So bite the bullet!

Ye Fan has quick eyesight and quick hands!

He stabbed the new medicine injection in his hand on the back of Lin Xi's neck.

Almost in the blink of an eye!

Then put the potion inside into Lin Xi's body.

The whole process happened too fast.

No one reacted at all.

Including those plainclothes patrols who pretended to be customers in the milk tea shop in advance.

"Ye Fan! What did you do?!"

Lin Xi felt a pain in her neck.

Surprised and angry, he turned around and looked at the used syringe in Ye Fan's hand.

Suddenly understand what happened.

Touching the back of the neck, I was so angry that I almost cried!

"You! How could you do this to me?!"

Lin Xi panicked.

She was really panicked.

Don't look so lofty and proud at ordinary times, but who in his heart is not afraid of death?

The higher the status, the more afraid of death.

Lin Xi is not immune either.

And this time.

Ye Fan had a grim expression on his face, but also regretted it.

He couldn't help avoiding Lin Xi's scolding and questioning.

Instead, he said coldly, "I'm sorry!"

"But I have to!"

Lin Xi was even more disappointed, and even had a trace of regret and hatred.

Ye Fan took a deep breath!

Then he said: "You have seen my sister's fate, and now you are also facing this kind of result!"

"So there is only one way to save my sister and you!"

Lin Xi looked at Ye Fan angrily.

She already understood what Ye Fan wanted to do.


Ye Fan's deep and hoarse voice sounded, "Let the Lin family come out with the antidote!"

By this time.

The Demon Killing Division and the Jiangdong City Patrol Office were monitoring the situation in the milk tea shop.

Also reacted.


Director Wei snorted angrily himself!

At the same time, in the milk tea shop.

Those plainclothes patrols did it directly.

Take a closer look!

Except for Lin Xi and Ye Fan, the whole milk tea shop is full of plainclothes!

This turn of events made Ye Fan dumbfounded.

Lin Xi didn't expect to be surrounded by plainclothes.

I even regret why I didn't leave just a little more resolutely.

"Ye Fan! Put down what's in your hand!"

"We are from the police station of Jiangdong City!"

"Don't be impulsive, obediently go back with us to accept the investigation!"

Several plainclothes patrolmen stepped forward.

The so-called conclusive evidence.

The things in Ye Fan's hands are the evidence.

The conversations they heard just now were actually recorded.

These are ironclad evidence!

Ye Fan didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Although he is the son of luck, he is just a student from an ordinary family after all.

When have you seen such a battle?

Coupled with emotional instability, plus ghosts in my heart.

first timing!

The thought is not to give up resistance.

Instead, escape!

"Lin Xi! You actually hurt me! I misread you!"

Ye Fan was startled and angry, and at the same time panicked and frightened.

Blame all this directly on Lin Xi.

After all, Lin Xi himself said that he called for police arrest.

So naturally I can only bear hatred for her.

"You want to catch me! It's not that easy!"

Without further ado, Ye Fan was about to go up and grab Lin Xi as a hostage.

"Ye Fan! Stop!"

"Let go of Miss Lin, come back with us to investigate and you still have a chance!"

"Don't do something stupid!"

The plainclothes patrolmen in the milk tea shop all exclaimed.


Even if they have a large number of people, they still prepare in advance.

But in the end Ye Fan escaped!


In front of so many people, Ye Fan still escaped!

He held Lin Xi hostage on the way, and then took her as a hostage.

In plain sight!


Seeing Ye Fan fleeing, Jiangdong City's deputy head arrester yelled at him.

Too shameful!

With so many of them, Ye Fan ran away!

Director Wei didn't make a sound.

But it was obvious that he had a bad expression on his face.

"Someone just shot secretly!"

Director Wei said in a low voice.


At the critical moment just now, a cold gun appeared from nowhere.

The plan of a group of plainclothes patrols was disrupted.

Then a gap of a few seconds.

Just let Ye Fan escape smoothly.

"He still has helpers!"

Director Wei's eyes are gloomy and terrifying!

Of course, this finally dispelled the doubts in his heart.

He investigated Ye Fan's origin several times, and it looked very ordinary.

How to participate in this kind of targeting of the Lin family.

Do not!

Is it part of the huge plan against the Demon Slayer?

I get it now!

"¨々This Ye Fan is just a pawn! There is someone else behind him!"

The deputy head of Jiangdong City was also sharp-minded, and immediately said in a deep voice.

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