Looking at the things in his hands, Zhang Chen was quite satisfied.

All research data and semi-finished new drugs.

It's all in his hands now.

Except for the semi-finished new medicine that Ye Fan took away.

It can be said that the loss of the Lin family tonight is not simply tens of billions.

It is the fate and future of the entire Lin family.

"It's good luck."

Zhang Chen made a copy of the things, and put the others in one of the boxes intact.

Xing Lingyun is not very interested in these things.

The only thing I did was take a second look at those new medicines.

She has some doubts, just this kind of thing can control the magic energy?

Zhang Chen naturally guessed her thoughts.

So he smiled and said: "These are only semi-finished products, but if the research is really successful, it can indeed suppress the demonic energy to a certain extent."

This is not his bragging, after all, according to the original plot of the manga.

Finally, the new drug research was successful.

Although the effect is not that exaggerated, it can indeed increase the body's resistance to magic energy.

in short.

With this thing, those of Zhanmosi only need to take this drug regularly.

It can greatly slow down and suppress the speed at which one is eroded by the magic energy.

Although it can't cure the root cause, it can cure the symptoms to a great extent.

"In addition, you have also seen that besides me, there are other people who are also interested in these things."

Zhang Chen smiled strangely.

The original plan for tonight had loopholes and doubts.

Ye Fan was right to be blamed, but someone really needs to find out.

Can always be traced to him.

Even if there is no evidence to be found.

But it's troublesome, isn't it?

Who would have thought that Zhang Chen would be lucky.

Besides him and Ye Fan, a third group of people came.

"They're not human."

Xing Lingyun knew that Zhang Chen was talking about the monsters that Zhang San and the others saw when they evacuated.

Zhang Chen smiled indifferently: "Whether it's a human or a demon, in short, my goal has been achieved."

What is the origin of the last few monsters that appeared.

In fact, Zhang Chen knew it in his heart.

This is not the first time that the Lin family's research laboratory has been destroyed.

Obviously, the last few monsters that appeared tonight were the ones who did it the first few times.

Zhang Chen also knew what forces were behind those monsters.

"How about the strength of those tonight?"

Zhang Chen asked a question.

Xing Lingyun didn't hide anything, with a hint of disdain in her smile, "Ordinary level, no threat."

Zhang Chen was not surprised by this result.

After all, in the eyes of a deadly monster.

Ordinary level monsters are indeed rubbish.

of course.

It's easy to kill ordinary people.

For example, several research institutes that were destroyed before.

"Not surprisingly, this research institute of the Lin family is about to bleed like a river again."

Zhang Chen shrugged.

He wasn't going to save people either, it had nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, it was because of the intervention of a third-party force tonight, which gave him new ideas and plans.


Second update today.

Chapter 30

People are on the way.

Zhang Chen saw movement on his phone.

Don't guess.

Just know who is calling.

Xia Yanshuang!

It's a pity that Zhang Chen didn't answer the call.

"Now I know it's urgent? It's a pity that this level is not enough."

Zhang Chen did it on purpose.

He knew what Xia Yanshuang was calling him at this time.

I just want to ask him for help!

Switch your phone to silent.

Zhang Chen said lightly: "Let Zhang San send the things over."


Of course, it is the information obtained from the Lin family research institute.

Zhang Chen already had a copy in his hand, and he used the original documents for other purposes.

"Many people will suffer from insomnia tonight, right?"

After all, such a big thing happened.

He believed whether it was the Lin family or Ye Fan.

It is even the last third-party force to appear.

No mood to sleep.


Jiangdong Hospital.

It was late at night.

The hospital was already silent.

Yet at this moment.

A figure appeared in the building of the inpatient department of the hospital.

He was Ye Fan who escaped from the Lin family research institute by chance.

"With this, Yiyi's condition will improve!"

Ye Fan tightly held the syringe in his hand.

This is the life-saving medicine he finally got.

Although it is past the visiting time, Ye Fan didn't hesitate at all.

Slipped right in.

After avoiding the night watch nurses.

Ye Fan finally walked into the ward.

Hospital bed.

Ye Yiyi looked as if she was fast asleep.

Except for his pale complexion, the naked eye of ordinary people can't see anything special at all.

However, Ye Fan could clearly sense it.

Around Ye Yiyi's body, there seemed to be a faint black air.

"Yiyi, you will wake up soon!"

Without hesitation, Ye Fan directly stuck the syringe in his hand on his sister's arm.

Watching the light green potion pour into Ye Yiyi's body.

He watched the changes in his sister nervously and expectantly.

"It must be useful! Definitely!"

Ye Fan feels like his heartbeat is going to stop now.

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