Because the match between RNG.M and RW Man is at [-]pm on June [-]th, exactly

It's almost half a holiday.

After everyone has no opinion.

Start waiting for the video to be exported

With Assistant Professor Wang saying yes, the video file on the computer started to play, and the

The instrument is put on the application.

two training games

Although it is a crushing situation

But among them, the AG Super Play will still show a lot of things, the most intuitive one is the initial

this morning!

Although the second one was blown up by Lin Tian.


Luna, who was the first to him, can play her own rhythm from time to time in Lin Tian's rhythm.

It's really a bit of a skill to play the sound.

No words.

know why.

This season's performance is average, but his style of play is still very aggressive, which leads to his

From time to time there will be a point drop!

While pausing, the coach said: "Look at this wave, Luna in the early morning

When jumping the tower.

He has judged that you are not here.

Zhu Bajie carried the tower to let Chuchen Yinuo output, next time this happens, you have to go to [-]:[-]

Get back and hide.

For example

God punishes them to go three guarantees and two guarantees, so don't think that you can show the opposite side, stabilize yourself first

, don't let the opposite side break through.

Side tank defense towers are worthless.

What he said made Six Point Six nod his head half-understood, he was playing with Liu Bang, indeed

Too obsessed with that tower

If Zhu Bajie Mengqi Lu Bu is okay

A hero like Liu Bang.

There is no one-on-three ability at all!

When RNG.M resumed the game, the hotel training room of the AG Super Play Club also started to do two games

Operation review

compared to itself.

They want to know more about Lin Tian's shortcomings!

The eyes of the six people began to stare at the screen, and Coach Awoke manipulated Lin Tian amazingly, with a triple

to start slow playback.

The first

Doubt is the second flash to avoid Aisi

I see Zhongyi

The first Taiyi was oppressing AG Superplay, and the three of them would take positions. When his gas tank exploded,

Aisi is looking for opportunities to flash

No mistakes so far.


When he blinked for a second.

Lin Tian's mirror suddenly moved to dodge with a skill, as if he had predicted it in advance, and

And the big move directly cuts the back row.

There is a sense of prediction.

Play it again. " Chuchen opened his mouth

Seeing him at this moment, he seemed to have discovered something unusual.

Coach Awoke operates quickly, and then slows down at ten times the speed. The current picture can be said

Extremely slow, one second of the screen is divided into ten seconds.

under these circumstances.

Everyone in AG finally found the problem

Well known.

Shield Mountain uses the second skill, the whole body will bend down, and then move forward

Perform a small displacement.

That is

This has a forward rocking action.

At this ten times slower speed, everyone in the AG Super Play Club found that there was a little bend in the Aisidun Mountain.

when signs.

The mirror's hand-raising action appeared.

This is also a skill of the mirror, but the time is very short.

almost negligible

But what does this slow down mean!

In other words.

After Aisi used the second skill for 0.1 seconds, Lin Tian followed up with the first skill


Coach Awoke released three more pictures.

Twice against people on the back of the shield mountain, once to avoid the darts of King Lanling, without exception, all of them were within 0.1

Responded in seconds!

If you are watching at double speed.

will feel.

Both sides are released simultaneously.

After all, one second is too short for human beings!!

After watching the video.

The training room issued a fierce 937 reaction speech.

"Is this a prediction or a reaction?

It's scary, does such a person really exist? Coach?

Is this a script? Only a script can react so fast, I personally don't

Believe someone can do it.

Wrong, 0.1 second time, huh!

"This is hanging!

Hear the doubts of his teammates.

Chuchen smiled wryly, and said: "Coach, let's release the ones on the field to have a look, we will have them tonight."

Find out if he is hanging.

That's right.

Nuo nodded and continued: "Although I don't believe that this is an operation that humans can perform

, but I also don't believe he will cheat.

Coach Awoke showed a touch of surprise, nodded and said: "Well, don't rush to draw conclusions.


Play the KPL game video that has already been prepared. This is the mobile phone provided by the official. I want to

Technology is impossible

Because there are referees watching behind.

After watching a few highlights in slow playback, I still had the same reaction.

Instantly slapped everyone in the face of AG Super Play.

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