After all, he was betrayed by someone he trusted, and even died at the hands of the other party.

That feeling can drive people crazy.

Xiao Han never thought that he would end up like this.

And the person who led to his current situation.

Not his enemy, not Netherworld.

Not even the Demon Slayer.

It was the man in front of him who was suspected to be his father!

He doesn't understand!

"Tell me! You tell me!"

Xiao Han was still roaring, but that was just the dying struggle of a dying person.

But the abandoned Town God's Temple at this time is extremely strange.

After gathering all the blood crystals.

The resurrection ceremony has really started.

As for Xiao Han, a tool man, he has exhausted his final use value now.

Like a dead dog.

Zhang Chen looked down at Xiao Han with that look.

It doesn't look murderous in the slightest.

Nor any hostility.

Even as before, he seemed like a strict old father.

So Xiao Han didn't understand!

"This is all to revive your mother'¨."

Zhang Chen's voice was flat and his tone was very calm.

Can't see the slightest emotion.

It was this answer that made Xiao Han doubt himself again.

"For, to revive mother?"

He muttered to himself, vomiting blood non-stop.

But his heart was crushed, and he was still alive.

This kind of vitality is really amazing.

"Yes, this is a sacrifice that must be made to resurrect your mother."

Zhang Chen didn't lie, in the original plot setting.

To revive Xiao Han's nominal mother, it is indeed necessary to collect 108 blood crystals.

And the last one is indeed hidden in Xiao Han's heart.

So doing this is not just Zhang Chen taking advantage of the problem.

"So I must die?!"

Xiao Han is not reconciled!

Although he also likes family reunion deep down.

But if the price of this reunion is to make him pay with his life.

Sorry then!

The son of luck is also a human being, and if he is a human being, he is afraid of death!

It's better to die than to live, this sentence applies to most people.

There were not many emotional fluctuations in Zhang Chen's eyes.

After all, Xiao Han could have been killed long ago.

If it weren't for the purpose of squeezing out his last use value.

He will not be kept until now.

"This is the choice you made yourself."

Zhang Chen's words.

Let Xiao Han get angry and vomit blood again.

Think carefully.

He found that from the very beginning, he seemed to have fallen into the trap of the man in front of him.

It started when Zhang Chen appeared in front of him.

until a series of subsequent events occurred.

In the end, Xiao Han himself volunteered to become Zhang Chen's pawn.


He asked for it all?

"It's you! This is all you! All this is your conspiracy?!"

Xiao Han suddenly understood, and roared and questioned.

Facing Xiao Han's questioning.

Zhang Chen just smiled lightly and didn't deny it.

"it's me."

Then he shook his head and smiled, "But it's also your own choice, isn't it?"

"From the beginning, no one forced you."

Xiao Han was at a loss for words.


Zhang Chen was digging a hole and waiting for him to jump in, but he also jumped in voluntarily!

Are you forcing him?

not at all.

"No! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have..."

Xiao Han was extremely angry.

But Zhang Chen sneered: "Nothing at all?"

"Will you not kill your best friend with your own hands?"

"Or was it that I forced you to kill innocent people in those villages and towns in the mountainous area of ​​Xiang County?"

"The blood of ghost hunters and demons makes you unable to extricate yourself, is it because someone put a knife on your neck to force you?"

sentence by sentence.

One sound.

Xiao Han opened his mouth.


He has done too many wrong things.

There is no turning back at all.

"But why? I am your son! Aren't we a family!"

Xiao Han made a final angry question.

It turns out that until now, Xiao Han has never doubted Zhang Chen's identity.

Since it is a family.

It's father and son!

Why did you frame your own son?

"Being able to persevere until now, and still have the strength and temperament, really has the same vitality as Xiaoqiang."

Zhang Chen shook his head and laughed, "Villains usually die from talking too much."

"But in my opinion, it's just that the child of luck is protected by the metaphysics of destiny. Now you don't have much luck."

These words.

Xiao Han didn't understand at all.

And there is only one truth that he most wants to know now!

Why did Zhang Chen want to kill him!

Is it just to resurrect his mother?

Are you going to sacrifice your own son?

"Do you not understand? Can't figure it out?"

Zhang Chen saw the doubt in Xiao Han's eyes while watching the resurrection ceremony in progress.

While smiling with great interest.

"Tell me the reason! It counts as death!"

Xiao Han's eyes cracked: "I want to die to understand!"

How could he be reconciled to such an unexplained death?

Even if he was killed for the first time before rebirth.

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