Playing Bo3 training matches with AG Chaowan

The voice fell.

The smiles on everyone's faces froze, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Will you play a training match with AG Chaowan tonight?


Moreover, how did the Wolong coach on Eleven make an appointment for a training match during this period? Mo

Was it some underground mysterious transaction???


Black question marks filled everyone's foreheads.

Chapter 150 The Thoughts of Both Sides in the Training Match

Sensing everyone's doubts, Coach Eleven quickly explained: "It's someone who asked us out, and I

I'm too embarrassed to say no, right?

As soon as this word comes out

Everyone took a deep breath.

The S group team invited them to play a training match, and it was still in this sensitive period, this is simply

Just bad intentions!

There is also an unspoken rule among KPL teams.

That is.

No training games during the competition period

Because playing training games during the game period can allow both sides to adapt to each other's teams in advance.

Wu's style of play.

Hearing this, Lin Tian frowned and said, "It feels like they are here to test our depth.

That's right. "The cat god also nodded in agreement.

Qianqian also said seriously: "Team Tian is right, how can you agree, coach, it can't be

Didn't get paid?

"It's possible!" initially echoed

At [-]:[-], he also shook his head and said, "It's possible that he was tricked by a beauty, our Wolong coach will not be

Instigated "September [-]"? Is it Miss AG Feifei?

As soon as this word comes out

Immediately, Coach Eleven was speechless, lamenting how this group of people have such rich imaginations,

He just couldn't find a point of rebuttal.

To know.

AG Feifei is the owner of the family, a proper rich woman, he would like to be with a rich woman

have to understand one thing

That is.

Can't bear the rich woman's happy ball!

no way.

Eleven coaches only need to explain: "I know their purpose, but you have to know a little

Group S has deeper water.

But they offered to be sparring partners

We should all play a winner's bracket game and adapt to the team rhythm of S group in advance. After all, R

W Man is no longer a roadblock.

The remarks.

Immediately let everyone understand the intention.

After dominating Group A for so long, Coach Eleven was also afraid that the team would not adapt to the rhythm of Group S.

regret losing

For the team

he is heartbroken

At [-]:[-], he patted Coach Eleven on the shoulder and said, "As expected of our Coach Chen Long, then

Get ready to hammer a promise!

Lin Tian showed a smile and said: "I heard that Chuchen Luna is very strong, so it just happens to be able to PK this time

Warm up when it's hot.

"Then I will hammer Xiaoying!" the cat god teased.

At first, he slapped his chest and said: "Brothers, if the match is two to zero, the next one

Yue's supper money went directly to my account.


Everyone was full of fighting spirit.

Because it's eight o'clock in the evening to fight again.

Everyone also got a rest time to adjust their status.

Although first class.

But taking public transport is bound to be tiring!

Everyone quickly returned to the player's apartment, took a nap and adjusted, and waited for the night to come.

the other side.

In one of the top hotels in Shanghai

All members of the AG Super Play Club are doing a day of task training, because the playoffs have arrived

give them less time to rest

in ten days

They will have a showdown with Guangfu TTG.

If you lose the game.

Then you will enter the loser's bracket. If you win the game, you can directly enter the second place in the winner's bracket.

Round, have a long vacation to put!

The head coach Awoke saw that the time was almost up, so he greeted everyone: "After this game

just stop, there's something to announce

Nuo manipulated Ah Li to kill randomly, and said, "What news? Coach? Up, up, up, up."

There is also Yuji!

run wolf run wolf

I can chase, I can chase, lift and hold, God, I fly out of the aunt's towel directly in the air, and

want to run, kill

Bull, bull, sister-in-law is awesome!!!

push push push!

It's easy to end a five-fifth ranking, and everyone in the AG Super Play will also focus on the coach

On the body, Yinuo continued the question and said, "Coach, what news?"

Chuchen showed a smile and said: "Holiday?

This is good, I haven't felt the luxury of the magic city yet, I just play S group all day long

Competition!" Aze nodded.

Xiaoying joked, ""Does Sister Feifei know?

"I guess Sister Feifei definitely doesn't know. It's very likely that the coach made her own claim, hehe."

Aisi looked like a thief and said

The voice just fell.

At the door of the remodeled hotel training room, a serious female voice came from: "Who said just now?

Going on vacation, huh?"


The atmosphere in the training room became serious

I saw a woman with a single ponytail standing at the door, her eyes were not angry and pretentious, just standing there

That strong aura makes people feel pressured.

She is Feifei, the boss of AG Super Play Club

Seeing that the crowd didn't answer, and didn't pay much attention, Feifei approached with hurried steps.

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