"This reaction is absolutely amazing!

"Walking among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf touches my body, God's Punishment Ouba is so beautiful that my scalp is numb,

Are you really not afraid of accidents when you play like this on the field?

"Grass, where's my Danxinbaoxin tea?"

"Zhao Yunzhen (Nuo's Zhao) is dead, passively brush up!

When the audience was discussing, Lin Tian in the screen had already entered the electric light mouse mode, moving fast and attacking fast.

increased badly!!

The goal is clear.

It is to kill Hanamaki Zhang Liang who gets in the way first!

Move forward with a skill, connect the hook immediately with a basic attack, throw back and throw it behind for a moment

Time, big move to keep up!

Then AAAA took it away directly!

"Baili Xuan Ce killed Zhang Liang!"

"Double. Kill!

Double kill!

Su Momengqi resisted the damage and returned to her own defense tower with half blood, but don't forget the six points

The six bands are interference!


Once the interference is handed over, the defense tower strikes directly!

Lin Tian continued to pursue!

General attack twice.

The cooldown of the second skill is complete!

The hook hits the back and falls out of the tower directly, and the big move directly follows!

"Baili Xuance killed Meng Qihu!

"Triple. Kill

"No one can see, no one can fight!

Chapter 120 VII Super God in 5 Minutes


"Damn it, brother Tian is working!

Playing operations in the KPL arena, you deserve to be my God Punisher!!!

"Three heads are credited, and only one is short of supernatural. This can't take off?"

The voices in the team are filled with the praise of several teammates. After the team battle, the road can be said to be

,a mess!!

Three corpses were lying in disorder.

In this regard.

Lin Tian just let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, Zhang Liang didn't have a big move, now we can ask

moved forward.

"it is good!

"We push the middle!"

Initially, the cat gods responded one after another.

And this wave dared to operate.

To a large extent, it is because knowing that Hanamaki Zhang Liang has no big moves or flashes, this is also a show

The root of the work.

If it is not sure whether Zhang Liang has a big move, then Lin Tian will never take the risk

Risk, after all, the suppression effect is very unsolvable.

You are strong and let you be strong, Donghuang plus Zhang Liang, this sentence is not a joke.

When the voice fell.

Through the vision device installed in the river, piously found Xiaopeng Xiaopeng who was rushing to the middle road

The two of Dun, without hesitation, quickly said: "Taiyi and Sun Shangxiang have gone to the middle road.

"Then give up the middle push and take one tower on both sides." Lin Tian said without hesitation.


Everyone immediately began to execute it.

And 910 is in the TES team.

The Hunan Army who was killed gradually became confused.

He was a little puzzled.

I used a skill twice to avoid his big move. Could it be that the jungler on the opposite side reacted so badly?

Fast? Is the hand speed really that scary?

Although professional players rarely speak online.


It doesn't mean you don't understand!

He Xiangjun has been ridiculed on the Internet, saying that he is conscious and not operating, which is a low profile

The warm sun in the early morning.

this game.

Let him fall into the road of doubting himself.

At this time, the barrage in the official live broadcast room on the Internet was also as expected by the Hunan Army.

"I couldn't step on it twice, if TES has money, go change the jungler during the transfer period, I really feel

The Hunan Army had to go home to farm.

"I think it's better to go to the electronics factory with Tietu, the two of you will be brothers and sisters on the third assembly line

, really did not see. "

"These two waves were really badly played, there was a feeling that I could do it, isn't it just empty?"

, me too!

"If you go up, it's estimated to be 0-4 now!

"Look at the Zhenxiang combination, what's the hurry!

When the barrage appeared quickly, the defense towers on both sides of TES also collapsed!

Devotion alone pushes a tower!

Looking at this scene, the bottle immediately analyzed: "RNGM pushes up and down the two towers in succession.

Too bad for TES.

"Now they have to put the Zhenxiang combination in the middle lane to eat the line, to ensure the development of Xiaopeng

At the same time, shock the rhythm of Heaven's Punishment attack!

"Don't let him enter the wild so easily!

The little deer on the side nodded, and then said: "That's right, if the Zhenxiang combination is not placed in the middle lane

If so, Heaven's Punishment is equivalent to owning at least three wild areas!

"After all, traveling takes time!"

"Your Zhenxiang team is developing in the bottom lane, I will directly lead people to invade your red zone, and then push them up to defend

Yuta, if you want to rush over, it is already too late.

"That's right." The bottle nodded.

TES is also as predicted by the two commentators. Xiaodun and Xiaopeng's Taiyi Sun Shangxiang have already

Stay in the middle to clear the line and develop!

The next route was handed over to Zhao Yun of the Hunan Army.

Hanamaki is not economical.

After all, when the wind is headed, the economy is limited, and what he plays is only a tool person like Zhang Liang.

There is little economic difference.

But what TES didn't expect was.

For their layout, RNGM has already begun to layout, Lin Tian quickly commanded

Said: "Poke's go to the middle to suppress the opponent, Brother Six will watch them, and I will take the route.

The voice just fell.

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