23 Zhang Chen sneered.

One sentence made Xiao Han feel ashamed.

Because he really didn't really because of this truth just now.

Mentality burst.

"Chess piece? Could it be that Lin Xi turned into a zombie because of your father?"

Xiao Han's eyes widened.

I feel alive again.

He even thought that if it was just like this, would he have a chance to kiss Fangze?

"The Lin Group has such a large industry, so it will not be cheaper for others if you get it."

Zhang Chen's voice was very cold.

In fact, at this time, he was too lazy to continue pretending.

But Xiao Han didn't notice this.

It can only be said that since luck bottomed out.

The so-called son of luck is actually an arrogant fool.

"Then what is your current identity? And how did you become what you are now?"

Xiao Han was surprised.

He was doubting and analyzing again and again.

But can't convince myself.

Zhang Chen walked to Xiao Han's side and patted him on the shoulder.

"Everything is to revive your mother."

That's it.

Suffice it to say it all.

Xiao Han instinctively felt that Zhang Chen was avoiding the serious and taking the light.

But I just found myself being persuaded involuntarily.

"Yes! I think so much about what to do, the most important thing is to revive my mother."

Think about it this way.

Xiao Han didn't even need Zhang Chen to speak.

He took out all the blood crystals.

Count carefully.

no more, no less.

Plus those in Zhang Chen's hands.

Exactly one hundred and seven.

By this time.

Zhang Chen also finally smiled, and grabbed those blood crystals in his hand.

Next up!

It seemed that there was some kind of magical attraction.

Those blood crystals actually started to fuse with each other.

In the end, it was just ten seconds.

It turned into a huge ball of blood!

Floating in mid-air, even wriggling slowly.

It looks eerie.


In the original plot.

Zhang Chen did not set to the stage of Xiao Han's mother's resurrection.

Many are just an initial idea.

So Zhang Chen knows exactly how to resurrect.

But it's obviously not that easy to do.

like now.

"Dad, are you going to succeed?"

Xiao Han was quite excited on the sidelines!

My whole body seemed to be boiling.

I even forgot the little bit of guard and suspicion in my heart.

Looking at the huge silkworm chrysalis floating in the air in front of him, which is composed of countless blood and water.

"A little bit."

Zhang Chen shook his head.

His eyes fell on Xiao Han.

The latter noticed Zhang Chen's gaze and was obviously a little shocked.

"Huh? Isn't it okay?"

Xiao Han found that the ominous chill he often felt before reappeared.

But he doesn't know why?

It was because of Zhang Chen in front of him.

Or is it because he wants to resurrect his mother?

Or is it his illusion?

"I thought it was about the same, but I didn't expect it to be a little bit worse."

Zhang Chen shook his head, frowning, obviously thinking and hesitating.

Xiao Han asked subconsciously: "What else is there?"

"We've come to this point, we can't give up halfway!"

for today.

Xiao Han gave up everything.

Once dull college life.

Good friends and classmates.

Even the human side.

Xiao Han gave up everything.

How could it be possible to give up halfway?

"It seems that it can only be so."

Zhang Chen suddenly said in a deep voice, and immediately took out a knife!

Just when Xiao Han tensed up and his face was full of defense.

But he was surprised to see that Zhang Chen actually cut his wrist.

Then he sprinkled the blood on his body onto the huge mass of blood-colored silkworm chrysalis.

"Sure enough, I'm overthinking!"

Only then did Xiao Han breathe a sigh of relief, and then cursed in his heart that he was nothing.

It's all this time.

He was still suspicious of the person in front of him.

And this time.

After devouring Zhang Chen's blood.

Sure enough, there was a reaction.

An extremely strange breath was released from the blood-colored silkworm chrysalis.

Feel that breath.

Xiao Han was shocked, because he was familiar with this breath!

Even if the memory of ten years ago is very vague.

But he still remembered clearly that it was his mother's breath.

"It's going to be a success!"

He was very excited.

But I didn't expect that it was too early to be excited.

"A little bit."

Zhang Chen shook his head again, and finally his eyes fell on Xiao Han.

"Do you want to use my blood?"

If Zhang Chen had spoken from the beginning, Xiao Han would definitely have a sense of crisis immediately!

Then suspicion deepens, even if it doesn't surface.

The heart will also be full of vigilance.

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