Confrontation Road: Aze

Mage Position: Laughing Shadow

Jungle position: early morning

Shooter position: Yinuo

Auxiliary position: Aisi

Head Coach: Awoke

a time.

The AG fans in the audience were excited, their cheering objects may not have as many fans as RNM, only

Can make up for it with a shout in a scream!


"AG Chaowan will rush!!!

"In the early morning, I want to watch the RNGM documentary, I must work hard!!!

"come on!!!

Amid the sound of fans cheering, all members of the AG Super Play Club bowed to express their gratitude, and then quickly turned to one side

Sit down and wear soundproof headphones!

Followed by.

Guangyu handed over the screen to the commentary seat very skillfully.

Since then.

He also completed the previous work of the host of the game!

See screen handover.

The light blue suit in the middle, the handsome bottle said hello: "My friends, everyone

Alright, the third round of the 2021 Spring Split loser bracket, RNG.M vs. AG Chaowan will start soon,

I'm explaining the bottle tonight!

"I'm a deer!"

"I am Huang Daxian!

After the three of them greeted each other, the bottle skillfully brought up the topic and said: "It can be seen that tonight, both parties

The parties are well prepared.

"Did you find out.

"Coach Eleven seems to have lost weight, and I feel that he must be working overtime day and night during this period of time!

Such details.

Let Xiaolu couldn't help but joked: "In the eyes of our bottle teacher, being thin is equal to being ready.

Enough, this wave has learned!"

"As expected of you, Teacher Bottle!" Huang Daxian echoed.

Bottle smiled slightly, and explained: "I know him very well, and recently I wanted to ask him out for dinner.

Supper is difficult, so please understand.


Xiaolu and Huang Daxian suddenly realized, and then chatted without saying a word.

Until it's commercial time!


The debugging of the equipment of both parties is completed, and A side selection also appears on the big screen, and the first match is decided.

Ownership of Cyblue!

at this time.

In the RNGM team.

At first, put your hands together and pray in a low voice: "Blue Fang, Blue Fang, Blue Fang!

"Ancestors show spirits, ancestors show spirits, ancestors show spirits! There is also a kind of piety and imitation.


On the big screen, A chooses the side and stops!

The team logo of RNG.M is clearly in the eyes of the Ai robot on the big screen!

This scene.

Let the bottle shout: "Congratulations to RNG.M, the first to get the blue side!

The audience of RNG.M fans instantly boiled over, everyone knew that the blue side had the advantage in BP!

Xiao Lu looked at the smiles of everyone in RNG.M, and said: "Hey, everyone in RNGM seems to be smiling.

I mean, it feels like a conspiracy. "

The voice fell.

The broadcast director showed the camera picture on the big screen, and at this time the RNGM team rang

There was a sound of admiration.

ask for flowers

"Is this the power of metaphysics?

"Brother Biao, Tianxiu, please!"

"Brother Cheng also has something, this wave can implement our tactics!"

"Let Yinuo wear a pain mask this time!

"Go into the room.

After confirming the red and blue parties.

Players from both sides also enter the custom room one by one, waiting for the start of the game.

After seeing the reaction from Rg.M, fans of the AG Super Play Club who have a God's perspective are excited

They raised their hearts to their throats.

They understand.

There must be some conspiracy!

"Boom boom boom!"

With the sound of war drums, the BP phase picture appeared on the big screen!

Seeing this, the bottle quickly announced: "Okay, both sides enter the P stage, the blue side RNG

M, Red Square AG Super Play Club!

Huang Daxian looked at the screen, and then said: "RNG.M is the first to pull Taiyi real person, AG Super Play will

It is the mirror, the hero of the mirror really can't be released!

"Lessons from the training match!" Deer replied.


The three commentators all showed a smile that understood everything. After all, the training match that day, but

The existence of the hot search.

In the end, RNGM won [-]-[-]!


There was another sound of disabling, and I saw RNGM disabling Master Lu Ban, followed by

It is AG Chaowan who will ban Lan!

Enter the selection stage!

RN didn't hesitate at all, and directly chose Da Qiao!


"Perfection is the most ruthless imprisonment!

As soon as Da Qiao appeared, the bottle seemed to have understood something and immediately explained: "Taiyi really

Man, Master Luban is banned!

"RNG.M is going to form the Qiaoli combination, the intensity will be very high, will AG Chaowan want it?

Take Gongsunli apart?

"If you don't disassemble it, it will be very difficult to fight!"

The voice just fell.

Huang Daxian immediately analyzed, saying: "I think it will be dismantled, and Gongsunli will match Zhang Fei's strength."

Also pretty good.


"Big Joe's role will plummet!"

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