this hotel.

There is a dedicated gym.

There are also dedicated home theaters, one of which was directly transformed into rG.M

Simple replay base.

The reason is that.

The RNG club directly rents rooms with an annual fee, and the hotel side treats this kind of rich and powerful customers

Nature is as satisfying as possible.


After enjoying the pastries for breakfast, everyone was dragged to the gym for running and fitness.

Practice is always at the top.

After all, in e-sports, the body is the capital.

If the body can't keep up, consciousness and operation will basically degenerate, which is why

So professional players aged 16-20 will be very fierce.

Two hours passed.

Everyone was tired and fell to the ground, panting heavily

At first he waved his hand and said, "I can't, I can't, there are still people in the RNG base from time to time

Give some motivation to the women's team, it's full of old men here. "

"I agree!" agreed reverently.

Maoshen sat on the chair and looked at Eleven: "How long will the coach train this time? We don't know

run away. "

Six at six: "The coach gave me the whole protein powder, I want to make these biceps bigger!

"Okay, brother six, I really want to play B06, B08 after practicing so much?" Lin Tian joked

Initially interjected: "Attract the opposite sex!


In an instant, the audience booed.

Everyone understood in an instant.

Eleven waved his hands and said, "Let's stop here today, you guys go take a shower first to wipe off the sweat."

Flush, pious you will bring them to the training room later. "

"no problem!"

Piously made an OK gesture.

He has stayed in RNG.M for so long, and he already knew everything about the layout of the hotel here.

Everyone also took a quick shower.

Then they all gathered in the training room, to put it bluntly, it is a private theater, to do replay training and

It's like watching a movie, with a special flavor.

"The opponent we are facing this time is TES who fell from Group S. I hope everyone can take it seriously.

Do your homework. "

"They play in a style that is more stable and seeks to win."

"Dual-core is used a lot, and the wild-core Xiang

Eleven After briefly introducing the opponent's information.

The replay began.

The most recent match was TES against KSG, winning 3-2!

But this time.

Eleven will not replay this one.

Instead, I chose to replay the slot match between TES and Her Jiujing in Ningcheng.

Fang also went straight to the top Bo7 matchup!

If you want to understand the core things of a team, it is useless to replay regular games, but if

It is different if it is a full game.

Peak showdown!

Blind selection of matching modes.

Without any BP restrictions and without seeing the opponent's selection, there is no doubt that the lineup you dare to take

The most confident in the team!

And this one.

The TES selection lineup is: Luban Master, Luban No. [-] Jiang Ziya, Lu Bu, Jing

Father-son combination + slingshot combination!

Although it cannot be confirmed that TES's hole card is this, there is a high probability that the slingshot combination has already

Perfectly practiced!

On the [-]th, each wave of team battles will be analyzed step by step, and the weaknesses of TES will be found out bit by bit, and further progress will be made.

Conduct short-term training.


Three days passed quietly.

On KPL's official Weibo, they once again posted a picture of Group A's expedition!

Game [-]: QGhappy vs. MTG!

Game [-]: RW Man vs. KSG!

Game [-]: R. vs. TES!

Under the comments on Weibo, the situation became uncontrollable again.

[Brother Niu Zi]: "Come on TES, I will buy you to turn over RnGM with [-] quiz coins,

Shout out to grandpa!!!

[Talpa tree]: "RNG.M really needs to be beaten, especially the 10 games of God's Punishment 1

00% win rate, hope dashed.

【Xiao En】: "I'm not a fan of RNGM team, objective analysis is not very likely,

My prediction is still three to zero. "

[Silence on the West Building]: "Don't spray if you don't like it, I personally think that if I really want to be able to fight with RNGM,

It is estimated that there is only RW Man.

[Diao Chan Diao Wo]: "What if the water ghost team appears? Just pull RNGM off the altar.

[Autumn Wind Rises]: "The Shuigui team can also play like MTG, but it's a pity that they have already lost

Alright, if RNGM wins this game, they will be locked in the playoffs loser group. "

With the sound of online discussion flying.

Six teams also arrived at the KPL venue and waited for the match.

This time, the fans from each family came relatively evenly, and they could clearly distinguish when they entered the arena.

Come, maybe because of the weekend.

"All contestants, please make up in advance!

"There will be a professional stylist later, who will give you a simple haircut, please face the camera with confidence

Inside the dressing room.

Members of the six teams took turns to make up.

This makeup is not the makeup of ordinary women, but belongs to lighting makeup.

It can show a better face when looking at the camera.


After makeup.

The match between QG and MTG is about to start. After the two teams received pre-match interviews, they went directly to the

into the competition.

Today's field commentary is that the master-student combination of the bottle and Xiaolu can be said to be Xiaolu again.

The difficult survival situation of the deer.

In the first one, MTG was beyond everyone's expectations. After opening the jungle rhythm in the early stage, with

Ten thousand economy crushed QGhappy! 903


Just when everyone thought that QGhappy was not in good shape, the second game responded with 17-2

Someone, directly equalize!

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