Definitely explosive gossip!

"Your sister Xia Yanbing really can't."

Zhang Chen nodded.

After all, who can tell those secrets better than him?

"Then you just..."

Zhang Chen interrupted, "What if you don't even know about your sister?"

"What, what do you mean?"

Even Xia Yanbing doesn't know?

Isn't this a big joke?

Xia Yanshuang suddenly thought of something, and a look of shock flashed across her face: "Xiao Xi, isn't it the blood of the Lin family?"

Women, imagination is rich!

But Zhang Chen shook his head and said with a smile: "Lin Xi is indeed of the blood of the Lin family, there is no doubt about that."

"what happened?!"

"What an impatient woman. Forget it. In terms of our relationship, it's okay to tell you."

Xia Yanshuang could hear that Zhang Chen deliberately took advantage of her.

But thinking about what happened that night.

She doesn't know what's on her mind.

Xia Yanshuang obviously wanted to know the truth more than herself.

What happened that year?

In fact, the process of things is very simple.

Although a bit unbelievable.

Zhang Chen simply told the truth of the matter.

"Lin Xi is not Lin Hongyang's daughter, so she really has to be counted according to her seniority."

He couldn't help laughing, his smile was weird and his expression was subtle.

He even paused here, and glanced at Xia Yanshuang.

The latter has been piqued with curiosity.

"She should be regarded as Lin Hongyang's younger sister."

This statement came out.

The atmosphere in the car instantly fell into absolute silence.

Zhang Chen was not in a hurry, and smiled with Erlang's legs crossed.

Anyway, there is still some time on the way to the hospital.

It is absolutely possible for Xia Yanshuang to absorb and digest this secret well.

"You, what did you say?!"

Xia Yanshuang is not stupid!

Don't you understand?

Lin Xi!

Not Lin Hongyang's daughter, but his sister!

So when things get here, can't you guess the truth?

However this truth.

Simply unbelievable.

Zhang Chen shrugged, "That's the truth. Believe it or not, Lin Xi can be regarded as Lin Hongyang's younger sister."

"you you……"

Xia Yanshuang wanted an angry rebuttal!

But she couldn't refute it, because it was just as Zhang Chen thought.

Could it be that Xia Yanshuang really didn't notice any clues in the past ten years?


She sensed it.

It's just that I didn't dare to think too much before, and I didn't think in that direction.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "So, it's easy to understand that Lin Hongyang wants revenge."

"A man, and a proud and high-spirited figure, no one can accept it, right?"

More than (cdac) can not accept.

If you were an ordinary person, you would have gone crazy!

"Throughout the ages, killing one's father and taking one's wife has been regarded as the greatest hatred, but what Lin Hongyang faced was not only that."

Zhang Chen actually sympathized with Lin Hongyang, but of course the culprit was actually himself.

Who made the original story setting of the manga his masterpiece?

But now, no one knows.

And these people are not characters from the comics.

is a living person.

Zhang Chen said indifferently: "Back then Lin Hongyang accidentally discovered this secret, and then asked Mr. Lin for a showdown."

"As for what happened during the period, no one knows."

"But what is certain is that after their father and son had a big fight, not long after, Lin Hongyang and your sister Xia Yanbing were involved in a car accident."

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "Do you still need me to continue?"

Shit car accident accident.

That was a deliberate murder at all!

Xia Yanshuang is very smart, otherwise it would not be possible in just ten years.

He is in charge of supporting the entire Lin Group.

It's just that this kind of secret has too much impact on her.

"The person who killed my sister, yes, yes..."

Zhang Chen nodded: "You already have the answer in your heart."

"Why? Why would he do that?!"

Xia Yanshuang felt that her beliefs and three views over the years had collapsed.

Even if Zhang Chen didn't say it.

But she had already guessed.

The mastermind behind the car accident ten years ago was Mr. Lin!


Zhang Chen sneered, "What if Lin Hongyang wanted to expose this matter and make it public?"

As the saying goes, family ugliness cannot be made public.

But Zhang Chen actually understood Lin Hongyang's approach.

It would be impossible for any bloody man to settle down.

Even if!

That person is his own father.

Xia Yanshuang fell silent.



She knew what the Lin family would face once Lin Hongyang did that.

So Mr. Lin will never let this happen.

Even if!

To kill his own son.

"For a person who can do such despicable and nasty things, isn't killing a son a matter of nodding?"

Zhang Chen's smile was full of sarcasm: "And the Lin family is not just a descendant of Lin Hongyang."

"My sister she..."

"Your sister Xia Yanbing doesn't know at all. She was kept in the dark from the beginning to the end."

Zhang Chen raised his eyebrows.

After all, that old guy from the Lin family was more insidious and despicable back then.

I took medicine.

In addition, Lin Hongyang happened to be away from home because of the company's entertainment.

All in all a combination of factors.

I really want to say who is the worst.

Nothing beats Xia Yanbing.

Zhang Chen chuckled, "This old man is also ruthless. He never stopped, killed his son and daughter-in-law, and completely buried the truth."

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