Now, everyone has the power to fight!"

"I can't help it, our brother Tian is too lazy, Peng Peng, a player who can be ranked in the top three wild cores

They were all pressed to the ground and beaten by him, it was so terrifying!

RNGM, Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck!!!

When countless viewers were excited, the little rocket appeared in the live broadcast room!

[Send the barrage AG super play meeting, we are back! Draw a limited number of small Daji voice machines

The number of robots is three!]

For an instant.

The full screen of "AG Super Game Club, we are back!" The barrage floated across the screen, making the official live broadcast room full of excitement.

Stuck in a stuck state.

At this time, in the hotel base of the AG Super Play Club, Yinuo couldn't help shouting when he saw this scene: "R

NG.M is awesome, let’s join forces!!!”


Put a smile on his face!

On the contrary, Coach Awoke couldn't be happy, and complained in his heart: "It's four to zero again.

Sweep, how many hole cards does RNGM have?

No one expected A Ke to do this move, but it had an explosive effect!

Aze looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and clenched his fists.

For Yinuo.

It may be a team reunion, which is worth celebrating!

But for him, Aze, he absolutely cannot fail this time. Once he fails,

Definitely the rhythm is taken to fly.

the reason is simple.

That is, AG Chaowan will give up [-] and give him the position of confrontation road.

Turning around will blow him up.

What do fans think?

What does the coach think?

What does Feifei think?

Now it was as if dozens of boulders had been crushed on his body, which already made Aze a little out of breath.

In the match the day after tomorrow, he must not fail!

This is dignity!

It is also the trust that AG Chaowan will have in him!

There are people who have the same idea as Aisi, after all, he also has competitors!

This showdown.

Whoever loses is really embarrassed!

After hearing the answers from the two, Ling'er nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, I wish you all the best in the future."

Big win the day after tomorrow!

"Then this is the end of tonight's interview. I am very grateful to RNGM's Team Tian, ​​Brother Six, and Brother Biao.

Come to the interview booth. "

"Now hand over the screen to the commentary booth."


As soon as the screen on the big screen turned, he had already arrived at the commentary booth.

Seeing this, Li Jiu quickly said: "Welcome back, we also heard the [-]:[-]

and initially spoke. "

"It can be heard from the words that they still feel a little bit reluctant to AG Chaowan, especially

It's six past six!"


"At seven o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, these two teams will be at the present location, fighting in full swing


The voice just fell.

Juju quickly answered the call, saying: "To be honest, six and six and can make calls until now, but

And it's getting better and better!

"My personal guess!

RNG.M and AG Chaowan will be two teams, and they will definitely do their best to play what we want

Unexpectedly exciting game!

Seeing the impassioned speeches of the two commentators, Ting Tong also expressed his opinion: "Well, I also like it

Good RNGM!

"Don't say anything else."

"Only the performance of God Punishment tonight, I feel that no matter which team it is, it must face

They reviewed it.


Definitely need to review!

Just as Ting Tong said, whether it is Jiangcheng eStar, Guangfu TG, or Ning

City Hero has been competing for a long time!

They have all entered the "end-of-semester review state!

They really didn't expect it.

RNG.M's invincible performance in Group A will continue to the loser group, which makes

They are very afraid!

For any of their teams, it is impossible to say that they can 100% beat Chancheng K four times.

Zero sweeps out.

after all.

Pengpeng's Lan is really terrifying!

but tonight!

Lin Tian not only did it, but also led the team to an astonishing record of four bars and zero.

Let all teams understand.


No longer a struggling weak team in Group B!

As the time goes.

Li Jiu also handed over the screen to Xiaotang, and as the host of the competition, she answered the conversation: "

Okay, thanks to the three commentators for their analysis again!

"In the four games tonight, there are also a lot of brilliant operations, and the teams of both sides have also

After trying my best. "

ask for flowers

Then leave our stage. ", some teams will advance to the next round of competition, and some teams will be disappointed.

"But the field is so brutal

"But believe it!"

"World Championship, they will come back strong again!

These words encouraged the fans of Chancheng GK, so that they would not sink in the sadness of being eliminated


After all, if the Spring Split is not enough, then the World Championship will be played. If the World Championship is not enough, there will be the Fall Championship

, Winter Crown Cup, if they all lose!

Then we have to wait until next year.

After finishing his encouraging words, Xiaotang changed the subject and said: "Tonight's game is over, but the game

The journey is far from over!

"Come on RGM!

"Come on Chancheng GK!

The voice fell.

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