Zhang Chen said to himself, as if he was about to hang up the phone at any time.

Lin Xi finally broke the jar and threw the bowl, and broke out completely.

"Father! Is it okay?!"

"Good girl, dad, I will definitely help you."

Zhang Chen smiled, very complacently.


Third more.

Chapter 47

Zhang Chen did have some bad tastes.

Of course, this also proved that he really didn't have any special thoughts about Lin Xi.

this person.

A woman who is only interested in herself is pitiful and sympathetic.

other women?

Sorry, it all depends on his mood.

Hearing the blind tone in the phone, Zhang Chen smiled and was not angry.

"What a thin-skinned daughter."

Zhang Chen smiled slightly, in fact, it didn't matter whether Lin Xi called out or not.

He has already decided to close the net.

Completely kill Ye Fan, the son of luck, as soon as possible.

Only by killing Ye Fan can the following things start to work with peace of mind.

"Zhang San."

"Master, do you have work to do?"

Zhang San licked his dry lips, and asked with a smile.

He also had ten years in the Zhang family.

To be honest, he didn't think very well of the young master of the Zhang family before.

It all depends on Zhang Jiakai's commission is high enough.

In addition, the Zhang family is kind to him, so they will follow Zhang Chen.

But recently.

He found that Zhang Chen seemed to be a different person.

Anyway, Zhang San felt that the person he was with now was the right one.

"In civilized terms, what does it mean to have work to do? Read more books."

Zhang Chen scolded with a smile, and then said: "Arrange some people to ambush in Jiangdong University."

"The young master is finally going to attack that kid?"

Zhang San knew the reason as soon as he heard it.

Some excited.

He wanted to do this before, but Zhang Chen didn't allow it.

"We don't necessarily need to do the specific hands-on, you just need to prepare."

In fact, Zhang Chen is not sure now.

Has Ye Fan's luck fallen to the bottom?

After all, there is no standard data prompt, everything can only be inferred.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now! Just a while ago, young master, you got all the new guys you got through Zhan Mosi, so you can try it."

Zhang San was a little excited and looking forward to it.

Of course, the new guys in his mouth are all relatively special things.

Although the Zhang family is powerful, there are some things that cannot be obtained directly.

So it's much easier to go through the Demon Slayer.

Who made them a privileged department?

"Go, remember, don't do it without my order."

"Good Le!"

Zhang Chen wasn't worried about messing things up at all.

After all, he also discovered in the past few days that Zhang San is indeed a competent subordinate.

Well done in every way.

Butler Liu is in charge of the daily routine, and there are certain things that cannot be brought to the table.

Naturally, Zhang San stepped forward.

It is enough for him to be in charge of the overall situation.

After making arrangements here.

Zhang Chen directly called Director Wei.

"Brother Wei, Ye Fan asked Lin Xi to meet at Jiangdong University."

Straight to the point as soon as he opened his mouth.

Inside the Jiangdong branch building of the Devil Slayer Division.

Director Wei understood the words very well.

Immediately understood, "Okay! I will arrange manpower here immediately."

"Then there will be Lao Wei."

"What's the matter, this is my job! But..."

Director Wei suddenly changed the subject, "Where is Miss Lin?"

Zhang Chen didn't seem to understand, but smiled and said: "Lin Xi? Don't worry about her, just do whatever you want, she's just a woman."

I believe you a ghost!

Director Wei is not a three-year-old kid, so how could he take it seriously.

Of course, on the surface he still smiled and said: "That's fine, we will try our best to ensure Miss Lin's safety."

The two finished talking.

This side of the Magic Slayer Building.

Director Wei hurriedly made arrangements.

At the same time, he also called the Chief Inspector of Jiangdong City.

Probably just ask them to help.

The specific is to block the scene and control the surrounding environment.

If they did something, it would be more appropriate for Jiangdong Patrol to come forward.

Unless there are special circumstances, Magic Slayer usually won't come forward to solve the problem directly.


Everything is going on in an orderly manner.


Lin Hongyang narrowed his eyes.

"Jiangdong University?"

"Yes, our people are following behind secretly."

Since that strange text message last time.

It is naturally impossible for Lin Hongyang not to investigate anything.

Soon the owner of the investigation office number.

After all, I have endured for ten years and hid in the dark.

Also accumulated a lot of power and manpower.

"I want to see what this kid is going to do."

Lin Hongyang sneered.

He also touched the scar left by the burn on his face.

It was left after he narrowly escaped death ten years ago.

Every day reminds him of what happened back then.


His subordinates drove into Jiangdong University smoothly.

No one seemed interested in a few strangers.

After all, it is a well-known institution of higher learning, and there are many people coming and going every day.

Who's curious?


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