"Don't worry, maybe there will be a show of Let One Chase Four!"

Although there was a lot of discussion in the venue, more AG fans still fell into a sluggish state.

have to say.

This is over too soon!

As the loser of this game, the five members of the AG Super Play Club can only leave sadly and go back to rest

The room layout was restarted.

On the other hand, RNG.M!

The faces of the five people were full of joy, and even the serious Lin Tian on the field, at this time

All smiles!

There are too many burdens on him, or the day he takes over the captain's armband, he is doomed

Stress will be different from ordinary people!

The key is.

AG Chaowanhui, Jiangcheng eStar, Guangfu TTG, Hero Jiujing, the four strong teams in Group S,

Too much pressure on Lin Tian and others!

To know.

In the first round of the regular season, their dominance can be said to be at the dominant level.

In other words.

These four top teams can easily hoist other teams up and hammer them!

And coupled with the downfall of QGhappy last night, it makes people feel that the four teams are terrible.

I'm afraid, RNGM has more burdens on it!

Before the start of the match, Lin Tian and others didn't know whether they could beat the top four teams in Group S.

, but only understand one thing, that is, you can't lose!

Now it seems!

Not only can you fight, but you can also crush it!!!

After winning the game, the confidence soared, and everyone's blood began to boil!

Seeing everyone smiling, RNG.M fans shouted and cheered!

"Sixth brother killed his relatives righteously, hang him!!!

"Chen Zhengzheng, come on, your magic thorn is still sharp, just smash the AG super play club!!!

"Sea King is pious, add me on WeChat!!!"

"Brother Biao, keep up the good work, come on!!!

The cheers and cheers in front were quite normal, but suddenly when Lin Tian came here, the style of painting suddenly changed.


"Team Xuan Ce is hanging, can I play Yao ride on your head?!!!

"I want to kiss Brother Tian's mouth at 105 degrees!!!

"I want to see Brother Tian's muscle golden wheel, I'm your gay fan~

"Brother Heaven Punishment, I'm a rich woman who owns six buildings in Shanghai, don't play professionally, I will support you


"Xiao Tiantian bravely flies, rushing to the duck!!!

this moment.

Posters and aids are constantly being waved, and the scariest one is a three-hundred-pound little fat man who claims to be

Six Buildings in the Magic City!!!

To know!

Don't do it!

A flat in the magic capital where every inch of land is expensive, no matter what, it costs a million bucks!

And the word "Building" covers dozens of suites. If you change your will,

The person, maybe he will follow her!


Lin Tian's will was as firm as a rock, and after bowing, he quickly fled with the four cat gods!

Back to the lounge.

When Eleven saw the crowd, he was excited with one word, and opened his arms, ready to show his team members

A warm hug, but was easily dodged by Lin Tian and others.

this moment!

Eleven feels a bit out of line!

10 minutes to level the AG Super Play Club, so why not celebrate with him?

The cat god looked at the somewhat bewildered Eleven, and joked: Coach, please stop your outstanding performance immediately.

brother behavior!!!

"That's right. Lin Tian nodded.

At first he smiled and said: "I suggest that the sixth brother welcome the male, forget that Tianyun once gave you

The damage caused!

The voice fell.

At [-]:[-], he took off his glasses, showed a malicious smile, and said:

Oh, so you are very brave, Brother Biao!"



At first, he looked at [-]:[-] with a look of horror, and quickly opened the distance between the two of them, for fear that [-]:[-]

Offer him bread at six!

On the other hand, pious, he recalled the sense of victory and accomplishment from the sidelines, and said with a smile: "Ten minutes to flatten

AG super play club, so handsome~


"Is my support hanging up?

Before everyone could answer, Eleven coughed twice and said, "Don't be arrogant in victory or discouraged in defeat, prepare yourself

Let's play next game!


Start analyzing the status of players in the AG Super Play Club!

Everyone in RNGM also immediately put away their laughing and joking attitudes, and once again went all out to deal with the next

The tactical layout of the plate!

the other side.

In the lounge of the AG Super Game Club, Coach Awoke looked at the five players who were depressed,

Take responsibility for mistakes.

"This is mine!"

"I was careless during the BP stage, and I didn't realize that I was tricked, so don't blame yourself too much!

"Let's win back together, we all adjust our state, don't be fooled by one game

Struck by failure!

Coach Awoke kept boosting morale and took all the blame on himself.

But it's really mind-blowing!

It was flattened in 10 minutes, it is still in the KPL playoffs, this is simply too uncomfortable


Of course.

If RNG.M is flattened in 10 minutes, it is estimated that not so many people will be surprised.

Awoke's blame for this wave made Yi Nuo shake his head and sigh: I am also responsible, and I was blamed by six

Brother, they kill super ghosts. "

"My mine!

Aisi also opened her mouth quickly, and continued: "Failed to protect Yi Nuo, and was killed by [-] and the cat god."

cut all the way in. "

Xiaoying: "I don't play well either!"

Chuchen: "I've been sleepwalking all over the place, if anyone is to blame, count me in!

Aze: "I didn't have enough support either!

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