Chapter 31

Why did Mr. Lin and Xia Yanshuang send Lin Xi away?

Because they are very clear.

This is no longer as simple as a complete loss of nearly [-] billion investment.

If it is simply a debt.

The Lin family was indeed hurt, and their vitality was seriously injured.

But there is still a way to resist it.


The truth behind it.

How can it be that simple.

The Lin family is just a pawn pushed out by some people above.

If things are done well, the Lin family will become a top wealthy family.

But screwed up?

The Lin family will definitely have to pay an extremely heavy price!

such as.

Lin Xi's life!

Even Lin Xi's life is not enough.


Xia Yanshuang dragged Lin Xi away from the Lin family villa.

She wanted to take advantage of the fact that the news hadn't completely spread before it reached those people's ears.

Find a way to save Lin Xi's life!

"Xiaoxi, I know you don't like Zhang Chen, but this time you can't be willful! You must be obedient!"

Xia Yanshuang's expression was serious, and her tone was unprecedentedly serious.

"Remember, go to Zhang Chen's side, no matter what he asks! Stay by his side!"

"Only in this way can your life be saved!"

"Do you remember?!"

Lin Xi was crying, she really felt wronged.

Very wronged.

But in the end, he nodded reluctantly, "I know, I know..."

She is now bewildered.

I wanted to refuse, but I didn't have the courage at all.

Because she saw that what happened tonight was beyond her imagination.


It would really cost her her life.

Xia Yanshuang drove the car herself, and took Lin Xi straight to Zhang Chen's residence.

more than an hour later.

Xia Yanshuang finally drove to Zhang Chen's residence.

As the direct son of the Zhang family in Jiangdong.

Zhang Chen's residence is no secret.

Unlike the Lin family, the Zhang family has already become a top rich family.

This is what the Lin family envied the most.

That level is no longer the amount of wealth.

Instead, he has power!network!

It will not be easy for the family to fall into poverty, so that the children and grandchildren can enjoy the glory and wealth.

"Butler Liu, is your young master in there?"

to the door of the villa.

Xia Yanshuang's Paramela was stopped.

The person standing in front of her was the housekeeper, Uncle Liu.

"The young master has already fallen asleep, if Mr. Xia has anything to do, let's wait until tomorrow."

Uncle Liu smiled and looked polite.

In fact, it seems a little cold.

He sees it now too.

My young master seems to be different from before.

He started to be lukewarm towards the Lin family, not as enthusiastic as before.

"Sleeping? Liar! The light is still on!"

Lin Xi was full of grievances and had no place to vent.

At this time, I was forced to ask Zhang Chen for help, but I didn't expect to be turned away?

Thinking of Zhang Chen's obedience and obedience to her in the past, all kinds of stalking.

Now it is so cold.

Such a gap.

Lin Xi felt uncomfortable.

Butler Liu's expression turned cold, "Miss Lin, Mr. Xia, please go back."

"Zhang Chen doesn't want to see me?"

Lin Xi really didn't expect it.

Butler Liu replied lukewarmly: "The young master has fallen asleep, and I hope that Miss Lin and Mr. Xia will not make things difficult for me."

to be frank.

Just a few minutes ago.

Zhang Chen personally ordered to come down and didn't want to see anyone.

After a few minutes.

Seeing Xia Yanshuang and Lin Xi's mother and daughter appearing at the door of the villa.

Butler Liu still had a weird expression on his face, "Does the young master know that people from the Lin family are coming to see him?"

Villa door.

Lin Xi was so angry that she wanted to turn around and leave.

But Xia Yanshuang signaled her to restrain her temper with her eyes.

Then he opened his mouth and asked: "Please trouble Steward Liu to go in and ask, just say that I have something urgent to discuss with your young master."

As Xia Yanshuang.

When were you so humble.

But she can't help it now.

Wait until tomorrow?

If you really wait until tomorrow.

Lin Xi's life might be gone!

So she can't wait!


Butler Liu was a little embarrassed, but finally nodded reluctantly, "I'll go in and ask, Mr. Xia, Miss Lin, please wait a moment."

In fact, Zhang Chen didn't sleep at all.

After all, the long night is long, and opening the top of the canyon is the kingly way.

Of course he didn't see Xia Yanshuang and Lin Xi immediately.

After all.

Just to make them feel that way on purpose.


Xia Yanshuang and Lin Xi finally entered Zhang Chen's villa.

Inside the villa.

Zhang Chen had no expression on his face, no one could see what was in his mind right now.

"Mr. Xia, you're embarrassing me."

Straight to the point.

Before Xia Yanshuang could speak, Zhang Chen put forward his attitude in advance.

The meaning is clear.

"This trip to muddy water doesn't seem to do me any good."

On the way here, Xia Yanshuang called several times but failed to get through.

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