
AG Chaowan will be unfavorable in an accident. In the case of getting Jing and Taiyi, he was actually caught by Qing Qing

Tian kill wear competition!

The second one.

Otherwise, Pei Qinhu and Qingqing Mengqi staged another wave, what is Ueno linkage, until

Then crush the AG Super Play Club!


In the third game, AG Chaowan will change its strategy, take out Zhou Yu's Bull Demon, and fight a wave of early invasion

Open the situation smoothly.

After pulling back one point!

In the fourth round, they lost the game again. Nine-Tails Fire Dance killed the audience randomly, leaving Guangfu T

G arrives at match point.

In the fifth round, AG Chaowan will no longer hide things, and the appearance of Luna in the early morning will move back to the same place again.



There is no summit match.

In the sixth game, Kyuubi and Qingqing joined forces, and Qingqing Guan Yu and Kyuwei Zhou Yu played several times.

Played, directly established the victory of the game.

AG Chaowan will fall into the loser group!

when the game is over.

Countless fans are still in a state of confusion.

But if you look at the matchup table at this time, you will find that AG Chaowan will fall behind the loser group.

Then he appeared in the third round of the loser's bracket on RNG.M's side!

In other words.

Once you finish playing Chancheng GK, you will face the AG Super Play Club!

There was a trace of fear in Lin Tian's eyes, and he slowly said: "Coach, let's review the game,

The early morning of the AG Super Play Club is indeed very strong.

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone in RNGM agreed instantly.

"That's right, right back!

"It's best to figure out Chuchen and Yinuo, otherwise it's really uncomfortable. Their strength is now

Can rank first echelon!

"Especially early morning Luna, show!!

"It's really strong!

Hearing everyone's speeches, Coach Eleven didn't say anything at all, preparing to resume the work before the set.

The day after tomorrow they will play Chancheng GK, there is no time to relax, after all

There are more powerful enemies behind!

PS: Here is a [-]-word chapter, the author really couldn't bear it today, and took medicine from the hospital

After that, my head was dizzy.

If tomorrow is fine.

Resume five chapter updates.Nine


Chapter 180 Nine Unforeseen Situations, KPL Official Temporary Notice!

As the teams in the winner's bracket decide the winner, the game of the loser's bracket is also quietly approaching.

on Weibo.

At this time, the KPL official blog has issued a notice for the next battle!

Yucheng QGhappy vs. Pengcheng DYG!

This is definitely an epoch-making game!

Group A team.

For the first time against a strong team in Group S.

Countless viewers are looking forward to it. After all, this also represents the teams in Group A.

Play against the S group team.

The host gave a loud shout, and the two teams slowly walked out of the backstage in turn, making the scene even more tense.

The atmosphere ignited instantly!

There is not much to say on both sides.

Start the counterattack directly!

In the first game, QG did not choose to test the opponent, and directly used the Big Joe system, ready to

Prepare to eat the first point.

But Pengcheng DYG took a slant and took out four strong players: Guan Yu, Shen Mengxi, Jing, and Gongsunli

Potential point, also want to compete for the first point.

early stage.

Pengcheng DYG did not hesitate too much, went directly into the QGhappy wild area, and took the chubby Zhao

Cloud hangs up and hammers crazily.

Not surprisingly.

17 to 3 direct crush!

This scene made countless pessimistic viewers succeed, sending barrage congratulations one after another.

"Hey, what a delicious dish!!!

"Sure enough, the teams in Group A can only play in Group A. If you come to the loser's bracket to play in Group A, the original form will be complete.

exposed, why bother~

"Boldly predict that QG will be swept four to zero. The first score will be the next three games.

The epitome of racing!

"QG loses today, RNGM loses tomorrow, don't talk about anything else, this is this spring

In the script of the game, Group S is better than Group A!

"After watching this game, I agree with "[-]!

Countless pressures came to my face.

But the QGhappy team can always face difficulties, and the second one is also an eye for an eye

Tit for a tooth, take out the mirror, Chang'e, Master Luban.

This time it was replaced by Pengcheng DYG wild area.


The development of Yaoji Yuji took off, allowing the team to equalize the score without any risk.

But soon.

Pengcheng DYG once again used the slingshot combination to open the score by one point again.

In the fourth round, QGhappy chose Ma Chao, and Fei Niu became the team's absolute favorite.

Against the No. [-] economy, equalize the score again!


Both sides take turns to score points.

Finally reached the peak duel!!!

Such a difficult battle has surprised countless viewers. They did not expect that qGha

Ppy was able to reach the peak duel.

Both sides this time.

Finally, the bottom card of the box appeared.

QGhappy chooses a quad-core lineup, and the heroes are Huowu, Gongsunli, Lan, and Mengqi

It seems that the economy is not enough.

last hand.

It is also the essence of the quad-core lineup, and Taiyi real person is used to make up for the economic shortage, so that

The lineup is fully formed!

On the other hand, Pengcheng DYG!

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