
"RNG.M is attacking the high ground of RW Xia, is it possible to have a wave

"Cat God opened his big move to shoot, but was blocked by Yangyang Liu Bang, RNG.M started running

The wolf is about to charge!

Take up

Take the lead.

The cannon actually knocked out [-] and a half blood, this crit damage is very scary!

A pious shuttle of bullets wants to consume blood!

The cannon was revived. Fortunately, Taiyi's big move was given early at the beginning. This Huayun Huang Zhongjing

Ji is too high.

Heaven's Punishment mirror space unfolds!""

Changing positions at high speed, avoiding Huang Zhong's several shots, Hua Yun had to turn her guns to attack the six

At six o'clock, RW Xia and others are guarding the corpse!"

Can Du Cheng leave?

Ah, it was dropped in seconds

After the bottle breathed a little, Xiao Lu immediately took up the commentary: "Master Lu Ban gave a big move

Suck the six point six back.

Huayun got the head

But the defense tower is gone, RNG.M's strong attack still achieved their goal, God

Punish three people to retreat quickly.


"There is a gap in the RW Xia base, which makes it very difficult for them to defend the other two lanes.

Possibly, RNG.M's Heavenly Punishment will cut in from the side!

It seems that the head broke out, RNG.M lost

But in fact, RW man is even worse

After their high ground tower fell, the small soldiers at the front have evolved from the super soldiers of the mecha

, this is very scary.


Super soldiers often play a key role

After hearing Xiao Lu's words, Bottle agreed: "RNG.M's current strategy is to

I'll just take your tower, it doesn't really matter if people die in battle

According to my visual observation, RNG.M wants to push all the defense towers, and then trap RW man in the crystal

Inside, die slowly. "

Because of the current situation, as long as God's punishment is not dead, RW Xia will not dare to step out of the base

Huang Zhong was too afraid of cutting in from the side. "

Once caught the opportunity.

1A31A2 This set of combos is enough to kill Huang Zhong instantly.

It is estimated that it will take less than two seconds.

Xiaolu nodded, seeming to understand: "Inside the base, Huang Zhong is the king, outside the base, the sky is the king."

Punishment is the king, should it mean this?

That's right. "Bottle said without hesitation.

The explanations of the two commentators let the audience understand the game between the two sides

Also understand.

Why RNG.M wants to take down the high ground


10 minute is coming.

The arrival of the two dominant creatures provides RNG.M with more convenient tower pushing services,

After all, torso dragons add defense

After Ssangyong won.

Lin Tian said calmly: "Continue to rush

Three short words.

The referee who was listening could not help but look at her body at 0.9. In the moment just now, she seemed to be

The Buddha is like being in Shura hell.

this man

The style of play is too iron-blooded and ruthless!

Just three short words.

NG.M organized wave after wave of offensives, and the heads of the two sides have changed from 2 to 2 to

An extreme headcount ratio of 2 to 12!

This inappropriate crushing situation?

But it's not.

As R with only 2 heads

Is the dominant side of the attack, 12 heads are not

It's just pushing all the outer towers of RW Xia, and the cost of half blood in the middle road

The situation at this time.

Very much like ancient siege

The defender uses the tall city wall to defend, and when the attacker attacks the city, he will pay his

The result of their casualties several times.

This is why.

In ancient times, if you want to attack a city by force, you must have ten times the number of people, or you will be forced to surrender without water and food.

Sacrifice is necessary in order to overcome difficulties.




Chapter 140 Five, I, Heaven's Punishment, Haven't Defeated!

What a scary man, this is really pushing the tower with the head, it doesn't give RW man a breather


If the three-way highland is broken, to be honest, the pig raising lineup will kill itself

Because the line can't be taken out at all

That's right, Liu Bang and Zhao Yunqing are so fucking slow, this game made me feel the iron blood of God's punishment

Wrist, horrible.

It is estimated that the RW man coach did not expect that RNG.M would use his head to fill the defense tower, so

Come down, all three highs will explode!

It is indeed the punishment of the wild king, it is ruthless enough!

Countless people were convinced by Lin Tian's iron-blooded means, and the Internet exploded.

This is a life-saving way to dismantle the tower.

It can be said that it is rare to see on the playing field.

Blink of an eye

15 minutes

Marco Polo kills the dark tyrant of the torso!

Mirror to kill the torso shadow master!

As soon as the game broadcast came out, the bottle quickly said: "It's coming again, piously get the black

The dark tyrant, Heaven's Punishment also got the torso master again, and the vanguard appeared!!

The voice just fell.

The 25 pioneers that appeared in the crystal, the obvious size of the middle lane became bigger.

Xiaolu was a little surprised and said: "It turned out to be a strengthened mid-lane dominator vanguard, so in this wave of RW heroes

Luta is hard to defend.

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