"Three three!!!

"I can follow!"

Immediately at [-]:[-], dodge once and then take the big move [Heaven and Earth Crack], while connecting to the control chain

, Piously give the ultimate move [Fever Barrage]!

"Everyone is disabled, I am super strong in this wave!!!

"I can harvest!!!

"Guan Yu was held down by me."


"Awesome! Wave after wave!

It was another wonderful team start, which shattered QGhappy's comeback dream, and RNGM had almost no

Win the game with any suspense!

Commentary seats:

"In the beginning, the bull demon flashed three of them, and at [-] Lian po followed the control with a flash, and the cat god Zhang Liang

Just stare at Fei Niu Guan Yu!

"Piety connects to the output again, all of them are disabled, and God's punishment jumps in to harvest, one, two, three

All are going to die!!!

"Heaven's Punishment won the three-game winning streak!

"Oh my god! This is a one-for-five wave! Only the first bull demon anti-tower is dead, QGhappy

Is this going to be a wave?

Huang Daxian didn't answer the question immediately, and looked at the QGhappy people in the battle seat

Departmental form, which beat them so badly.

As expected.

Everyone's mentality must have exploded.

After Lin Tian took over the rhythm, mistakes have been made frequently, this is definitely not a team

What a mature team should have.

The bottle on the side looked at the half blood of Crystal, and shouted excitedly: "Let's congratulate RG.

M, defeated Yucheng QGhappy [-]-[-]!


"Overtake RW Man with 2 points and 6 points difference, and won the first place in Group A! Nine


Chapter 110: Lin Tian's Field Statistics, Shocking Everyone!

The sound of the bottle spread through the headset to every corner of the KPL venue in Yucheng, echoing for a long time

For a long time.

The players on both sides took off their headphones.

All I heard was the cheers of RNG.M fans, looking around, the flags waving in the audience

Banners and lights are only for RNGM fans!

The main venue that should belong to QGhappy is now ruthlessly occupied!

They dare not imagine.

QGhappy, who had given high hopes, lost [-]-[-] at home to fellow B

RNG.M from the team!

Zero to three!

What a miserable score!

Xiaopang's original arrogance was beaten to nothing. Before Lin Tian appeared, he

He is the rookie king in the KPL wild area.

but now.

He is just a background board.

But it was also this game that completely woke up QGhappy, they were not chosen by heaven

Son, only by working hard can we "get the tickets at eight or nine!

as the winner.

Need to go to the loser's stage to shake hands, feel the enthusiasm of the fans, stretch out your fist at [-]:[-]

Said: "Nice job.

After Lin Tian saw it, he said, "It was a good fight."

The two hit hard!

This scene.

It was also recorded by the camera.

Fishing boats suddenly appeared in the official live broadcast room.

"Wuhu, the Ueno players punched!

"You played well, the tempo of the three games of God's Punishment is really impeccable, as long as you win one more

If so, lock in the playoffs loser's bracket!

"It's so handsome, my sixth brother played the third game so comfortably, no one would think about it just standing there

Hit him, it's too hard!"

"Oh my god, this combination is really terrifying. One thief can resist, and the other can fight. Who is this?

I can stand it!"

"There was a six-one combination in the front, and a penalty combination in the back. In the words of our football field, it is

Let's see if we can make it to the world wave in the spring split!"

When bullet screens fly across the Internet.

The boxing between RNGM members was also recorded in the team book, and then they were sent to QG

Happy game platform to go!

Lin Tian is still the last one.

When Cat God and Fei Niu met, the two made a move that no one expected.

That is to hug and encourage each other.

"come on!

"You too, I am waiting for you in the loser group."

This scene.

Tears welled up in the bottle's eyes, and he said with emotion: "Mao Shen and Fei Niu used to be the five tigers of QG, time has changed.

Both of them have retired as veterans. "

"Although they are fighting each other on the field, we can still see their strengths off the field.


"I hope QG will not be discouraged!

"Regroup and fight one more time. I believe that the two teams in the loser's bracket will be able to fight again.


After listening to it, Huang Daxian said with mixed feelings: "Let's fight again in the loser's bracket of the playoffs!


The voice fell.

All the QG fans at the KPL venue shouted loudly, they strongly agree with what the bottle said


"Go QG!!!

"Born to be fearless, fight to the end!"

"Don't be afraid of falling, it's a big deal to start all over again!"

"We are always here!!!

With the shouts of QG fans, the vitality of the entire KPL venue reappeared, just like the bottle

what the son said.

Regroup and fight again!

This time, because there were no sound-proof headphones, all the team members could hear clearly.

There was a fighting spirit in Xiaopang's eyes, which was unprecedented. Seeing the person in front of him

It was Lin Tianhou, who gritted her teeth and whispered: "Give me time to catch up, and I will definitely defeat you!"

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