Moment, because Qing Feng and Zhou Yu are too disgusting!

The early damage is ridiculously high!

"One who can walk counts as one!"

"I'm going to run out of health, and finally hit a wave of control chains, you can go as long as you can!

"Brother Cat God, goodbye in the spring!

"Brother Cheng, hurry up!

As soon as the voice fell, the original Da Qiao was the first to fall into the sea of ​​flames!

He is too brittle this time period!


The hero Zhou Yu's damage in the early stage is almost the highest among all mages, because

No one can match the continuous output for his group!

When the cat god had only one-fifth of his blood left, a calm voice came from everyone's ears

Voice: "Ice him, I can kill him."

I don't know when.

Lin Tian has already circled back to the main battlefield from the red zone, and his blood volume is upgraded in [Purification Crystal]

Passive, already close to two-thirds!

this moment!

The originally dim eyes of the cat god were as bright as shooting stars for a moment, and he answered repeatedly.


Voice: "Understood!!!

The second skill [Frost Imprisonment] is released!

A warning circle appeared at Qingfeng Zhou Yu's feet, just about to move, but was caught by the cat god Wang Zhaojun in seconds

Yes, directly reduce movement speed by 50%!

"call out!"

After an ice sculpture appeared.

The figure at the position of the triangular grass immediately shot out a lavender light, followed by

It is the breakthrough of characters!

"Bastard, I already knew you had a problem!

13A323 Months of infinite consecutive fights, Qingfeng Zhou Yu hardly had any power to fight back, and was beaten

Lin Tian easily accepted it!

"Luna killed Zhou Yu!

next second.

The piety who was still struggling immediately called for help, and shouted: "Team Sky Cat God, help the world!


At this time, the blood volume of the godly is less than one-tenth, as long as A Gaidunshan punches,

I guess it's the dog!


Lin Tian and Maoshen responded casually, followed by a silky combo to bring down Agai Dunshan

, Lin Tian won the double kill!

If it wasn't too long ago.

Maybe this wave should be able to get three kills in a row!


When Lin Tian finished killing Dunshan, the RNGM team cheered in unison.


"Team Tian is so handsome!!!

"Luna from Team Sky really made my scalp tingle, dazzled, fascinated, unfeeling

Self-restraint, the beginning of love!

"Brother Biao is not educated, so don't use idioms indiscriminately. Later, the referee lady will laugh at us

How to do!

"I don't care, Team Sky is awesome!!!"

After yelling out this voice at the beginning, Qianqian was a little unhappy, and said: "Brothers,

Has no one praised me?"

"Do you know how extreme I am?

"I made an astonishing

Operation, just push him away and fight back!"

some words.

Lin Tian cheered and said: "Very strong."

"Team Tian has already expressed my thoughts, so I won't exaggerate." At first, he nodded.

Cat God and Six Point Six nodded in the same way.

even though.

This wave of piousness is very extreme, but compared with Lin Tiandanqie Menglan's keeping the contract, it is still far behind

What a little taste.

And finally.

The pious and residual blood is quite embarrassing, it is not as good as Lin Tian's seven-in and seven-out, and there are still one-third

A majestic figure with a lot of blood.

Compare it like this.

Everyone will naturally think that Lin Tian is awesome!

Listening to everyone's perfunctory attitude, Qiang couldn't help but speak again 0.9: "You guys are perfunctory!"

Derivation, evasion, ambiguity!

"The relationship between the three brothers who are burning with tin foil is broken. The operation I just performed was so beautiful, and I still have to wait for it."

I killed Lan, you, you",

Before the piety was finished, the cat god pressed the return button and said perfunctorily: "Okay, okay, you're the last

Great all right.

At first: "Oh, what is this?"

Six at six: "Yes."

The perfunctory attitude strikes again, and the pious who feels the unfair treatment suddenly changes the subject

, Said: "Team Team, do you think I hang up?"

a time.

The team was silent.

What is this?

Lin Tian was still brushing the tyrant's hand, paused for a moment, and responded lightly: "Don't look."

PS: Sorry readers, three chapters have been updated in the last few days, mainly

The author went to the hospital to take care of his stomach.

The good news is!

You can leave the hospital in three days, and then resume the previous five chapters per day, [-] words

number update.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Pengpeng watched the countdown to his resurrection, and said in a low voice: "How could this happen?

As a high-explosive assassin, he was actually killed by Gongsunli who was his prey.

What a disgrace!

What a shame!!!

However, Pengpeng felt a little scared because of his reaction speed.

To know.

Except for Lin Tian, ​​RNGM is a group of veterans who have fought for many years!

Logically speaking.

They should all be "handicapped parties, but why does RNGM give him the feeling that other

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