Chapter 215

"Master, will that kid really attack the living?"

After finishing the work, Zhang San walked outside the factory, and then dialed Zhang Chen's phone number.

It's just that he has some doubts, "According to the investigation of the brothers, this kid usually goes to the hospital to steal blood plasma."

"In addition, some blood of livestock will be prepared. I have never done anything to a living person."

The person Zhang Chen asked him to catch was a zombie.

Originally, Zhang San and the others regarded monsters and ghosts as fantasies.

But during this time the world has changed drastically.

Coupled with more contact, knowledge is also wide.

I finally realized it wasn't an urban legend.

It's really by my side.

Now half a foot has stepped into the threshold of comprehension.

It's starting to look weird.

"Do you still need me to teach you?"

Zhang Chen frowned.

The person who was arrested was not an ordinary zombie, but an ancient zombie!

It is a descendant who was bitten by Hanba, the ancestor of zombies according to legend.

It's different from the kind of zombies I've usually seen.

So I can restrain the urge to suck human blood.

But a zombie is a zombie.

Even if you can restrain yourself with your own willpower, to what extent can you restrain yourself?

"Hey, I understand what the young master means!"

Zhang San showed a sinister smile.

He found that his young master was really too bad.

But compared to the group of beasts in other wealthy families.

A master like Zhang Chen can actually win their loyalty even more.


Abandoned factory.

Xu Kai felt his throat was hot and extremely dry.

Although blindfolded.

But his sense of smell is more sensitive than that of beasts!

Especially for blood!

"No, no! I can't be defeated by impulse!"

Xu Kai told himself over and over again.

Have persisted for so many years.

He can't give up all his efforts now!

"It smells so good..."

"What am I thinking! Xu Kai! Don't forget that you are a human! Not a monster!"

"But it's really fragrant and sweet, if you can take a sip..."

"Xu Kai! Do you want to become that kind of monster that sucks human blood?"

He has a secret that no one knows so far.

Although he looks like a young man in his twenties.

In fact, Xu Kai's real age is seven or eighty years old!

The reason for this is only because he was bitten by a zombie 60 years ago.

Finally turned into a zombie.

Then he kept his name incognito for decades, changing identities constantly.

I thought it could go on.

Until you find the antidote for turning yourself into a zombie.

who thought.

He was ambushed and arrested.

"Who is it?"

"Why did you do it to me?"

"Did someone discover my secret?"

Xu Kai recalled it over and over again but couldn't find any clues.

At the same time, the smell of blood was always stimulating his sense of smell.

It made his thoughts start to groggy, and the impulse in his heart became more and more obvious.

"Xu Kai! Hold on! If you give up, you will really become a monster in the future!"

But just when the heaven and the human are intertwined in the heart.

Someone poured a bowl of hot, fresh human blood directly on his face.

For zombies.

This is like the strongest stimulation and temptation in the world.

Xu Kai: "..."

Really fragrant!

So sweet!


There is no need for Zhang Chen to continue reading.

After Zhang San followed his instructions and splashed human blood on the opponent's face.

Everything has been settled.

The picture behind is basically conceivable.

As for those villains whose limbs were severed?

Zhang Chen still cares about their life and death?

"Next, let's watch a good show."

Although Xu Kai is not a child of luck.

There is no way to compare with existences like Ye Fan and Xiao Han.

But as the male supporting role with the heaviest role in the plot of the third world line.

At the moment of breaking the precept.

Zhang Chen heard the system prompt.

2000 more contribution points.

Not too much, not too little.

"As a supporting role, this level is not bad."



"Beautiful Qin!"

"Good sister!"

"You just help others!"

In a high-end apartment in the imperial capital.

I only saw two big beauties hugging each other and playing with each other at the moment.

Such a beautiful scenery, if a certain old naughty skin is present to see it.

I am afraid that he will ignore any principles on the spot.

Directly, Xin Zhao possessed his body and charged up.

"Uncle Wang really arranged a blind date for you?"

Qin Yaxin was a little surprised.

Because of her status, she naturally knew the family background of her best friend.

On the contrary, it was Wang Xueer who never knew.

"Otherwise, I'm worried to death now!"

"Why don't you try it? Maybe you will meet Mr. Ruyi?"

Qin Yaxin said with a giggle, while Wang Xueer angrily stepped forward and used the miraculous tickling technique.

The two beauties rolled into a ball.

It's really beautiful and trembling.

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