Girl, shit, I'll find a rooftop and reopen it




Chapter 150 Bad Woman, Leave Us Brother Tian!

The team won't go to fight in blood, will it?"

It's past one o'clock in the morning, and I think it's possible, after all, the road to becoming a god of the Hundred Duan Wild King

There must be a female spy

"Then are we still waiting here? I want to go to bed, bro!"

"By the way, whoever proposed to wait here for them to come back, can't they change to another hotel?

Really are!!!

Who else could it be, Brother Biao, who is so smart.


One o'clock!

RNG.M starts with four players plus a substitute, Yuyu. At this time, like a watcher, waiting for Lin

god bring sugar back

their purpose is simple

That is, I want to see how far these two people have developed, and I plan to make a fuss by the way

Next, who is to say that they have not made substantial progress yet.

Just like the crazy female fans on the Internet

They were sour too!

After half an hour.

A small white battery drove quickly, and after seeing a few people at the entrance of the hotel, a spiritual

The drift stopped immediately.

I can tell.

Lin Tian is in a good mood tonight, the smile on his face has never dissipated

When everyone saw that it was Lin Tian, ​​they quickly surrounded him.

At first, I looked around and turned over the back seat, and said with doubts: ""Team Tian, ​​the beautiful hostess

What? Are you yellow?

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on the initial face, and after two seconds of silence, they spoke at six o'clock

Said: "Didi hits people, 10 yuan a time.

Brother Biao really owed 927 to take it up. "The cat god nodded in agreement.

Piety is directly proposing: "Just pull him into the hotel gym, where

The sound effect is good!

Yuyu: "Prepare for bullying in the team!"

Lin Tian looked indifferent, and said with a smile: "Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, let this matter go.

Little Brother Biao.

Everyone was surprised and took a closer look, and there was a red lip mark on Lin Tian's left cheek.

It makes people think about it.

Gradually began to make up some stories in my brain.

After finding out at [-]:[-], he immediately stepped forward and said: "Team Tian, ​​please pass on the exclusive knowledge of the host.



Everyone surrounded Lin Tian to death

Some passers-by who didn't know about it thought it was some kind of brawl in the early morning.

When you see it, take a detour and leave!

It's broken so quickly? Isn't it?

"Give me a guide too.

"Me too!

me too!

me too

Looking at the people who looked like repeaters, Lin Tian smiled mysteriously and said slowly: "The secret book

Yes. Maybe because of my good looks.

The voice just fell.

The air froze for a moment

It only takes less than two seconds for everyone's expressions to change from anticipation to disgust.

They all turned and left.


I have to fly tomorrow.


Can you do whatever you want if you are handsome? Can you be lawless if you are handsome?

Maybe being handsome can really do whatever he wants, look at that broad-faced, always

Like 18 years old.

The sound became smaller and smaller as the crowd moved away.

Lin Tian touched the left side of his face, revealed a smile and said to himself: "You are so active.

It made me feel embarrassed. "

Pushing the small battery into the hotel lobby quickly, the security originally thought it would be reprimanded, but saw that it was

Lin Tianhou swallowed the words abruptly.

He dare not offend this master

After all, they are VIP customers of the hotel!

Lin Tian naturally noticed the change in Security's expression, and didn't pay much attention to it, just quickly

Take the elevator back to the room to sleep.

Only two kilometers away from the hotel where RNG.M stayed, it was the official arrangement of KPL in Yucheng

Officials staying at the hotel

Xiaotang, Xiaolu, Tianyun, and Qiqi were all arranged in the same room, because electricity

It is inevitable that the work and rest will be different from that of ordinary people.

When Xiao Tang swiped the room card and came back.

Tian Yun in the hall stopped tapping his notebook, looked up and joked: "Little

Has the sugar arrived? It's in big or small bags.

The little deer who was still eating melons quickly surrounded him and said, "You still have the mood to go shopping

See how your Weibo has been exploded. "

Quickly bring the phone closer.

Xiaotang looked at the selfie tweet with nearly 50 likes, and was immediately dumbfounded.

Asked: "What's wrong with my Weibo?"

Xiaolu didn't say much, after clicking on the comment.

Xu Yi]: "Bad woman!

Down with the hostess]: "Bad woman, leave us, Brother Tian!!!

Xiaotang's No. [-] Black Fan]: "Please leave us, God will punish my brother, my chest is now

So uncomfortable, woo woo woo!

[Invincible Meow Meow Boxing]: "Insider information, the new host is using our brother Tian to stir up the heat

Speed, let's spread quickly!

[I'm so floating]: "Grass, just touch your face, as long as there is no official announcement, I'm Xiangcheng Reba

There is still a chance!!!

easy to spot

These seem to be Lin Tian's female fans, and now the comments are still being posted, without the slightest

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