On the other hand, AG Super Play Club!

The highest economy, Aze Mengqi, is only less than 6700 yuan. As a thigh, Chuchen's economy is only

Just over 6000 yuan!

Yinuo, who has been targeted by RNG.M and others, has an economy of only 5200 yuan, which is almost the same as the most

At the beginning, this auxiliary was flat economy!

"I heard that the world worships young beasts, such as me!


After pocketing the red BUFF, Lin Tian began to command: "Take the third line and prepare for the middle and lower battles."

Advance, before the black storm, a wave. "

The other four members of RNGM were gearing up for a long time, waiting for Lin Tian's order.

The voice just fell.

At six o'clock, the thing exploded, and he roared: "Paratrooper One, get ready, target Yinuo Gong

Sun Li!!!0.9

The corner of the pious mouth raised slightly, and he joked: "Why do I have the guts to stand up and play games?"

Impulse, ahem, paratrooper two is ready!"

Maoshen cleared his throat, and said: "Report, Paratrooper No. [-] is ready and ready to give

Fatal blow!"

All three of them have flying skills, so they can naturally call themselves paratroopers, but at first they and Lin Tian

It is necessary to run.

At first, the young phoenix thought about Da Qiao's mechanism, and said loudly: "Report, No. [-] transport soldier


The lively atmosphere of the team has already gotten used to it after getting along for so long.

Lin Tian was not surprised at all, and said indifferently: "Take the line over first, and prepare for the aerial firepower to strike."

Hit, target promise.

a time.

The killing intent permeated the entire Canyon of Kings, and uneasy emotions appeared in the minds of the five members of the AG Super Play Club!

They have a hunch!

RNGM's strongest offensive is coming!

Chapter 220 The fourth wild king shows off each other, the powerless AG Super Play Club!

When Lin Tian's voice fell, the division of labor between the five RNGM members was extremely clear.

Lin Tianmao God in the middle lane controls the line with the first three!

On the road is led by pious Liu Bang!

Because his ult is compared to the [-] Nezha ult, his support speed is faster,

Can reach the frontal battlefield in an instant!

The lower route that has been broken through the high ground can only be handed over to [-]!

Such a line of control.

It can be said that it is easy to detect ideas!

In the early morning, he kept dragging the screen to observe the situation, and said in a serious tone: "There should be a wave on the other side.

, If you can't resist it, it will be gone. "

Yinuo took a few deep breaths, tried to adjust his state to the extreme, and said: "Try to keep

Hold on, Xiaoying looks at me!

"Understood!" Xiaoying replied.

Aze volunteered and said: "I should be able to resist for a while, you keep your promise first

Take care of the battlefield behind!

Ace: "OK!

"Let me fight with you on the front battlefield, and try to deal with the pawn line." Chuchen said again.

Now their top priority is to deal with the army line, Azemengqi alone, absolutely cannot

Might clear the line.

Hearing Chuchen's words, Aze did not refuse, nodded and said: "Okay, the two of us together

Fight the battlefield ahead, brothers come on!!!

Come on with this sentence.

The unyielding soul of the AG25 Super Play Club was burning and shouting in unison.

"come on, come on, come on!!!

After some self-encouragement, the five members of the AG Super Play Club entered the highest state of alert.

the other side.

The lines of troops on both sides have been brought over, Lin Tian lightly taps the general attack button to attack the lines, and said lightly

: "One wave, Brother Six will lead the way first!


The voice fell at [-]:[-], and he in the position of the lizard did not hesitate at all, and immediately used

The big move [Heaven and Heaven Descends]!

The fiery red lotus floated into the sky, showing the positions of the five people in the AG Super Play Club, and at the same time

The map exposes the horizon!

After determining the opponent's position.

At [-]:[-], click on the big move again, lock on Yinuo Gongsunli's head portrait, and then leave the ground with both feet straight

Fly to him!

Commentary seats:

RNGM's three-way control line, if there is no accident, it should be thinking about a wave. "

"This intention is so obvious!

"Hey, let's see how AG Chaowan will defend. I feel that if this wave cannot be resisted,

It is very likely to be a wave!"

"It's not possible, if you can't resist it, just go ahead!

"That's right!

"Lead the soldiers on the two sides first, and then clear the middle route. In this way, the soldiers on the three routes will be destroyed.

Arrive at AG Heights at the same time!

"Yes, it's six-six!"

"Are you going to go directly? Just bump into Yinuo Gongsunli, pious Liu Bang immediately gave a big move,

The two practiced their hands and cut their promises!

"Do not!!!

"It's not two people, the cat god Sima Yi made a big move, and the beautiful big flash hit a promise

Most of the blood volume!

"Aisi's big move is sprayed out, delaying time!

"Xiaoying Xishi controlled [-]:[-], this time it seems to be able to fight, Yi Nuo turned on the purification and the time has come

Get into a safe position and start counterattacking!

"Look at the battlefield ahead!!!

A scream made countless people look away!

Only seen on the screen.

Aze Mengqi's big move knocked away the first big Joe, so that he couldn't get close to the high ground in the middle to release interference

, break the interference of Aisi!

Fortunately, after only carrying it four times, the three cat gods who cut into the back row were far away from the high ground in the middle.

Tower, enter the crystal range to fight!


How could Lin Tian bear it when Aze Mengqi slapped Da Qiao in the face like this?

Second skill [Nightmare Hook Lock]!

Put on the lightning chain directly, and start the general attack to output!

next second.

The light blue figure used the original Big Joe as a springboard, and quickly flew in with a big move!

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