Director Wei couldn't believe it.

He was watching the monitoring screen just now, and he saw with his own eyes how Ye Yiyi turned into a demon!

"That girl has just been demonized, it stands to reason that it is impossible to change so much, right?!"

This is completely inconsistent with the research on monsters by the Demon Slayer Division over the years.

However, Zhang Chen, who rushed over with Director Wei, smiled secretly when he heard this sentence.

He naturally knew why.

"It seems that the daughter of luck is indeed very special."

Why did Ye Yiyi demonize her?

This is of course thanks to Zhang Chen's step-by-step guidance.

It will eventually evolve into the current situation.

But on the surface.

But Zhang Chen said in a deep voice: "Brother Wei, now is not the time to think about such issues!"

"You are right, Ye Yiyi must be killed as soon as possible! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Director Wei is no longer polite after speaking!

Straight forward to do it.

He is also a demon slayer, and his strength is even higher than the three subordinates!

It's complicated to say.

In fact, from Ye Yiyi's demonization to Director Wei and others' actions.

It took five or six minutes to add up.

And this time.

In addition to the people from the Demon Slayer Division, Ye Fan was also in the ward!

He has even earned (Qian Zhao's) handcuffs.

As for how to break free now, does anyone care?

Anyway, the son of luck is probably so unreasonable!

Zhang Chen also saw Ye Fan!

"The centipede is dead but not stiff, and the son of luck really can't underestimate the enemy in any way."

The Qianyuan mirror has returned to Ye Fan's hands!

This also explains why in this case.

Ye Fan is still safe and sound!

"Treasure protector?"

If you really want to explain, probably only this kind of reason can make sense.

"Zhang Chen?!"

Ye Fan also saw Zhang Chen.

The so-called meeting rivals in love is extremely jealous!

Ye Fan always regarded Zhang Chen as a thorn in his side, but he looked down on Zhang Chen before.

Just a dude who relies on his family.

but now!

Compared to himself, Zhang Chen seemed calm and relaxed.

The anger in my heart exploded directly!

It's a pity that there is no time for Ye Fan to trouble Zhang Chen now.

After Director Wei took action, the situation was immediately reversed!

"Stop it! Stop it!"

With Ye Yiyi's screams, Ye Fan's eyes turned red!

You said you are an ordinary person, why join in the fun at this time?



A shot goes off!

It directly explained where Ye Fan's courage came from!

I don't know the weapon picked up from the unconscious patrolman.

Ye Fan pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The moment the gunshots sounded.

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth began to rise.

"Tsk tsk, this is really digging its own grave."

Shooting at the boss of the Jiangdong Branch of the Demon Slayer Division?

This is not as simple as being brave or not, but looking for death!

Who is Director Wei?

Definitely not the image of a good old man in front of Zhang Chen!

You shoot him?

This is not courting death, what is it?

"Now, the relationship between Ye Fan and Demon Slayer is completely severed."

Zhang Chen's face was filled with shock and anger.

Inwardly, he was already smiling.


Chapter 2, still a large chapter of more than 5000 words

Today, I asked a certain big boss of the Tianbang, saying that my book title does not suck

Well, named Kushou, so helpless.

Chapter 55

The moment Ye Fan shot.

To be honest, no one thought of it.

Director Wei and the others focused all their attention on the demonized Ye Yiyi.

How could he care about an ordinary person like Ye Fan?

"What the hell, idiot!"

Looking at the warhead that was close at hand, less than an inch away from his forehead.

Director Wei was so frightened that he spit out fragrance!

That face is all white!

"Ye Fan!? Are you crazy?!"

It's not just Director Wei who turned pale with fright.

His three subordinates were so frightened that their little hearts didn't jump out of their throats!

Just a little bit!

It's really just the last bit of distance!

Han Bai directly cursed angrily.

The other two were almost blinded.

If Director Wei died here, I really don't know how furious the senior management of the Demon Slayer Division would be!

"I, I can't let you kill my sister!"

Ye Fan himself was actually taken aback.

It was just on impulse, without thinking about it.

He casually picked up the weapon dropped by a patrolman and pulled the trigger.

And this time!

The warhead was less than an inch away from Director Wei's forehead!

But it's just this one inch distance.

But it was blocked by a layer of pale golden translucent light wall.

Critical juncture!

It was Zhang Chen who made the move.

A diamond talisman was thrown out directly!

Saved Director Wei's life.

"Brother Wei, now is not the time to be soft-hearted."

Another Taoist talisman was in Zhang Chen's hand, and he threw it out without saying a word!

Immediately afterwards, he saw that Dao Talisman turned into a bolt of lightning and directly hit the demonized Ye Yiyi's chest.

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