Let countless netizens understand in seconds.

At this time, RNGM is not aware of the discussion on the Internet.

Nearly twenty people.

Book out the entire hot pot restaurant.

At this time, nearly 20 people from the three teams are drinking and eating, beer and fresh hot food

Things are just perfect!

Up to half an hour of sea drinking.

A blush has already appeared on everyone's faces, but tonight's banquet is not destined to be easy

Stop, at first the big speaker kept persuading people to drink!

"Drink, brothers drink!!!

"Mo Fan, you beat so hard, how about raising fish in a cup? Fuck me in one go!

"Brother Biao, here's another toast to everyone!

"Come again!!!

At [-]:[-], he also came up at this time, and said to Jiulong: "I saw that your boy Guan Yu and Ma Chao didn't like it."

It's pleasing to the eye, blow on the bottle, come!!!


Straight up the bottle!

Not to be outdone, Jiulong picked up the beer bottles beside him and bumped them together, shouting: "I've seen it earlier too.

Your frankness here is not pleasing to the eye, no matter what you do, you won’t die, don’t leave tonight, let’s see who gets down first!!


The voice fell.

The two blew directly on the bottle.

For an instant.

Everyone has already started filling the bottles, and the store owner couldn't help but feel a little scared when he saw the battle,

Ready to call the white car!

If there were others, he would have been kicked out earlier.


They give way too much.


Everyone is equivalent to a farewell banquet this time, after all, neither M nor KSG has a loser

group, after three days, the cutscene will be over, and it is estimated that we will catch a plane back to the training base in the evening!

Everyone didn't talk about the field.

Just recognize one word.


Lin Tian was naturally the one who was besieged the hardest, and everyone thought in their hearts: "The game is so good

Many people can't beat you, but drinking can still lose?"

Everyone didn't know how long it had passed.

only know.

A group of people lay on the ground.

The big brothers of the drivers who have already ordered them to rush into the store to pick up people according to the team uniforms, and then

Shipping back to each hotel.

Arrive at the hotel.

Naturally, there will be a hotel waiter to carry them up. After all, it is God who pays.

It is also the positioning of a high-end hotel.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.


On the second day, the points situation of Group S was already very clear.

The last difference is.

No.5: Chancheng GK, 1 point and 4 points difference!

No.6: Pengcheng DYG, 1 point and 7 points difference!

It is different from the elimination of Group A.

The last two in Group S are the second round of the loser group, that is to say, if RNGM wins

Win the first round.

Then the opponent (Nuo De Zhao) in the next round will be No.5 Chancheng GK in Group S!

The same reason.

If there is another round.

Then it will be AG Chaowan Club, Guangfu TTG, Ningcheng Hreo Jiujing, eStar Jiangcheng

Among them, lost to one of the two teams in the loser's bracket!

If you go to another round.

It is to win the next team with the next loser group and compete for the qualification for the next round!

Never feel like it's over.

Because in the winner's group there is still the last team that lost in group S. After defeating this team, the

Officially reached the finals!!

Equivalent to.

Every team in Group S has a chance to be resurrected. As an RNGM in the loser group, there is no

Doubt to turn over a mountain Kai.

In order to finally reach the finals!

PS: Thank you to everyone who sent monthly tickets, reminders, rewards, flowers, and evaluation tickets, you

They are the author's brothers and sisters! (Crazy hint) (Winning eyes)

Chapter 130 The Battle Begins, The Final Round of the Regular Season

"Welcome to the final round of the third regular season of the 2021 KPL Spring Split

At the scene, I am today's host, Guang Yu!

"Now the points ranking RNG.M is far ahead, ranking first in Group A, but I also

Read comments online.

"It's all being discussed."

"Who will be the first to face them in the loser's bracket of the playoffs, then the audience who came to today's scene

Friends, shout out the answer in your heart. ",

In the center of the Yucheng KPL venue, a slender man is constantly warming up.

Thousands of spectators off the court also gave enough face, fans of each team desperately shouted the names of other teams

Words, this is probably unprecedented.

after all

This is really a bit unwilling to fight RNGM, the winning streak is too strong.

It's fine if you don't lose.

I have never lost a small victory.

This is even scarier than BA Black Pineapple, which had won [-] consecutive victories, at least they won a big game,

But there are still winners and losers in the game.


Regarding Guangyu's words.

What more viewers think in their hearts is that they are finally waiting for the game to start.

This game is over.

Then really enter the battle of swords and swords.

Whoever loses goes home.

The first one at this time was started by MTG and KSG917, because there was no way to advance

Hope the two teams are fierce to each other to the extreme.

Line operations?


All staff operating reckless?

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