"It is worth mentioning that they are a dual-core team most of the time, although the fault tolerance rate is higher than

Low, but very well developed. "

"This can greatly satisfy Yinuo and Chuzhan!

Coach Eleven quickly uttered the information he had collected, and roughly said in his words

The characteristics of the AG Super Play Club.

The core is undoubtedly.

The first floor this point!

Because of this spring season 25, Yinuo's limelight was indeed overshadowed by the first layer, especially

His Yana, so beautiful that it was hype

Now people often compare the first layer with Lin Tian on the Internet, because it is useless in Lin Tian.

Naqian, the first floor is Doudao Kingl

It is worth mentioning that.

His transfer fee is as high as [-]

But after this season, his worth will undoubtedly increase because of his competitive status.

The attitude is really great!

After listening to the coach analysis.

Night Simulator

Chapter 150 The smell of gunpowder in the top jungler! 2/5

Si Lintian pondered for a moment, then said: "Damn the time zone or develop the road?"

A short sentence full of confidence.

Although everyone in RNG.M was a little surprised.

But didn't say much.

Plus Eleven coach immediately responded: "If possible, I want you to develop double roads in the wild.

National flower, can you do it?"

"Try your best." Lin Tian replied.

When the two talked, everyone boarded their tuba one after another.

To keep a low profile.

All have incognito mode set.

1 This stealth mode is the same as the stealth status of Qizheng account. After setting this mode,

| Others will appear to be offline.


You can still continue to qualify for the Fortune Summit!

This is very convenient for some "CP", after all, after saying good night to each other, you can continue to chat

Combat, the whole model looks very green and healthy.


The custom room is created successfully, send the link to Yinuo directly at [-]:[-], and Yinuo

forward to the group.

| For a moment.

Five familiar occupation IDs entered the room.

Go to [AG Super Play Club, Yinuo enters the room!]

[AG super play club, enter the room in the early morning! 】

[AG Super Play Club, Aze enters the room! 】

Let [AG Super Play Club, Xiaoying enter the room! ]

[AG Chaowan Club, Aisi enters the room! 】

Between a league.

The room is full of people.

[AG Chaowanhui, Aisi]: ""Brother Biao, I didn't expect to fight again so soon

We won't show mercy later.

[RNG.M, at the beginning]: "You can hit me, but you can't hit my team, just let me go!

Live Master Luban, good brother!"

[AG Chaowanhui, Aze]: "You think so beautifully, ban it directly, ban it directly

[RNG.M, [-]:[-]): "Let's put some water, if it's two to zero, brother Biao said it's a month

Supper, lol.

[AG Super Play Club, Yinuo]: "Okay, until Brother Biao goes bankrupt!

when people tease each other

The two coaches also started to contact each other via WeChat, and after everything was arranged, they greeted each other.

Ready to race.

Because the owner is Lin Tian

Just when I was about to press the start button, another piece of information about the room on the left appeared.

AG Super Play Club, Chuchen]: "Heavenly punishment, I will not show mercy, because I have to finish the fight

go to bed early

See this message.

Everyone obviously felt the smell of gunpowder.

Lin Tian typed lightly: "That's exactly what I mean.

The message is sent for two seconds.

start the game directly

Both parties enter the BP interface.

This RNG.M is the blue side, which has a small advantage in banning.

Seeing that he entered the BP interface, Coach Eleven immediately said, "Heavenly Punishment, Luna, do you want to play?"

After Lin Tian simply refused, he continued: "Give it to the other side, Chuchen, let me see when Luna arrives.

How far is it?

The opposite wants to know Lin Tian.

Think carefully.

Why doesn't Lin Tian want to know about Chuchen!

Only by knowing your opponent can you defeat your opponent better!

It's just a training match.

Even if you lose, there is no penalty.

But if it is on the playing field.

To lose is to be eliminated

The coach didn't ask too much, turned to Mao Shen and said, "Take Luna's words on the other side.

It's hard work for you to play tool man.

No problem!" Cat God responded.

At [-]:[-], he spoke quickly: "I think if the opposite party takes Luna in the early morning, I can

Try Zhubajie or Mengqi.

Piety: "I can keep my promises and one-liners!"

Initially: "If you want to play the early invasion, I think Shield Mountain Taiyi is good, first look at

Team Sky's choice. "

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