Set off a frenzy of Aite official blog.

All the official bloggers are sweating, and they also want to update something, but their own team

All staff are closed.

What should I do?

I can only pretend to be dead!

Time passed quietly again.

at last

Night of the fourth day!

NG.M official blog is the first to update tweets, the content is very simple

[Wish you all a happy June [-] in advance!

Below the simple text.

It is a training map for all RNG.M members. At this time, they have come to an end, and

Don't be afraid to be disturbed again.

This is the picture.

In an instant, the Internet exploded again.

Maoer]: "The photographer directly snapped the chicken legs, knowing what we want to see, but only

Gave a back view? Looking down on me?

[Brother Tian's Lover]: "That's right, do you look down on our RNG.M support club?

Hurry up and beat the camera to the sky and punish O'Neill's face!

[Long Zuo]: "Oh, what a group of superficial women, don't the whole world only think that God

Isn't the punishment handsome?!

【Awei】: "Yes

Brother Jie]: "Brother Long in front, I understand your thoughts, please eat the bread quickly,

come with me to the big house

online speech.

Everyone in RNG.M is rich and ignorant, and now they are engaged in the last wave of team battles.


Trembling hands!

After finishing this game, I will leave tomorrow.

Perhaps because of the excitement of the holiday, everyone managed to make zero mistakes in the last round of team battles

At the same time, there were also zero deaths!

Wave zero for five.

End the four guarantees and one pig raising on the opposite side

Cheers rang throughout the training room

ル is finally over!!!

It's not easy, damn it!!!

After practicing the system lineup for so long, I am going to be stupid, and I can finally go out and play a wave


Brother Cheng, quickly call the girl!!!

After a month of competition and training, everyone in RNG.M finally ushered in their rest

Rest day, there are three full days!

Coach Eleven shook his head, he could only say let them go

It's a promise after all.


Qianqian immediately turned on the phone and sent a voice message, saying: "Qiqi, I was very upset about what happened at the airport last time."

sorry, do you have time tomorrow

There were countless gasps.

Lin Tian also looked at Qianqian differently, and was surprised in his heart: "This kid Qianqian, this is

A big game of chess was played.

Seemingly infected by Du Cheng, Six Point Six also mustered up the courage to open Tian Yun's WeChat account and start

Start sending news about team building tomorrow

On the contrary, it is the cat god.

A little shyly approached Lin Tian, ​​and whispered: "Ling'er seems to be a little molasses, as long as you can

I can't... tell me... tell me.

Lin Tian immediately understood Maoshen's mind, quickly opened Xiaotang's WeChat, and sent (Nuoma's) voice

Said: "Tomorrow, bring your honey with you. "

Message sending

In the hotel where KPL official personnel stay.

Xiaotang is constantly trying on clothes.

Lin Tian told her before that they would go to Disney team building together on June, but when the day came,

Still having trouble choosing clothes

Linger, the staff officer, was sitting on the bed, watching idol dramas to pass the time

Whenever Xiaotang asks if this piece is good-looking, Linger will be emotionless and just glance at it casually

Afterwards, he replied: "It looks good.


clothes in closet

Dozens have been taken out.

Just when Xiao Tang wanted to take one, the mobile phone’s WeChat notification sounded, and he clicked on the voice

after playing

Tomorrow, bring your girlfriends with you.

A short sentence.

While making Ling'er keep coughing dryly for a moment, she almost couldn't hold the phone steadily, so she quickly said

Listen to me, I really don't know anything

Xiao Tang took half a step back.

That shocked look all interpreted a sentence: "Could it be that this is the legendary fire prevention

Anti-theft and anti-girlfriend?




Chapter 170 Two Now, Immediately Pop Me

It's Children's Day already.

This festival is definitely the most favorite festival of most people, or it is the most missed

A festival, after all, who has not had a childhood.

This time the RNG.M team building point.

It is also scheduled to be held in the world-famous Magic City Disneyland.

The whole world is urging you to grow up, only Disney has been guarding your innocence.

This is its slogan!

Four p.m.

Magic City Disney entrance

Lin Tian and the others were already waiting outside the ticket gate, and they kept taking out their mobile phones with black screens at [-]:[-]

Use mirrors to maintain image.


Am I handsome today?

This has been No.17 times, and at the beginning I still said helplessly: ""It's very handsome, Xiaomei refused

I'm gone, you still bring me here

Hilarious, is my hair messed up?"

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