Hit it upside down] Arch to the wall!

"Rubbing, rubbing, is the devil's step.

A pious shuttle bullet, half blood directly!


Yangyang Liu Bang's big move came.

A white striped shield appeared on Zhao Yun's blood strip, preventing him from being instantly killed, but

What they didn't pay attention to was.

Lin Tian has not made a move yet.



The first Taiyi after the circle directly flashed, and the connection controlled the time, so that Xiaoye's Zhao Yun is still alive today.

Still in the chain of control.


Lin Tian's eyes flashed a sharp edge.

"It is enough to leave things to the dark people to see blood!


【crack empty】

For an instant.

Lin Tian's combo quickly hit Xiao Ye Zhao Yun, fragments scattered around in the mirror space

Flying here, Zhao Yun, who is full of blood, fell immediately in seconds!

"Mirror kill Zhao Yun!

"First. Blood!

first drop of blood!

I thought that Lin Tian was grabbing the head, but in the 0.3 seconds before Zhao Yun died, Yangyang Liu Bang

Already sent over!

Commentary seats:

The bottle also quickly used his quick-paced mouth, explaining: "Xiaoye Zhao Yun wants to move

Soldiers line, one skill dash forward to receive the big move!"

"Heaven's Punishment predicts the location of the landing, and directly uses the big move to control the [-] combo to push away,

Pious one shuttle bullet Zhao Yun directly half blood!

"Liu Bang Chuan Da!"

"At first, Taiyi stunned Xiaoye's Zhao Yun, and prevented him from mobilizing troops.

, he is still waiting

"Harvesting begins!"

"Heaven's Punishment 1A1AA combo, fragments fly to refresh skills and do another set, Xiaoye Zhao Yun is instantly

Instant kill!"


"Liu Bang came down before Zhao Yun died in Xiaoye!"

In an instant.

Countless people took a deep breath.

Immediately understood why Lin Tian didn't rush to make consecutive moves, this is to catch big fish with a long line, no,

It should be said that Liu Bang is fishing for oceans!


That's it for double ringing!

Xiaolu answered immediately: "Yangyang Liu Bang landed, and at first he licked it with the second skill of Taiyi Zhenren,

The half-saved gas tank explodes directly!

"Serial dizziness!!!

"Although Yangyang Liu Bang is well-developed, he has the piety of the last days, and it is at this point in time

King of meat!

"Another round of bullets!

"Cat God's spell damage is also a fatal output for Yangyang Liu Bang who has no magic defense equipment.

, this is too cruel!"

"Heaven's Punishment kill line is very high, a set of combo moves directly takes the head, and the ultimate move changes positions to return to blood Xiao

Sprinkle away, harvest two combos!!!

Xiaolu's voice fell.

This scene is so detailed.

After a pause of less than 1.5 seconds, Liu Bang, who was far away from the confrontation road, was caught.

A wave of double kills.

This terrible control.

It's scary to think about.

Without the slightest hesitation, the five quickly pushed the tower.

【The red defense tower is destroyed!】

【The blue defense tower is destroyed!】

The news of the two games made everyone focus on the middle lane.

Huang Zhong of Huayun and Master Lu Ban who never give up have smoothed out the second tower in the middle road, and it seems that there is still time left

It means to move on.

But next second.

"Death to death!!!

The cat god made a big move and swept directly to the high ground.

Chenfeng Jiang Ziya, who was originally charged up, lost his blood volume rapidly like a waterfall, which made him feel helpless.

Don't give up quickly and walk away.

Fortunately, he was decisive enough.

Because in less than a second, he was half blooded!

The development of the cat god is also good!

This kind of play that hurts the enemy one thousand and self-damages eight hundred makes Hua Yun look at Gao Gao in the middle who is close at hand.

Dita gritted his teeth and choked out a sentence:

Us, back on defense!!!




Chapter 140 Three extreme gambling, regain control of the overall rhythm

back to defense

As soon as these four words came out, they contained too much helplessness.

Because the economy of RW Man has all been put on him, Hua Yun, and his other four teammates

The economy is hard to describe

If he doesn't go back to guard his home, it is estimated that he will create the record of the KPL league's longest game

Now the fastest KPL game holder is, the original EDG played XQ in only 6 minutes and 4

Push XQ flat in 6 seconds

That game.

EDG is still out of Marco Polo.

If you switch to a faster tower pusher, maybe you can lose the game in a wave in 6 minutes

And now.

Only 5 minutes into the game!

There is still nearly 2 minutes to go before breaking the record!

If Hua Yun insists on pushing the RNG.M middle road highland tower, maybe it is really possible to brush again

New KPL league record-record!

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