
Pious right hand on, team veteran!

Followed by.

cat god!


six six!

At last.

Lin Tian slowly put his right hand on the top and counted down: "Three, two, one!"

When one falls!

The entire RNG.M team, including the assistant coach Wang who took the video, said in unison: "Reborn from the ashes, the sword points to the top

Feng, must win!!!”

The video is at the end.

A line of subtitles appears when the screen is black.

【Born to be fearless, fight to the end!】

This is one such, extremely generic response video.

It seems that everything has been said.

It seems that nothing has been said!

However, this does not prevent the netizens who eat melons from boiling up. It is already great to dare to respond.

get up.

After all, RNG.M is going to play tomorrow night, but the old and strong team, AG will play super!!

In less than 5 minutes after the tweet was posted, it has received [-] likes, and every comment below

There will be hundreds more in one refresh!

[Pole Star]: "If RNG.M wins this wave, what mobile phone do you endorse?

Just buy any mobile phone!"

[Bull addiction]: "Don't talk about anything else, after winning the AG Super Game, you will be considered as Biao Ge and

I will buy the sixth brother media film!"

【Eat and drink enough to go to sleep】: "Don't say it's a media film of the two of them, even if it's a trailer,

I will pay the bill as usual and give it to Grandpa!!!

【Yaoyao】: "Hey, you guys have really unique tastes, unlike me, you only like

Heaven punishes the pigeon~

[Meijiao Niang]: "Gogeme belongs to everyone, the KPL tickets have been bought, and the banners have been sold."

After customization~

Comments keep popping up.

RNG.M official blog is also in this heat, with millions of followers!

But things are far from over.

After the popularity subsided a little, the official blog of AG Super Play Club (Nuo Wang Hao) suddenly posted a statement,

Very short: "Tomorrow night, we will wait for you!"

a time.

The dissipated heat returned again.

at the same time.

Group S teams are cheering for the AG Super Play Club!

this moment.

It is no longer just a battle between RNG.M and AG Super Play Club, but also a battle between the S group

Battle with Team AB!

after all.

Jiangcheng eStar on the side has already defeated QGhappy, now they are waiting for AG who is also in Group S

Super play will meet teachers!

If you lose.

Then I can only lie down and let myself be ridiculed!

The online fishing boats are constantly fermenting, but the first five RNG.M speakers have never been seen.

If it is for the sake of popularity, just say a few words on the Internet now, it is estimated that it will increase fans

Hundreds of thousands.


they do not!

In the RNG.M training room, Lin Tian and others are listening to Coach Eleven's analysis of tactics with full attention

, and formulate a series of play methods.

Get ready for tomorrow's fight!!!


Chapter 210 Team Six, You've Broken Up!

time flies.

It's game time now!

Outside the KPL stadium in Shanghai, countless spectators are checking tickets in an orderly manner.

have to say.

The popularity of the AG Super Game Club is extremely high. Even in Shanghai, the home city of RNGM, fans

The proportion is also huge.

Because many factors are taken into consideration.

RNGM and AG Super Play Club entered the competition venue two hours earlier, free of charge.

cause unnecessary commotion.

In the dressing room.

While the ten members of the two teams were being made up, they kept talking harshly before the match.

At [-]:[-], through the mirror in front of him, he looked at Yinuo on the side, and said viciously: "Yinuo, get ready

Do you feel the love of your father?

These words made Yinuo couldn't help curling his lips into a smile, and said a little shyly: "Sixth brother, let's meet again

Then you float away.

"It's really gone!" Aisi nodded.

At first he smiled and said: "My iron-headed A Biao is also floating, you are waiting to be killed by us tonight."

Sky team hammer cry!

Hearing this, Aze couldn't help but retort: ​​"You are not an iron head, you are an iron head!

Chuchen looked at the initial under-sampling, and said coldly: "If you don't call for three days, the house will be exposed!

"It's okay to hang up Biao, but the premise is that you don't hit me, I'm a little shooter

I can't stand the toss! Piously joked.

Lin Tian heard that there was trouble again at the beginning, and said lightly: "I agree."

"I wipe!

At first, he was extremely surprised, and said: "Brothers just sold me out like this? There's nothing the same

Is there any brotherhood?

"No. Lin Tian replied.

For a while, everyone let out a voice of "Hmm~!

If this conversation gets out, outsiders may think that 967 in the ng.M team is messing with the team


Seeing this, Xiaoying, who had been silent for a long time, smiled and joked: "Brother Biao, don't be angry, the transfer period

Let's come back to AG. "

Face-to-face poaching?

so arrogant?

Before everyone could open their mouths, they waved their hands at first and said: "No, no, no, in RNGM there are more

Saida can also make money!

"That's right!"

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