"Sun Shangxiang's purification unlocked the anti-strike!

"The cat god flashed to four, Taiyi quickly gave a big move, and shot Zhang Liang's piously.

Resurrected, but God's Punishment has come into play!!!

"Start harvesting residual blood!!!

I saw it on the game screen.

The moment the flying sickle hooked Zhao Yun of the Hunan Army, Lin Tian directly moved over with the big move [Shipping Sickle],

Take the head with two basic attacks!

"Putting the group sharp, eating ghosts."

Passive brush out!

Electro-optic mouse state is coming!

The first skill is moved to the side of Xiaopeng Sun Shangxiang, and the three general attacks have a crit, and they are taken away directly!

"Double. Kill!

Double kill!

Followed by crazy basic attacks on the crowd, no longer need to worry about combos!

Enter the high attack speed state.

Xuan Ce's combo is only AAAAAAA!

"Baili Xuan Ce killed Zhang Liang!"

"Baili Xuan Ce killed Taiyi Daoist!"

"Baili Xuan Ce killed Meng Qi!

"Penta. kill!

Five consecutive peerless!

The entire audience and even the hundreds of thousands of viewers online took a deep breath!

It turned out to be five kills again!

The bottle was so excited that it blushed and its neck was thick, and announced loudly: "When the group is destroyed, it is another wave of God's punishment!"

Five Peerless Group Destroyers!!!

"This man has a great sense of rhythm!!"

"The resurrection time is 17 seconds!

"This resurrection time is too late for TES, let us congratulate Rm for defeating TES,

Go to the next city first!!!!" Nine


Chapter 120 IX He is a cat god, can he still fight?




No one thought that TES would lose so badly, even they themselves thought it was unbelievable.

The first game of Bo5 is always fixed at 8 minutes and 27 seconds, not even a 10-minute time node

It can be said to be nailed to the pillar of shame!

You must know that the average length of a KPL game is 19 minutes, and this game is nearly 1 minute short.

1 minute, you can see how

The five members of RNGM left the field in style.

TES left sadly.

Looking at the two teams leaving the arena, Bottle shook his head and said: This game ended too quickly, so I will

After getting Heaven's Punishment from RNGM.

"The average length of KPL games has been reduced to 19 minutes.

Pro pull down the average duration!


The two commentators looked at each other.

Xiaolu nodded, and then said: "We used to say that MTG [-] is a blitzkrieg special

home, but they are quick to win and quick to lose.

"But now it seems."

"This title has changed hands. RNGM seems to have very few headwinds, and the only two times are both

Did not see the Storm Dragon King.

"The key is.

"RNG.M still maintains an unbeaten record after entering the third round of the regular season!"

"Heaven punished this player, and he has never lost a single game. Will he be able to create a new KPL history?

, to create the miracle in our hearts with a complete victory attitude?

Xiaolu's passionate and generous voice spread throughout the KPL venue through the earphone.


Countless gasps sounded.

Win the championship?

This achievement has never been achieved!

Even QGhappy in the Five Tigers era lost in the regular season!

In an instant.

Numerous viewers discussed left and right.

"Is it possible for God's punishment? It feels very hanging!"

"Not to mention anything else, after entering Group S, the myth of being undefeated is probably shattered, and now it is only A

The group is just warming up.

"I think it's amazing to win the championship, and I can't imagine winning the championship with a complete victory!

"If Heaven's Punishment can lead the team to victory and win the championship, I will live broadcast wearing a bikini and confessing to the goddess

, that's it!

"Grass, what a quirk!

Inside the RNGM lounge.

Lin Tian couldn't help but smile when he heard Xiaolu's words.

He didn't think about it that much.

Of course.

If you can really win all, that's not bad.

After explaining the next game, Coach Eleven looked at Mao Shen and said, "You play with me!"

Come here, I have something to tell you.

"Yeah." Cat God followed closely behind.


The two found a corner with few people.

Eleven stared at the eyes of the cat god with blazing eyes, and said, "It's too well-behaved, you

It didn't meet my expectations!

"If you still want to play core, the next game will prove to everyone, I need you to

Get 4 less heads!

"Nakano linkage, is it okay?

The words made the cat god fall into silence.

Is he playing badly?

It can't be said that it is not good, but all the highlight moments are all taken up by Lin Tian!

the next one.

prove yourself

Cat God ignited a fighting spirit, nodded at Eleven and said: "I understand, I'll do it next time."

To come up with a method to stab the hero. "

Nod at eleven.

What the two didn't notice was that a figure in the distance listened to the conversation, and then

Vigorously leave quickly.

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