Enter our game screen.

"The blue side RNG.M, the red side AG super play club!

"Let's see how the two sides plan in the early stage."

on the game screen.

The moment Lin Tian entered the game, he quickly bought a jungle knife and learned the second skill [Dream]

Nightmare Hook Lock]!

This time.

Don't over command.

Because everyone has already practiced dozens of times, five people gathered on both sides of the middle road.

The pious Liu Bang on the left side of the middle road is responsible for watching the opposite blue zone and giving others a

An illusion of invading blue.

Because Sima Yi exists!

It is impossible for AG Chaowan to fight head-on. After all, their lineup is too weak in the early stage. Luna

It's useless if you don't reach level [-].

So in the early morning, Luna chose to be steady and popular, and she was protected by Aze Mengqi.

It's a bit safer.

But all this.

All in the expectations of everyone in RNG.M!

In 28 seconds of the game, the moment when Mao Shen cleared the pawn line, the AG Super Play Club and the audience were surprised

To what happened.

Lin Tian said lightly: "Invasion!"

The four Uenosukes in RNG.M did not go to the anti-blue zone and started running to the red zone of the AG Super Play Club.


In the early morning, when he saw the person coming, he cursed secretly, but he didn't want to give up playing the red BUFF, so he immediately said:

: "Yinuo, come here, let's fight a wave."

At this time.

Aisi quickly said: "Hey, why did Liu Bang leave, then we fight four, but

Let's give it a try!!!


Yinuo replied, and quickly rushed from the grass in the blue zone to the red zone, planning to try a wave

Five against four in the first grade group!

Let AG Chaowan will not expect it.

After entering the red zone.

Lin Tian and the others stood and attacked Big Bird and Red BUF one after another, ignoring Aze Mengqi and

Aisi Zhang Fei's harassment.


Lin Tian hit the red BUFF with the chain hook, and when he hit half blood, suddenly a

Blue Back City Circle!

this moment.

AG Chaowan will react in an instant, and the voice in the team will increase in an instant!

"Damn it, Da Qiao's first level is returning to the city!"

"Don't let them go back, don't let them go back, I'm on my way! 0.

"Fight hard in the early morning, or you will die!

"Can the shadow of a smile be drawn?

"Pull to

Before I finished speaking, I saw Lin Tian's Baili Xuance, who received 1600 injuries with a basic attack and received punishment.

Harm, directly accept the red BUFF!

Baili Xuance's second skill, the hook will have a 10% damage bonus, and the first-level punishment will be better than Chuchenlu

Nado 100 damage!

This is why you dare to go against the wild like this!

This red BUFF was destined to belong to Lin Tian the moment he was born!

At the moment when he got the red BUFF and the big bird, the four of Lin Tian were double-teamed by five people in the AG Super Play Club

Down, instantly back to the spring.

"Wuhu, go back to the city!"

"Haha, this wave of AGs is going to be crazy!

"Get ready to take the spirit of the river, if you can't catch up, go directly to the opposite blue zone!


RNGM has been running in for a long time, and the voice in the team is not at all messy at the moment, and everything is in order

Go according to the plan!

In contrast, the AG Super Play Club.

Yinuo Gongsunli, who was in the air, couldn't help complaining at this time: "No way, God punished them for doing this.

Like to play? Steal and leave?

"This is so

In the middle of Chuchen’s conversation, he reorganized his language with a wry smile, and said, “I just want to say, I’m really

Fasten your mother's face!

Get turned red in person!

He was also sent back to the city by the four of them, and Chuchen really felt that he was very angry now.

no face!!!

PS: The author is adjusting his status. There will be [-] characters tomorrow, and we will strive for it in a week.

Restore five shifts.


Chapter 210 Nine Rogue Plays, Is This What Humans Do?

"Pious Liu Bang gave the vision on the left side, feeling that RNGM is going to invade the blue zone.

"Yinuo plays by ear in the grass in the blue zone!

"The cat god Sima Yi cleared the line at the second level, but why didn't Da Qiao give the water flow in the first place, so it was for nothing

Consumed one-sixth of the blood volume!

"and many more!"

What does RNG.M want to do?"

In the picture, the four of RNGM are leaning towards the red zone, leaving the three commentators at a loss!


The four of them ignored Aze Mengqi's obstruction and rushed into the red zone to take over the red BUFF and the big bird.

It surprised countless viewers and made a lot of discussions.

"RNG.M bandit style?

"If you do it like this, Xi Shi, the laughing shadow, will finish clearing the line later, and she will die when she comes over and pulls it!"

"Yinuo started to lean towards the red zone, RNG.M didn't have any accidents in this wave, I went directly to the toilet and stood upside down

Eat small burgers!!

"But what's going on with pious Liu Bang? Go straight down the road, no matter how God's punishment is still fighting against the wild four

People, are they ghosts?

"Wait, Da Qiao returns to the city circle!!!


Amidst the exclamation of countless audiences, the four led by Lin Tian returned to the city by car after clearing the wild monsters.

The city circle left in style.

The five members of the AG Super Play Club rushed to nothing.


They also watched others walk under their noses, leaving the AG people looking at each other in blank dismay

Somewhat overwhelmed!

The three narrators looked stupid!

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