The hand who ordered the takeaway at first stopped, and said in disbelief: "This has been overturned? No

huh? so suddenly?


The cat god sighed heavily, and said, "The skills are not as good as human beings, so there is nothing to say."

On the live broadcast screen at [-]:[-], he said in a low voice: "As expected of the team with the number one points in Group S, adjust

Very strong after coming here. "

Piety: "I'm scared, bro.

Eleven, the coach of Wolong didn't speak, and looked at Lin Tian who was silent at the side.

After a long time.

Watching Jiangcheng eStar's post-match interview, Lin Tian said lightly: "Prepare for the AG Super Play Club with all your strength.

Well, there are stronger opponents behind.

It is worth mentioning that.

After the game tomorrow, the KPL game date will usher in a seven-day space.

This period of time is the KPL ultimatum, because in the future there will be continuous wars until the final decision is made.

Match two teams!

After Lin Tian said something, Eleven nodded and said: "Tomorrow it's our turn to play against AG Superplay Club,

Can't go wrong!

"Review the game video of the AG Super Play Club two more times, and continue to replay at [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon. We will

Be foolproof!


At this time, everyone understands that time is precious, and they can no longer laugh and laugh.

When Eleven's voice fell, everyone responded one after another.


"I promise not to pressure you this time!

"I also guarantee that playing AG Superplay will not be taken lightly, come on, brothers!!!

"come on! Come on!!!"

After some self-indulgence, Eleven is trying to close the live broadcast of the game for a replay.


Lin Tian quickly said: "Wait!

"What's wrong?

Eleven hesitated.

Everyone's eyes turned back to the live broadcast of the event. On the screen, Fei Niu was walking slowly.

Steady steps into the interview booth.

After the interview host Tian Yun saw Fei Niu, he bowed slightly and said hello: "Welcome to us!"

Fly, Feiniu came to the interview booth!

After some opening remarks.

Tianyun started chatting very naturally, her style is different from other hosts.

Said it was an interview.

But in fact, it gives people the feeling of chatting with friends.

After Fei Niu calmed down in the lounge, he let go of the burden in his heart, and naturally got along with

Tianyun chatted freely.

963 "Hmm!

"After chatting with Feiniu for so long, I finally asked if this loss would be right.

Has your state of mind been affected?

"After all, the Champions League is coming soon.

The voice fell.

Fei Niu shook his head and said: "If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. I will do my best to deal with the Champions Cup."

next game. "

Tian Yun's eyes flashed with admiration, nodded and said: "Well, our Great General Fei Niu has his own heart.

The attitude is still very good, and fans don't need to worry too much. "

"That's the end of the interview."

"Does Feiniu have anything to say to fans and friends?

Hear this.

A flash of light flashed in Fei Niu's eyes, he slowly raised the microphone and said, "Thank you

Continued support.

"Very grateful

Tianyun instinctively wanted to end the interview, but was interrupted by Fei Niu: "Wait a minute, I'm still waiting for you."

Want to say a few words!

Tian Yun nodded and watched quietly from the side.


With a light breath, Fei Niu quickly formed words in his mind, and said in a firm tone: "Our QGhap

The py journey is over.

Heaven's Punishment, Cat God, Six Point Six, Piety, At first, I still say the same thing, starting from Group B

It's interesting to start playing. "

"Now we are defeated by QG!

"You who have played in Group B until now, want to go on instead of us, RNGM, we

Group B's last hope!

Pause for a moment.

Fei Niu took a deep breath and yelled into the microphone, "Tomorrow night you five, give me



Chapter 210 Hot discussion on the whole network, RNG.M that bears the hope of the whole village!

A cry to Yuan Chong's direct audience broke the stereotyped image of Fei Niu and surprised countless fans.

To know.

Whether it is in a promotional film or a documentary, Feiniu is a silent and frank watcher.

A cruel boy.

But if you look at his black history, you will find that this is definitely a slow-burning player, and

Still a singer!

A song that stings me, the legendary player who sent the QG Five Tigers to Cai's replacement.

this moment.

The Internet is completely booming, booming, booming!!!

"Wake up, Feiniu is going to inherit the will, RNG.M people are sitting at the base, pressing

Force from heaven!"

"This wave of RNG.M has a heavier burden on their shoulders. Once they face AG Chaowan, they will lose. Group B

The whole army will be gone. "

"It's not just Group B! The teams in Group A have all been eliminated, and now RNG.M is

Alien like existence. "

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