothing he can't handle.

You want money, you want people, you want people.

"So, how stupid is it to be killed by someone like Ye Fan?"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

Of course he wrote the story, so it seems like he has to bear the blame?

"Fortunately, now that the original story timeline hasn't really started, all of this can be corrected."

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