"Take three heads in less than 4 minutes, this one continues to kill randomly!

"Brother Tian, ​​you are amazing~

In the first half of singing, Lin Tian immediately stopped and said: "Stop, stop, the cat god is going to come up to control

, continue targeting Guan Yu!


The cat god gasped, and said in horror: "Team Tian wants to turn the beast Guan Yu into a super ghost!"

Ah, a little brutal!

Initially: "Cruel!

Piety: "Blood!

Six at six: "Horror!

Lin Tian showed a relaxed smile, and said: "I took out this hero, just to kill all the beasts.

Hit super ghosts. "

the other side.

Hearing the familiar game broadcast sound, Pengpeng suddenly shuddered, remembering these few days.

Tiantian's replay of RNGM.

"We won't be killed indiscriminately, will we?

The emergence of this idea.

Let Pengpeng immediately shake his head to clear his mind, and dare not continue to think about it, he does not believe it.

Believe that you will become those who were killed indiscriminately in the replay!

He doesn't allow it!

Absolutely not!!! Nine


Chapter 190 One person was killed, the whole village ascended to heaven!

"Pengpeng Zhao Yun still walked over, something is going to happen now!!!

"Heaven's Punishment's big move came invisibly behind Pengpeng, and the basic attack was followed by a skill in seconds. Pengpeng responded

Come over and want to use a skill to move and fight back!

"Oh my god!!!

"Heaven's Punishment is the second skill, which is to wait for this time, to hit the backstab crit again, A Ke's

Skills can crit!

"That's right!"

"And after Ah Ke activates the first-level big move, he can get a full 130 points of physical attack,

This is equivalent to getting a handful of endless attributes directly!"

"Heaven's Punishment basic attack damage is very high!

"The moment Pengpeng and Zhao Yun died in battle, all the skills of Heaven's Punishment were refreshed immediately, and the ultimate move entered the stealth mode.

In the state of speed, go straight to the beasts Guan Yu!

"The beasts reacted, activated the second skill to quickly enter the charge state!"


"It's too late!

"Heaven's Punishment will directly break the horse's legs with two consecutive moves, and it won't be able to run away!

"Double hit!!!

The passionate voices of the three commentators echoed in the KPL venue.

this wave.

Countless RNG.M fans held their breaths, finally waiting for the familiar rhythm picture in their hearts


The director played back again.

Every detail is presented in front of the audience again, making the fans in the venue shout loudly!

"Bull, bull, bull!!!

"This wave, this wave is called reluctance to [-], and it can't catch Pengpeng and beasts. It's wonderful.

This is wonderful!"

"In less than 4 minutes, the three-headed brother Tian, ​​this feeling is familiar again.

script. "

"This wave is really full of details, Pengpeng didn't even realize that Brother Tian was behind him

, and it just so happens that the beasts split their soldiers and charge again!

"This is called, kill three birds with one stone!!!"

"This wave of Sixth Brothers is also gone, haha!

The original mistake in BP made RNG.M fans extremely worried.

But now Lin 25 Tian opened up the situation again, and they finally let go of the hanging in their hearts

The boulder, chatting with each other with great ease.

game screen

After Lin Tian killed the beast Guan Yu, he immediately took the whole line into his pocket.


Walking towards the river, giving people the illusion that they have already gone!

But in fact, Lin Tian touched it back quietly, and brought a helper, that is

Zhang Liang, the cat god.


Qingfeng is not a fool, the first time the cat god disappeared, he said: "Zhang Liang is gone.

, be careful online. "

The voice just fell.

Bai Beast, who had just walked up the line, gave a wry smile, and said, "I guess they are looking for me, he

They want to blow me up. "

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone in Chancheng GK fell silent.

Their strategy is to play a bilateral advantage, but now they have completely abolished one side,

This is simply a bit of a headwind.

The key is.

[-]:[-] Mengqi is too difficult to grasp, let alone whether it can be caught to death, even if it can

It takes a long time to fight to death.

If you don't catch Mengqi who is [-], all that is left for Pengpeng now is Qian, who is on the road to development.


Pengpeng knew that it was no longer possible to continue like this, so he immediately commanded: "Everyone

Grab the opposite shooter, you can stick to it yourself. "

In a word.

Completely condemned all beasts to become "orphans!


It's also normal to fight against the road. The beasts took a deep breath and said, "I'll try my best to defend it.

But don't expect too much from me. ",

"Just delay for a while." Qing Feng replied.

Seeing this, Meng Lan also said: "Don't worry, after my hero gets up, everyone on the other side will

It's slag, relax!"

Huang Zhong, Hou Yi, Jia Luo!

This is the KPL late shooter three phantom gods!

Late Three Phantom Gods!

As the name suggests, it is almost invincible in the later stage.

Especially the hero Huang Zhong!

When the tower is suppressed with the wind, as long as the fort is erected, it is the absolute domain,

Violation is equal to death!

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