Because it is not a local battle, everyone in Lin Tian also arrived at kPL's RNG.M early to rest

room, watching the live broadcast of the game here.

"Hi everyone, I'm Guang Yu, the host of today's game!

"Welcome everyone to the third round of the regular season in the 2021 Spring Split.

Have you guys paid attention to today's six teams!

"If you take a closer look, you will find that the six teams are all from our Group A!

"So who can lead everyone today and secure the number one throne?"

"let us wait and see!"

After the voice fell, there was a frenzy of shouting at the scene.

In the dressing room of the arena at this time, the players on both sides of KSG and TES are quickly putting on makeup!

After everything is ready.

The two teams send one person to the interview booth to accept the pre-match interview, which is commonly known as

pregame trash talk.

Guang Yu, who was still enlivening the atmosphere of the scene, immediately cut off the topic after receiving the prompt: "Okay

Yes, the contestants are already in our interview seats, let's hear what they have to say

The picture on the big screen changed.

Tianyun, Bao Fengrui of KSG and TES Xiangjun appeared in everyone's sight.

After shouting from both sides.

The game starts quickly!

I don't know if it's a matter of metaphysics, but this BO5 was extremely difficult.

The first double was conveniently played in the late stage, and finally TES won the second with 11 to 12

A handful of matches.

The second KSG went against the wind early, but won a wave of decisive team battles in the later stage,

Tied the score.

The third KSG was in excellent condition, and directly took away TES to get the match point in [-] minutes!


After getting the match point, he lost two games in a row, which is a pity.

The subsequent battle between RW Man and MTG was even more difficult.

After RW Xia won his first victory, MTG immediately regained a victory!

The two teams played a full BO5 with one player and one point, and in the end it was still MTG's advantage in the early stage

However, in the later stage of the team battle, he was taken away by a wave, and lost points again!

Under intense competition conditions.

The bottle in the commentary seat couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Two BO5 games have been played tonight.

The race was extremely intense.

"But at the same time it can be seen.

"Nowadays the points of several teams, RW Xia is far ahead with 2 points and 5 points.

It seems that the only ones who can compete for the first place in Group A are RNGM with 1 point and 3 points difference!

The voice fell.

The side partner Huang Daxian answered immediately: "Yes, because QG only has 1 point and 1 win

Even if they sweep RNGM 5-[-], it is impossible to surpass RW Man's [-] point difference!

"That's right! Bottle nodded and continued to speak: "The third round of the regular season in the 2021 spring season,

The third match between RNG.M and QG tonight will start soon, enter the commercial, and be right back!

Chapter 88 Tong Tian Ye Wang will be launched soon

"My God, they are so strong!"

"It's too scary to play all five games in two games!

"Are we going to play full time later? It's almost nine o'clock in the evening now.

If it is full, I guess it will be zero when I get back to the hotel. "

"It is possible to play full, our opponent is QG!

In the RNGM lounge, everyone was watching the game and expressing emotion.

Two games with a total of ten hands.

Let them understand that there are indeed no weak teams in Group A, and now the strength of each team is basically the same

Big, but it's also possible that some teams are hiding something!


There were two knocks on the door, and a staff member with a work card stood at the door

mouth, said: "RNGM please send a representative to follow me to the interview booth!

All eyes immediately focused on Lin Tian.

But this time.

Lin Tian seems to be out of time.

Because in his mind, a long-lost voice appeared!


"The host triggers the mission!"

"Mission content: win the first place in Group A!

"Task Reward: The higher the game score, the better the reward!


"The second mission!!! Lin Tianxin thought.

Seeing that Lin Tian was still in a daze, the cat god patted Lin Tian on the shoulder and said, "What are you thinking about?"

After returning to God.

Lin Tian immediately understood that he was going to the interview booth, so he looked at [-]:[-] and said, "The host of this interview

It's Tianyun, go and seize the opportunity at [-]:[-]. "

The voice just fell.

"Cough cough!

At six o'clock, he coughed twice and sighed: "Actually, I don't really want to go, since God has not punished me.

If it's empty, I'll have to do it for you.


Then he quickly followed the staff to the interview booth.

At the end of Shishi, he began to tell the precautions, but Lin Tian didn't listen to a word.

He is thinking.

How can we completely crush QG!

the reason is simple,

That is, the task this time is not ordinary, it needs to win the first place in Group A

With RW Xia's current points, if RNGM wants to win the first place in Group A, it must

Swept QG three to zero!

If there is a three to one, the two teams will have the same points.

In the case of the same score.

RNGM can only rank second.

So the task left to Lin Tian is very difficult, that is to sweep QG and win the first place in Group A

Set, if you lose this task, you will fail!

Having tasted the sweetness of god-level skills, he will never give up easily!

Interview seats.

What Tianyun is interviewing at this time is the soul of QG, Fly Feiniu!

After asking a series of status questions, Tianyun began to ask Gonghuo's questions: "Finally

One question, how do you evaluate the RNGM after the addition of Heaven's Punishment?

Fei Niu hesitated for a moment, then slowly raised the microphone: "It's very strong, it made up for the vacancy in the team.


Tian Yun responded and continued: "Then according to QG's current state, do you have the confidence to

Said to solve the opponent cleanly?

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