The RNGM fans at the scene also understood that these three commentators were trying to smooth things over, but they also gave enough face

Do not argue any further.


They all shouted at the stage.

"Come on Team Sky!!!

"Don't be affected by mentality, come on!!!

"Team Tian, ​​win and sleep with me!!!"

"Grass, isn't it Jimei, listen to my sister's advice, the water in the KPL arena is very deep, you

They can't hold it!

"I never hold, not afraid of deep!!!"

After some shouting.


The audience's attention was also attracted back by the game, only to see the game screen at this time, Lin Tiangang

It is easy to use punishment to accept the master.

【Luna kills the head master!】

Because of the return to the city circle, Lin Tian's speed is relatively fast.


Pengpeng's Lan and Ah Gai's Dunshan are both half-blooded, so it's impossible for them to dominate for a head

Slaughter, and then team fight.

Even if you want to rush.

That's too late!

The moment the game broadcast appeared, Lianpo, the beast of the confrontation road, walked towards the defense tower

, Dare not qualify to clear the soldiers.


Most people really don't have much interest in a disturbing winger like him, because

It is too difficult to kill.

If you forcefully kill.

The light ones are likely to be replaced, and the heavy ones may be all counter-killed.

This is why.

In the KPL arena, tanks are the mainstream, and there are relatively few side battles.

"Show yourself!

"I'm so handsome when I run, I'm so happy!

"I guessed the beginning, but I couldn't guess the ending.

Quickly clear two wild areas.

While Lin Tian walked up the road with double BUFF, he also greeted the staff: "Prepare for a team battle,

Kill Baili Shouyue.

Because it's red.

The development of this perspective is on the road, which is actually good for Lin Tianluna's performance


Just like now.

After coming to the local red zone, keep refreshing the general attack mark at the big bird in the red zone, while the front

It is a tower of development road.

who to change.

Will tremble!

When I heard it for the first time, I immediately said: "Let's go, brother Maoshen directly resists the sniper rifle, I

Wait for the elevator!

"Understood!" Cat God replied.

Piety took a look at the equipment and said: "Brothers are still short of money to end the apocalypse, poor

Poor child!"

Because two people switched lines.

The pious economy is actually slightly affected, after all, there are gold coin soldiers on the development road,

Bobing can pay an extra 40 bucks!

at this time.

On the development road of Chancheng GK.

Meng Lan kept the promise and didn't dare to snipe at all, because at this time his vision has not been revealed yet, Lin Tian is still

I don't know his exact location.

Once sniped.

If she exposed her position, she might be blocked by Lin Tian. Now Menglan can only

Enough to look forward to the support of teammates soon!

Commentary seats:

All members of RNG.M began to move closer to the development road. While the cat god Wang Zhaojun cleared his troops, he stood

The front line of soldiers, the intention is obvious!"

"Heaven punishes Luna to mark the big bird in the red zone, and she is still doing the operation of jamming the knife. Meng Lan's vision is amazing.

Do not reveal!!


"Once the vision is revealed, it is very likely that the 3A323 set will catch up and take it away!

"But we can find out."

"Chancheng GK is also rushing down the road, it feels like this wave of two sides is going to fight a wave of big team battles!

ask for flowers

"And Peng Penglan swam down the river, which is not far from RNG.M, sincerely

The output point must be single-cut carefully!

"That's right!

"But the violent Gongsunli is still very strong in duels. If it is one-on-one, Pengpeng's Lan will definitely not

Errors can occur.

When the three commentators were analyzing the situation.

Down the road suddenly!

Get agitated all of a sudden!

I saw Lin Tian rushing directly with his big move, just when a line of soldiers arrived, his eyes were flying in the big move

During this period, Meng Lan was discovered.

The third general attack falls on the pawn line, and the second presses the big move to fly forward immediately!

I saw the end of the big move.

The translucent body is clinging to the wall!

"No, I was seen!

Meng Lan roared angrily, and the voices of her teammates chatting hurriedly came from her ears.


"I cut Gongsunli!

"Meng Lan, you flash towards us, I will cover you with a big move later!

"Blowing out of the fire zone, you can hit it!

"Keep in formation, don't disperse!"

The game screen at this time has been divided into two battlefields.

Lin Tian's single-cut Menglan keeps the contract!

There are also three people from Chancheng GK Nakanosuke who are at the location of the river crab.

The battle between the two sides is imminent!

Lin Tian, ​​who was close to Meng Lan and kept the contract, did not rush to make consecutive moves, but kept attacking the mark,

Let the defense tower attack fall.


Without further ado, Meng Lan pulled the trigger of the second skill and took the big move [Escape] in seconds!

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