He will not tell the secret.

He even made up his mind to use the three evil cultivators in the Nether Palace in front of him to attract the attention of the master of Demon Slayer.

"Boy, don't play tricks, even if the Palace Master has told you, but if you dare to play tricks, the old man will never be soft."

The three evil cultivators in the Nether Palace are also veterans.

They are not ordinary cultivators.

They are all the elders of the Nether Palace.

And it's a level 9 overhaul!

It is equivalent to the level of the three major inspectors of the Demon Slayer Division.

Xiao Han didn't speak, but he didn't think so in his heart.

He led a few people directly and set off.


It was close to the secret sentry arranged by the Demon Slayer.

But it's just a secret call.

Can Xiao Han, the son of luck, be stopped?

Even now Xiao Han doesn't have much luck.

But a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

In addition, there are three level 9 overhauls from the Nether Palace.

Push straight all the way.


Zhang Chen's life is completely unimaginable.

under his feet.

It is the largest magic spring in Jiangdong City.

Massive cold and devilish energy gushes out all the time.

Ordinary people can't even stay there for 1 minute.

It will be completely swallowed by the magic energy.

Killed on the spot.

Either transforming into a corpse or turning into a ghost.

But Zhang Chen.

Now I am very interested in digging a swimming pool in the garden.

Is it a pool party?

This kind of life in the wine pond and meat forest.

Before crossing, he had dreamed about it.

However, the strength is not enough, not so capable.

After crossing, they are busy scheming against the son of luck.

He dug around and got the girl of luck to her side.

On the contrary, he forgot his biggest dream before.

"This is the life that villains should experience."

Zhang Chen was wearing these big pants and lying on the bench.

The wedding gown ghost and Ye Yiyi are serving him all the way.

Peel the grapes and stuff them gently into his mouth.

In the pool.

Gong Wanwan, this little pepper, is really playing crazy.

"Shouting, this girl really doesn't have the consciousness of being an inspector at all."

Zhang Chen couldn't help shaking his head.


He didn't stop.

How many men in the world are qualified to appreciate such a beautiful scenery?

"Are you not worried about Xiang County at all?"

Xing Lingyun lost much interest after playing in the swimming pool for a while.

Seeing Zhang Chen lying there like a master.

Can't help but come over and ask.

"What to worry about, it doesn't matter if you fail."

Zhang Chen laughed.

Isn't he the nightmare corpse king?

I used to think the Nightmare class was pretty good.

But now?

Only three members of his family are Nightmare class.

The other two are also horror-level ghost kings.

This is not to mention that Gong Wanwan's sister-in-law has a good growth potential in the future.

Zhang Chen has the confidence to train her into a Yan Luo-level powerhouse.

"That's not like you."

Xing Lingyun has long seen that Zhang Chen is so concerned about resurrecting Xiao Han's mother.

The purpose is obviously impure.

But she didn't point it out, but lay beside Zhang Chen naturally.

"Yiyi, put on sunscreen for me."

"Okay, ma'am."

Ye Yiyi stuck out her sweet tongue, and was sent over by Xing Lingyun.

the other side.

Xia Ruyun also felt uninterested after playing in the pool for a while.

He also ran to the other side of Zhang Chen and lay down.

One on the left and one on the right are two big beauties in the style of royal sisters.

So eye-catching.

"Ru Yan..."

Xia Ruyun just wanted to imitate Xingyun, but she opened her mouth.

The female ghost in the wedding dress gave her the back of the head directly.

Don't give any face at all.

"Hey, I'm your own sister anyway, can't you take care of my face?"

Xia Ruyun was speechless.


The female ghost in the wedding dress didn't listen at all, she only had Zhang Chen in her eyes.

What is this called?

Traditional Virtues!

After marrying and following her husband, Zhang Chen naturally became the whole world in the eyes of the ghost in the wedding dress.

Yingying Yanyan, the fragrance of flowers is overflowing...  

Zhang Chen was a little emotional.

"It's no wonder that the ancients said that they are too happy to think about leaving. If it were me, I would think there is nothing wrong with it."

If he hadn't been alert all the time.

I often tell myself not to forget that there are other daughters of luck in the future.

Zhang Chen was really afraid that he would be so addicted to it.

This is not.

Is dribbling bad?

There was a black line on Zhang Chen's forehead.

"Honey, why do you look at people like that?"

The blood princess smiled coquettishly, typically asking questions knowingly.


Of course, Zhang Chen is not only addicted to enjoyment.

in his hands.

Always have a tablet with you.

Take a closer look.

The above is actually a satellite positioning.

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