"Sun Shangxiang killed Master Luban!"

For an instant.

Lin Tian locked his eyes on the demon sword Sun Shangxiang, and the demon sword felt that his scalp was numb

, as if being targeted by a prehistoric beast!

"My ideal person is a hero of the world, one day, he will step on the clouds of seven colors to marry me

The third general attack A was saved, and both Xiaopang Aguduo and Fanfan Taiyi were marked! Big move

Dashing into the demon sword Sun Shangxiang!

There is a devil detail here, that is, Lin Tian took a step forward and then charged forward with a big move!

This is the distance.

Let Lin Tian only consume the imprint on Taiyi's head to rush forward, the moment he hits Sun Shangxiang

, Immediately pull back with a big move and hit Agudo!

Fanfan's reaction is also extremely fast, and the big move [Big Transformation] is given out immediately!

Save the demon sword Sun Shangxiang!

Lin Tian didn't guard the corpse, and the second skill [Scorching Sword Glow] sucked Xiaopang and Fanfan, connecting them

Basic attack is not in a hurry to use big moves!


The moment Sun Shangxiang stood up, the elegant figure crossed back and forth again, just

Like a deadly ghost!

"Luna killed Sun Shangxiang!

Sun Shangxiang fell down for a moment, and first shouted: "Brother Tian is awesome!!!

Seeing this, Qianqian quickly opened his mouth: "Don't let go of the two behind you, it's these three

People bully me who loves peace! 883!!

Initially: "Fuck 'em!!!

Piety: "Brother Tian, ​​work hard!!!

Lin Tian's subordinates did not move in the slightest, and said in a calm tone: "You guys, you are really long-winded."

The voice falls!

"Luna killed the real Taiyi!

"Double. Kill!

Double kill!

"Luna killed Aguduo!

"Triple. kill!

Three kills!

At this time, the scene of five corpses lying quietly in front of the RNG.M tower was once very bloody,

It's unbearable to look straight at!


At first he yelled at the top of his voice.

Piety was not to be outdone, and shouted: "Awesome Klass!!!

Cat God looked at Lin Tian, ​​who was so gorgeous, he also gave a thumbs up and said: "Very strong, this even

The strokes are too silky!!!

[-]:[-], who was busy with the line, also seemed to have stronger confidence, saying: "Good job,


Everyone praised.

There was a signature smile on the corner of Lin Tian's mouth, and he said lightly: "Basic operations, now the final

So no one can stop me from opening the dragon. "

At the commentary booth at this time, the two commentators were already out of breath, but the bottle was still roaring

Said: "Still flying, still flying!!!

Huang Daxian panted heavily, and said: "Good details Luna, Fanfan Taiyi can't get away, little fat

Guduo can't go away!

"Three kills!!!

"This Heaven's Punishment is too beautiful!!!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yaodao and Fanfan looked at the gray screen of the mobile phone screen, speechless for a long time.

The three of them were shown to be stupid.

No power to fight back!

Xiaopang's eyes have long lost the look before the start of the game. Now when he looks at Lin Tianluna

, in addition to jealousy, there is already a touch of fear.

He is also playing Luna, so he can naturally understand Lin Tian's operation just now.

If you comment.

That is.

Smooth to the extreme, the operation is picturesque!

Although this wave is two for three.

But what is gratifying for QGhappy is that Sun Shangxiang, the demon swordsman who is the main C, got two people

Head, can enter his strong period faster.


Lin Tian got three!

The number of heads has reached a full six, and there is only one short of being super god!


Coach Eleven shouted, danced and celebrated wildly in the lounge.


That's bullshit!

He didn't expect Lin Tian to have such a unique skill, Luna, she is so beautiful!

Eleven became more and more determined.

He must create a team of kings before the S group team arrives!

Even by any means!

In fact, Eleven has already resorted to unscrupulous means.

If the strange training method before spreads out, maybe he will be reduced to

The laughing stock of the entire coaching industry.

But he doesn't care!

After gaining Lin Tian as a general, Eleven felt that his resume was about to be added.

A crown!

In the auditorium of the KPL main venue.

The team flag representing RNGM is waving, and the banner is also dancing with the fans' hands

Move, all kinds of aids are raised and waved!

This is their carnival!

"God's punishment is awesome!!!"

"Heaven's Punishment Oppa is so handsome, if he were my boyfriend, I would slap myself when we quarreled!

"Although I am one of the few male fans who come here, if Big Brother Tian Punishment needs me, I will

It is not recommended to study philosophy with him!

"Give it to my sister! The women are not enough points, and the men still come to compete!

"Heaven's Punishment, come on!"

"Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck, Flash them!!

With Lin Tian's wonderful operations, this home field belonging to QG seems to be subtle

The master has been transformed!

All QGhappy fans frowned!

Eyes expecting a miracle to happen!

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