The details are all full.

Countless RNGM fans are excited!

Xiaotang was so excited that he waved the light board and shouted: "Fight back!!!

Although the scalp is numb, the bottle still has to enjoy the salary alone, continue to read the commentary quickly: "God's punishment

Going to fight back!!!

"Fanfan's Taiyi predicted something wrong, but he can't get away!

"Deep into the enemy's camp, resulting in the chubby Aguduo completely out of touch with him, a set of combos, two

The side support was almost killed at the same time!!!

I thought this was the end of the battle!

A golden figure strikes!

Huang Daxian exclaimed: "It's not over yet!"


Bottle's eyes lit up in an instant, and he continued to open the mouthpiece mode of exclusive salary: "Fei Niu has arrived

, have a sprint and walk very fast!

"The second skill falls from the sky and hits the cat god, causing the moment of deceleration, retract the gun and poke, directly

One third blood!

"God's punishment, what do you want to do again!

"The big move is to break into Aguduo's body, and [-]:[-] is here too!!!

"Second blitz and fly to catch the big move, the first skill is then scraped to accept the little fat Aguduo, and the other side's

The cat god also fell

"Do you still want to fight?

"Smash the second skill of Fei Niu, close the gun and hit the sky penalty to two-thirds of the blood, stand at [-]:[-]

God's punishment is like a shield in front of you!

"Two top wingers face off!!!

After the bottle paused for a moment, Huang Daxian immediately answered, "Six to six is ​​like an immortal face."

Aegis, stand in front of God's punishment!!!

"Fei Niu, do you dare to fight?!!

The voice falls!

I saw Ma Chao in the picture, turned around and left as soon as he turned his direction.

In the end, he was still not sure about killing Lin Tian!

This scene fell in the eyes of countless viewers, and immediately set off a frenzy.

"Immortal Aegis, six point six!!!"

"Brother Six is ​​so handsome, he directly protects Heaven's Punishment behind him, which made me think of

During the AG Super Play Club, protect Yinuo's scene!

"You will be my sword, and I will be your shield. The two complement each other. This Bo Liuge and Heaven's Punishment are too much.


"God's punishment, six o'clock, the cat god, at first, pious, rushing to duck, rushing to duck, rushing to duck!!!

RNG.M is pointing to the pinnacle!!!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


"This wave of coordination is a bit tricky!!!"

"Before there was brother Tian showing off the sky, and later brother six came to support, this wave of QGhappy blood loss, haha


"Two for four, the opposite side explodes!!!"

On the opposite side, Sun Shangxiang still needs to throw a wave of soldiers. Hehe, I am on the road and perfectly OB you to start a team.

One word comfortable!!"

In the voice channel of the RNG.M team, everyone's admiration for the wave just now came out.

Lin Tian also showed a smile and said: "Brother Liu played well, I thought I was going to be cracked."

"Ha ha!"

[-]:[-] laughed twice, and said: "Mine is just a routine operation, your elegant Luna is

It is the key to team battles, my eyes can hardly keep up.

After a lot of running-in games.

The cooperation of everyone is gradually taking shape!

After hearing this piously, he laughed and said: "Brothers, you fight slowly, wait until I finish stealing the growth straight

Take over this game.

The voice fell.

Initially pretending to be surprised, he said, "Damn it, is there a shooter in our team?


Piety is simply extremely humble, such as Jia Luo often does not participate in team battles in the early stage

, After all, there is no displacement line slow.

Forced support will only slow down the pace of development.

This initial remark broke the pious and developing heart!

Lin Tian found a bush and went back to the city, and said with a smile: "I will grow again, and I will go to the city after I get the blue

Hit the road for a stroll.

098K!" responded reverently.

Both parties enter a short developmental period.

The director also took this opportunity to replay the team battle just now.

At the end of the replay, the bottle was the first to speak: "This wave of team battle RNGM has made a lot of money, as a

The Heaven's Punishment of Wild Nuclear did not die, and retreated safely!


Huang Daxian replied, as if thinking of something interesting, he said slowly: "Bottle

Have you noticed that when Fei Niu killed the cat god just now, did it look like the first time the cat god killed it?

Time for flying bulls!

As soon as this word comes out.

Let the bottle nod quickly, and said jokingly: "I am obedient to you, and I will let you be obedient to this one."

Wei Nuo Nuo, this is my former good teammate, haha!"

Huang Daxian: "Seeing this, I just want to say, these two are really ruthless!!!

"Yes!" replied the bottle.

In their eyes, this wave of two for four is simply a miracle group!

Especially at the end.

It also made Lin Tian, ​​who took two heads and two assists, run away!

This is definitely a big bad thing for QGhappy!

If you are familiar with Luna, you will understand that if you press the hero Undead in the early stage, then you will be around level six

The upper limit of blue volume is enough to fly everywhere!

Luna before the fourth level, yes!

After the fourth level, Luna strikes hard!

Two heads plus two assists, this is a total of more than 500 gold coins, which made Lin Tiancheng

Successfully put on the resistance shoes!

Don't think much.

The first thing to do after returning to blue is to go to your own blue zone!

Because the two sides started the game with an exchange of blue BUFF, now 2 minutes have passed, the blue buff

Also refreshed early!

When Lin Tian brushed the blue zone wild.

The online battle between [-] and Feiniu in the bottom lane gradually became fiercer.

But still no winner!

At [-], without a flash, Ma Chao, who is basically unable to kill Fei Niu, is the same as Fei Niu Ma.

Chao also couldn't kill the [-] Kuangtie.

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